Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
MEDIA DRAMA & GOVERNMENT PSYOPS: Conspiracy Theories, Digital Age Skepticism, and Unraveling Truths
This episode takes a critical look at the absurdity of modern media, focusing on recent events portrayed in the news as potential psyops aimed at manipulating public perception. We explore the narratives around these incidents, the implications of media representation, and offer strategies for seeking alternative information sources.
• Discussion on recent oddities within New Orleans' law enforcement
• Explanation of psychological operations and their effects
• Analysis of the New Year’s terrorist incident
• Dissection of media coverage and narrative shaping
• Exploration of the Tesla incident related to military concerns
• The role of social media in countering misinformation
• Suggestions on finding credible news sources amidst propaganda
• Emphasis on critical thinking regarding current narratives
Again, thanks for hanging out with me!
Please feel free to comment or send an email to theobjectivejerk@gmail.com
dude, just how much psyoping can go on in one news cycle. You know there's so much like I don't know. I wasn't, I wasn't planning on talking about this stuff, but I just can't help it. This is the Objective. Jerk, thanks for hanging out. I did a podcast about me, I guess, just kind of talking about my New Year's stuff going on and um, but I'm, you know the uh, I don't know it, I don't know what to I, I, I don't know what to say. Like there's so much crap going on. It's like mainstream news media and and the three letter agencies are more entertaining than late night television today, you know what I mean. Like nobody's watching any of the late night shows anymore. They're all crashing and the only reason people watch mainstream media is because it's hilarious and it's. You know it's ridiculous. I don't even know. I guess I should take notes so I could know.
Speaker 1:First of all, the DEI hires they got for the New Orleans FBI and their police chief. It's like what? So like the woman who is the police chief for New Orleans, who's like old as crap. She's old, she was like a cop in California or she was a chief, she got fired or something. She ran over some people and she's the. It's like what I don't know. And then it's like you know, I remember watching the briefing from when the the quote-unquote terrorist attack, which I don't know if it's terrorists anymore, but anyway, um, you know, they're the woman who's like the fbi agent in charge.
Speaker 1:That area's got like a nose ring and stuff. It's like what? Why can't you be't know? Like the people that are in charge of anything today are just retarded? Like it's just ridiculous, man, dude, take out your nose ring. Or why are you even wearing a nose ring as an FBI agent, unless you're like you know deep cover or something I don't know. Like what is going on, man, it's funny because it's like you see, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I remember just hearing all this kind of stuff from my grandparents you know about, oh my God, the kids today. This is acceptable and you know, and I see it Because you see how ridiculous things are now, and you're like I mean nose rings and all that kind of crap was around when I was younger. We, just when you were in a professional setting, you didn't wear that crap, you know. So it's like I don't know, man. But anyway, I guess I'll just start, since I'm already talking about it. So the New Orleans I haven't really looked too much into it, I guess probably I should is really weird for me is or what makes it seem like it is a PSYOP.
Speaker 1:And for those who don't know, like a PSYOP is like a made-up situation by the government or somebody to make it look like this happened. You know, you know like conspiracy theorists for nine. Actually, some people think that 9-11 was a psyop. You know that, yeah, a lot of people died, but not as many as reported and it wasn't. You know things like that, plus you know tons of other things the oklahoma which, the oklahoma bombing man. If you actually look into that, it is kind of crazy anyway. I mean, the situation itself is crazy, you know, if you go by the narrative.
Speaker 1:But when you look into some of the details about stuff, it's like you know, the American government has been pulling psyops and doing dastardly things to influence the American perception since it was created in 1776, I'm sure and that's why you have people who wear the tinfoil hats and have bunkers underground and don't use cell phones, all that kind of crap. You know what I mean. Um, but I think it's a little harder for the government to be successful with these because of the age we live in and because of social media and the internet and our smartphones and everything like, it's a double-edged sword, you know, they're able to track and do all those various, various things, but then people are also questioning and reporting and getting the word out, which is why the government's trying to control the internet. They're doing a bill, trying to be like, oh, the safe child they always name it some kind of thing like you're gonna save elderly act, you know, or just like some kind of thing. So we're like, oh, if you say no, you're a dirtbag and they're just basically trying to control, you know, the information. So people can't, you know, spoil all the psyoping done by the government.
Speaker 1:Anyway, what was I talking about? Okay, so yeah, when the guy on New Year's you know he plowed his truck on New Year's, you know he plowed his truck and um shot some people and it was like there was like a flag on his truck or some sort of emblem that was like terroristic in nature and I don't know like the, the police officers or whatever on scene. We're trying to cover it up like with something, but I guess they're just trying to keep the investigate, cause't know like the police officers or whatever on scene were trying to cover it up like with something. But I guess they're just trying to keep the investigate because you know when you're doing an investigation you can't just let all the information you know out. You know you're trying to keep the blinders on a little bit from everyone else until you can figure out what's going on. So that whole thing is not really I don't know it, that doesn't, but whatever.
Speaker 1:And then just some of the other things. It's kind of weird. Like the guy's like backstory and this, and that I mean some of it kind of works, some of it doesn't. Again, he kind of seems like a uh, just like that guy that was like a recruiter for Ukraine that was going to shoot Trump at the golf range, you know, and. But the weirdest thing to me is like less than two days after the whole thing happened, there's like news crews going through his house. So basically, you know fbi or whatever went through his house and collected stuff and collected evidence. And then they're like okay, and then yeah, let let, uh, let's go through, you can let the news crew.
Speaker 1:And it's like first of all you don't even know all the stuff. That's like showing like oh, look at this. The news lady's like look at this, it's set up, it's not real, they're not gonna leave half of that stuff that's there. And then the thing is they're not gonna let nobody go in there, because you're always finding more and more information and more evidence regarding stuff. So the fact that they're like, oh, it's done, here you go, you can go in, shows that it's all bullshit, it's all fake. And it's like yes, we want transparency, we want to. You know what's going on, but that's, this is not transparency. This is you know what's going on, but that's, this is not transparency. This is fake, you know and it's.
Speaker 1:And a lot of people are just like what the crap? You know, a lot of people are like me, but then there's so many people that just watch and like, oh, wow, okay, they just believe everything, man. And but, yeah, watch, watch the newsreel of the lady going through his trailer and think to yourself, okay, this is like less than two days after. Like, if this was like a month later or something, maybe I could buy it. But this is all part of the psyop to push oh, look at his Quran, look at this. They're trying to get people, just like it was.
Speaker 1:You know, that's why the Patriot Act was so easily pushed through Congress, because everybody wanted it, because they wanted all terrorists to be, you know, identified and this and that. So it's like you know, now they're doing it for a different reason. Oh look, he was Muslim. Oh, hey, look, you know they got the war going on in Iran. You know they're trying to do some stuff because the democrats want make money with war, and then some republicans too, and you know, so it's like they're just like they're really trying to.
Speaker 1:Oh look, then it's going to come back. He's, he was, you know, coached, or he was, he was, he was whatever by iranian, whatever, I don't know. More stuff is going to come out and all it is it's a psyop, it's fake, it's propaganda, it's to influence people, because when people see this stuff normal people and they believe it, and then they know their congressman or their senator is voting against something that contradicts it, they're going to like send a letter. No, no, we're your constituents, this is what we want. Blah, blah, blah. You know what I mean? It's all just bullshit, dude, it's retarded. So yeah, so there's that Right. So yeah, so there's that right.
Speaker 1:And then the Tesla one's even weirder though. Like now it's like this guy's girlfriend or ex-wife was like anti-Trump, all the stuff. You know people are like, oh, he was, he was killed. And then the truck, because teslas can drive them, you know, you program them and it has, like this app. There's lots of little stuff just like anything else by itself doesn't mean anything, but when you put all these little things that happened all at once you're like whoa, something ain't right. You know there's an app for with the truck and it was like had some changing before and after which makes you think that someone else did it, not this person.
Speaker 1:And you know just the way that you know this guy is was a green beret and he wants to blow up something, but he makes like a device that I could probably make. You know, I mean like this guy, with his experience and everything, would know how to effectively cause some damage. You know, not the rinky-dink, whatever. And yeah, oh, the tesla, the tes stronger. Yeah, teslas are strong, but if it was a legit explosive device then it wouldn't have mattered, you know. I mean it maybe would have affected it differently than a normal car, but I think the Tesla was. So some people are.
Speaker 1:You know, the Tesla was used because of its it's, it's the way, because it can drive and and it would send a message or whatever. But like, okay, what's the message that it's sending? Like, so, when you think about like, if you, if you, if you look at any of the possibilities of like, okay, let's see, this is so he was. He was killed. He was shot in a desert eagle too, though you know, nobody has a desert eagle. He would have had a 45 sig or something. You know what I mean. So I mean, the desert eagle thing is weird. So. So that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:It's not like a conundrum, but it's weird. So when you just take all these little things, it's like you know even people that don't even know this person, but just know his general, whatever be like, that's kind of weird, that's kind of weird. And then when you start reading and hearing about people that knew him pointing out weird stuff too, you're're like dude, this, this isn't right, there's something, something is strange. So then people are like, okay, somebody, somebody killed him because there was like a rifle in the, in the, in the tesla, that had no sights, no, no, no optics, no iron sights, like it's like. So it's like a plant. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Oh, here, let's get this, okay, let's stick it in there, um, so lots of weird things, right, um, and then so if you're like, okay, so if he was murdered and tried to make it look like he was going to blow up something, and but they weren't actually trying to blow it up, it was just you know what, what's the point of it? Like, what's the story? Like, what would be? What would be the point of somebody setting it up to happen as it did? Like what would that? What would that? What would they gain?
Speaker 1:That people that soldiers don't like Trump, actually, you know, does that? I don't know? Like none of it? Really, kind of, when you look at it, you're like, okay, maybe it was done, somebody did this, but then it's like, but why go through all that? Just to like, none of it really just makes sense, except the one I heard somebody bring up and I was like, oh man, that kind of makes a little more sense is the individual.
Speaker 1:So the individual was involved, was like retiring and he was involved with, like drones and military application of drones and and all this stuff, and basically there's some information out there that you know he's talking about, like how these drones are kind of it's, it's getting a little dangerous that they can. The drones can carry such a payload and fly right into the white house and, you know, almost destroy it or a huge part of it, like easily. You know what I mean. I mean that's probably a little bit of a an exaggeration, you know. I mean the white house does have a lot of you know, but I don't know everything about drones. I don't know what you know they're capable of. Um, I mean, I know what I know, what the public mainly knows, but I don't really know. So who knows but um, but it?
Speaker 1:So this guy was doing that and he saw the potential threat or the problems that it could bring and he was trying to be a whistleblower but he didn't know how to do it. So this is how he did it. It's like the guy's actually not dead, the guy that's, you know, being reported as the one, whatever that he did the whole thing that he was able to, you know, set up the whole thing because it's like and somebody that knows what they're talking about or doing would be able to make it look the way it did. You know, like what Like nothing makes sense, right, because he's trying to get people to notice that. So then people dive into what's his background and then finding this information that he's trying to expose you know what I mean, which seems crazy, it does, but that's the only one that really kind of fits with what happened. You know, I don't know, it's just weird All this stuff going on like all at once and you have I don't know man, you know it's like it's hard to make, it's hard to really again, it's like I try to like to not get in the rabbit hole.
Speaker 1:I like to stand on the edge of it and look into the rabbit hole. I don't like to jump in because it kind of does mess with my I don't know like I get. I think it makes me depressed sometimes. Um, cause, you just see, just, you know, I mean it's good to like not be a sheep and to know that the government is not your parents and they're not there to take care of you.
Speaker 1:People to you know, use our you know workforce and military and soldiers and our tax money and all that kind of stuff to get what they want to do. What they want to do and I can't think of the word right now. But you know they, just the government's not there to take care of us, they're just there to use us. You know it's like, it's like the, but you know they, just the government's not there to take care of us, they're just there to use us. You know it's like, it's like the matrix, you know where the batteries and the government is the robots, that's. You know, and it's always been that way.
Speaker 1:If you look back in history and some of the old conspiracy stuff and this and that you know, and some of the conspiracy stuff is a little crazy. But, man, you know, and I've always said that like, like, massive conspiracy theorists, like they see a conspiracy in everything, but it's the same thing with, like, you know, the dei people and you know they see a conspiracy in everything. But it's the same thing with, like, you know, the DEI people and you know they see racism in everything. They think everybody's racist. Oh, oh, I didn't get this because I'm black or I didn't, whatever this, and that it's like no, because you sucked, you know. Or oh, it's because I'm a woman or this, and that it's like does it happen? Yes, it does.
Speaker 1:People don't get hired because they're a woman or because they're gay or whatever I don't know. But I mean, look at the old, bad shit, crazy bitch that's in charge of New Orleans. You know it doesn't help. It's like now is the time to be a woman, to be in charge of stuff and be successful, but they're hiring all the retards. There are smart, capable women out there that can do these jobs, but because they're conservative, they don't get hired. And they hire these dumb ass freaking lesbian butches, old people, whatever, I don't know. They don't know what they're doing and it just makes it worse. It's like come on, I don't know, like I don't know. I don't know, like I don't know. Yeah, it's just, you know, just crazy.
Speaker 1:All I can say is don't watch the news, don't watch the news, don't. Don't even watch Fox, who's way better than I am, but some kind of creator on YouTube or Rumble or whatever you know. You don't have to go to to um, what's his name? Who's the guy that? I guess we have the same kind of facial hair? What's his name? He's the one that was talking about the Sandy Hook and it was all fake and then he got sued and lost. And what the hell is his name? Infowars, anyway, that guy. You don't have to go to that guy, you don't have to go to the Daily Wire.
Speaker 1:Necessarily there are tons of just normal people like myself, but there are much better and more hardworking that they kind of watch. They'll watch the news for you they. They watch all this stuff and then they find the stuff and they'll bring it to you and be like check this out, what's this, blah, blah, blah, this, and that. That's what I would suggest to do. Unless you like watching it and you like diving through it and all that kind of stuff, I don't, I don't. I don't, I get annoyed. I can watch some stuff, you know, on some of the left wing stuff, but some of the things they say just like hurts my brain. They're so stupid so I can't, I can't watch it.
Speaker 1:So, having people that will watch it and kind of check this out, and they're people that you know, I know where they're, you know where their loyalties or where their, their morales are and and and all that kind of stuff, so it's like, you know, I can take their word for it for the most part, cause they're, yeah, some some of their stuff is, you know, ads they get people to to, you know, but they're not, they're not controlled by, you know, big pharma or anything like that. You know they say whatever they want to say. That's what I would suggest, man. Just just follow some creative, find them. They're out there.
Speaker 1:It may take time to find ones that you feel good watching, or can you know, and they're not always going to be right, or they may you know kind of whatever, but at least you're getting the information and it's not, you know, one-sided, it's not propaganda. You know so, because I don, because I don't, I don't watch Fox. I'll sometimes watch that one show. That's like a night show. I can't think of his name either Something about the other guy, the InfoWars guy, what the hell is his name, anyway. But yeah, so I would do that. And if you're like well, who, if you want some suggestions, then email me or whatever I don't know, but that's about it. I'm already at 24 minutes. So thanks for hanging out, appreciate your time, have a good one and God bless. All right, bye.