Objective Jerk

BLACK WOMAN TORTURED AND MURDERED, WHERE'S BLM?: Race Dynamics, and Kamala Harris Drunk Again.

Jerk Season 3 Episode 106

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The episode navigates through the absurdities of daily life while delving deep into pressing societal issues, ranging from public figures' blunders to unreported tragedies. We explore the disconnect between media coverage and real-life horrors, urging listeners to question narratives and reflect on their societal implications. 
• Reflections on the experience of attending mass on a busy Sunday 
• Kamala Harris's drunken moment during a congressional session 
• Criticism of the Presidential Medal of Freedom’s devaluation 
• The tragic case of Mahogany Jackson and its lack of media attention 
• Discussion on racial narratives and systemic bias in reporting 
• Critique of contemporary issues surrounding honor, merit, and awards 
• Reflections on historical context in today’s societal divides

Speaker 1:

What's going on? Everybody this is Objective Jerk and, along with my dogs barking in the background, what's up. I don't know why I said that that didn't make any sense. But um, but um, what's up? So this is my third, this is my third episode, and, um, my third episode is my third episode and my third episode, and my third day, three in a row. I've never done that before. I am either bored, which I'm not, or I guess I'm just in a mood to talk, I guess.

Speaker 1:

So not much has happened since yesterday. Just what did I do? I'm working on like a little. I don't want to talk about it. I'm working on like a little artistic thing for myself. Maybe once I get further along I'll talk about it more, but but yeah, so I was working on that yesterday. Um, and that's kind of it. Really, I gotta do some. I gotta do some, uh, laundry or something you ever it's.

Speaker 1:

It's funny how you can get used to like, maybe, an odor in your room or your house or something. So there's something in my bedroom. I don't know if it's like some dirty clothes or something, but I didn't. You know, I woke up this morning and I went out and shut up dogs and you know, made some coffee and everything, and when I came back in my room my wife was sleeping. It was like man, what is that? Something stinks like it. I thought like it was dog shit or like maybe my wife was busting ass, or maybe I didn't, I don't know, but it was something that kind of aired out. I didn't it was, I don't know, but it was something that kind of aired out. And uh, I do have some dirty clothes, that's kind of like. I don't know, I'll have to wash them, but I don't know. Just kind of weird, have one of those odd odors or it's like it. It was like somebody like took a massive crap and didn't flush the toilet, sort of you know what mean. When you walk in your bathroom you're like, oh man, and yeah, somebody didn't flush. That's what it was kind of like, Although I guess it could be. I don't know man, I don't know what it was or is. So that's what I'm going to be working on after this. I'm going to do some more laundry and try and pick up a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Sunday for me. So I got mass today. So they do mass in English On Sundays. It's like the last mass, so it's like at 5. And then I think they do it during the week, on Mondays, wednesdays and Friday, like first mass. So it's like in the morning, which I kind of like doing those because it's quicker, it's like the shorter version, you know, it's the cleft notes of mass, because there's less people and stuff. It's much quicker and you read the days, you know um verses and and do some praying and then you, you know the Eucharist to take a communion and that's it.

Speaker 1:

It's just like in and out, get it done. There's, I don't know. I kind of like I mean not that, like I don't, you know, like can't take the time to uh appreciate and admire god and everything. But it is kind of nice just to kind of knock it out early, get it done and then maybe use the rest of the week to do your own praying the rosary and things like that, which I haven't prayed, the rosary, man, almost a week now. Man, for like three months I did it every day. And then, I don't know, I just kind of I'm like I'll do it later, I'll do it later, and then I'm like I'm going to bed. Oh crap, I didn't do it. Sometimes I'll get up and just do. Like a decade and I was like I'll do it tomorrow. And then I don't know, I need to just do it first thing in the morning when I wake up. But, um, like you know, get some coffee and then do it or something, I don't know. Anyway, enough about me, you guys don't care. Um, so I wanted to talk about. I saw a video of um dang. What was it for? It was congress at the capitol or the senate, what was it for? They were voting on something or dang. I can't remember.

Speaker 1:

But kamala harris was, you know, she's vice president, so she presided over it and, dude, it was so obvious that she's like wasted. You know what I mean? She couldn't even do the, the pledge of allegiance. She's like, uh, I america stand for like you know it's like what. And then you kind of don't hear. It's almost like they cut off her mic and then you hear everyone else.

Speaker 1:

But it's like, dude, we dodged a nuclear bomb with her. You, everything was just crap. She is crap and people that sit there and just adore her and praise her are just so disingenuous. And and you know what I mean, it's like if trump does something stupid, I'll be like, oh man, oh man, that was dumb or that, you know, I'll admit it. You know, I mean, everybody does something stupid, but she just, she was horrible. There's like no way you can't justify anything and I think the reason why she never did any interviews or you never hardly saw her at the beginning of her campaign, it's because she was fucking drunk. I think she's a functioning alcoholic or something. I she didn't function very well, but man, like that is just pathetic. You can't even do the pledge of allegiance. So it's like either she can't do the pledge of allegiance or she's wasted.

Speaker 1:

You know, at the senate, like, and that's, you know, like people should see that go look it up, look it up, you'll find it on youtube. You know, uh, what's her name? Kamala harris. Kamala harris, you know, unable to do pledge of allegiance or whatever. It'll come up and just watch it and just be like man, dude, she's just, she was. It's crazy that she's, you know, our vice president. I mean, it was crazy. I said that wrong. It's crazy that she was running for president, let alone she's our vice president. Dude, the country would have man, we, we are lucky. We are lucky that we have the amish, because, you know they, they voted like crazy because they saw it too. They're like, oh my gosh, we can't make it, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then, uh, let's see what else is going on and then, like stupid ass, biden do, the presidential freedom medal or whatever it is has lost all meaning, like it's just pure garbage now because they just give it to the most ridiculous retarded people. Because they just give it to the most ridiculous retarded people, they give it to the dude. There's the guy that was like what's his name? Okay, so the Ralph guy, the guy the second assassination attempt on Trump at the golf course, that dude who was like an acquaintance with a guy that got the medal yesterday or whatever. You know what. I mean. There's pictures of him with him and we all know like the Ralph guy was, like you know, a recruiter for Ukraine war and all that kind of crap.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and uh, but yeah, so then he's getting it's just like I don't know honestly, like if it's kind of like, it's kind of like in the army, you know back in the day, like the bronze medal or the bronze star or maybe the Army Commodation Medal, right, I can't remember now, but there's these medals that you know you get for, you know, being a good soldier doing whatever, but they give it out, like over the years they gave it out like candy that it just lost its meaning, like nobody cares. So it's like if I was to meet somebody and they're like, man, I got a bronze star, I'd be like, so, you know? Silver star, maybe what was it for, you know? Um, obviously the medal of honor, no doubt, but you know, it's just so. It's like now these people are like oh, I got the Presidential Award. For what is it called? This is the only kind of notes I do take. It's just little bullet points for me to read, but I need my glasses. Where's it at? Presidential Medal of Freedom, is that right? Anyway, yeah, so like if I was to meet somebody and they're like, dude, I got the, I'd be like, just not impressed. I'd be like who's fucking dick did you suck to get that? Or you know who? What kind of corruption or swindling or money laundering did you do to get that? You know what I mean. It's like it's it's it's who cares you. Any laundry did you do to get that? You know what I mean. It's like it's it's who cares, you know, I don't know. Like if once Trump became president and he contacted me and he was like, bro, I'm gonna give you the presidential freedom medal, whatever it's called. I'd be like, sir, I don't want it, it's garbage, make a new one. I'll take that the MAGA Award. I don't know Something, you know it's like it's just garbage metal now Nobody cares. Nobody cares.

Speaker 1:

Let's check out my shirt. I forget that it's recorded backwards. Skeletor, I could reverse it. I tried changing the camera on my you know, the webcam for the computer, so that when I do my because when I add my little whatevers, I can't I can only pick one. So I could pick one where it switches it to where it's not reversed, and then you could actually read my t-shirt, which I mean. You know what it says, but you know what I mean. But then I can't do my other stuff, so it's like I don't know, kind of sucks, but anyway. So yeah, skeletor, I've had this shirt for a while now, cut the sleeves off, pretty much all my shirts that I brought from the States or even that I buy here. After you know, it's a new shirt, so I'll kind of wear it. Oh, this is my nice t-shirt. You know, that's what I have.

Speaker 1:

It's funny because, like I wear, like you know, cutoff shirts and like just some like comfy, like shorts, flip flops, commando free balling and a little bandana. That's like my, my uniform, that you know I'm, you know, like a cartoon character that has the same clothes. That's me, you know, basically. And then me dressing up as a shirt with some, a t-shirt with sleeves, maybe a nicer pair of shorts, you know. But the other day I like I had no clean clothes so I had to actually get my nice clothes, so it was actually like a button-up shirt, I had pants and everything you know, and my kids were all like whoa, you know, they're all like you're dressing up.

Speaker 1:

And it's just kind of funny because that, you know, usually when people, when it's laundry day and they gotta do laundry because they're out of clothes, they got the most crappy clothes left, right. But for me it was like my nicest clothes because I don't wear that crap here, because it's just I don't need to, I don't want to, it's about comfort and it's so hot here. My wife has always, you know, even now I got the AC going. It's January, I mean not that it's cold, but it's cold for here. You know, my wife is just like I'm cold, I'm cold and I'm just like, oh, this is nice, I don't know. Like I said, that's about two things I would change about living here the drivers, the way they drive and the heat. But what are you going to do? Right, let's see.

Speaker 1:

So Kamala, drunk as always. Presidential medal is shit. Tesla bombing so, man. So more like there are more like letters or emails this guy supposedly sent out, and they're all so different and contradicting. This thing is a psyop, without a doubt. Like I don't even know what's going on. It's hard to can't even.

Speaker 1:

Oh, this is what I think happened. Oh, you know what conspiracy theorists are like fuck, I don't know whatever. They're just giving up. Because it's like what the? What you know? At least the lazy ones, maybe, I don't know, but it's just like what the crap? This is retarded, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

You know, some things are like oh, he didn't like trump or whatever, but it's like, well, if he didn't like all this other stuff is like how he loves trump and america was going down, but it's like, okay, but then he got voted back in. So how are you? It just doesn't make sense. His ex-girlfriend hated Trump. I don't know, maybe the dude was just a psycho and they're just trying to spin it in some way to, you know, benefit the agenda some way.

Speaker 1:

How can we hurt Trump or whatever? I don't know who knows? Let's release the bird flu. Let's do this. Come on, we gotta mess up trump. We gotta mess up because because we can't do shit. This is I'm doing the, the democrat liberal stupid voice. We can't do shit, right, we don't know what the hell we're doing and we screwed everything up. So we need to make sure that trump looks bad.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, that's retarded, um, but one thing I want to talk about is the murder of mahogany jackson. So I saw this, uh, I think on, oh no, I think it was on youtube. Somebody I watched talked about it. You know, like it automatically brought it up. You know how does the automatic I haven't turned off on my phone, but when I have on my computer, it'll just automatically play something. So I automatically played this video of a guy I watch and he's talking about this, and I was just like, and I was doing something I think I was working on my little art thing, my art project, and I was like what? And so I was kind of paying attention. I was like, dude, this is messed up, you know and then come to find out. The video is like a year old almost, and so does this incident, and I was like I never even heard of this. So I'm just going to read real quick, because it's like a tiny ass little thing on Wikipedia, and I'll talk more about that in a second. But anyway, the killing of Mahogany Jackson. If you haven't heard about this, I'm not surprised. I'm going to need my glasses. Sorry for the glare, all right.

Speaker 1:

In February of 2024, mahogany Jackson, a 20-year-old woman from Birmingham, alabama, was tortured, raped and murdered. Jackson was taken captive on the night of February 24th, was assaulted repeatedly for several hours. In the early hours of February 25th, jackson messaged her mother that she was being held hostage and to send police Investigators believe the accused were made aware of her plea for help and shot her in the back of the head. Much of her assault was captured on video. The details of her case were described as deplorable, sickening by the police, as well as one of the most gruesome murders they have ever seen. Eight suspects were arrested and charged charged. Three of the suspects were charged with capital murder, kidnapping, rape and sodomy. Five of those were initially charged with felony murder until a grand jury upgraded their charges to capital murder as well. Two also additionally faced charges of second degree assault.

Speaker 1:

So this is just like horrendous. This poor girl, and I couldn't really even find what was the motive behind it. I guess she pissed somebody off, but it's like, yeah, they recorded a bunch of it. She was raped. They were just totally like it. I didn't. I'm not. I guess you can see some of it. I've seen enough nastiness, death and dismembered bodies and crap. It doesn't bother me necessarily, but this is different, though. I don't want to see this anyway.

Speaker 1:

The thing that is crazy is Mahogany Jackson is a black girl, or was a black girl, and the 12, or how many were they? The 8, 10, I thought it was like 10 or something. Anyway, a large group of people that you know tricked her into coming to hang out and then captured her and did everything I talked about. They were all black. So this is why nobody likes the mainstream media. Nobody likes the mainstream media Because if these people were white instead of black, this would have been all over the news every second of the day. You know which it should have been, you know, but it should have been for this too.

Speaker 1:

But it's like they don't like who cares what color anybody is. This is like a horrendous thing. It's like it seemed like only local news really kind of talked about it and some other. You know it's like it's just. It's like straight up sickening. And then, like the wikipedia, you look at it and it's just what I read the whole thing right there, that's it. That's it. Just three little paragraphs, one sentence and two paragraphs basically. And then you go look at anything else and it's just like all kinds of stuff and information and it's just like I don't know the news. Only they only report what they want to for the you know whoever their donors and whatever you know ask them to or something. Instead of just reporting all the news, they just pick and choose and that's why nobody cares. You know, nobody listens to the news anymore.

Speaker 1:

I didn't hear about it. I mean, I'm sure there were things on Twitter or Facebook and I just I just happened to miss it, but something like that should have been. If I missed it, that's because there was not much of it going out there. You know what I mean? I don't know, because when I saw it I was just like, oh man, what this is messed up Thinking that it just happened and then come to find out it was like almost a year ago. I'm just like what. And then you just kind of see how the news you know. And then, yeah, when you look, when you like Google her name and go on there and get the information, it's all like local news stuff. It's nothing's like CNN and fuck. You know what I mean. It's like I don't know. It's just like the.

Speaker 1:

The incident is horrendous, but then the way the lack of reporting on it is almost just as bad. The whole thing is just sick altogether. Like I don't know. And she was a mother, a young mother, you know. She sent out her text, that she was. So I guess they kind of you know were. She sent out her text that she was, so I guess they kind of you know were hanging out and then they were getting aggressive. But she still had her phone, she was able to send a text out, but the thing was like nobody got the text till the next morning and it was like too late, so sucks.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, like what I don't know. Dude, I keep saying it. You know there are shitty people of every gender, every race, every, everything. You know what I mean. So it doesn't matter why.

Speaker 1:

Why people are trying to like change, like you would think, like, why would they? Why are they trying to make white people so evil and the bad guys and and doing the di hiring and all this kind of like. What's the point of it? And it's just, it's just to cause diversity, it's to divide us as a country. That's it, because there's no, there's no point to it, you know, and it's like these people that like that, that, that fight for this kind of stuff, you know they're screaming like oh, america, horrible past, slavery and segregation and and all this kind of unfair treatment to, you know, um, indigenous people and people of color and all this kind of crap. Yes, it happened, but they're doing the same. They're just doing it in reverse. Now you know it's like oh, I will teach you white man evil, this and that. Look at, you did it to people of color for, you know, hundreds of years or whatever, and now we're going to do it to you and now you can feel what it was like and this, all this kind of crap. It's like the thing is back then. It was just ignorance. Now you know, now we know that it's wrong and then it shouldn't be done and they're doing it anyway. So that makes them worse. So the people that are pushing for all this BS you know the, the reparation thing, or you can't hire a white man and and all white people are evil and all this kind of stuff they're almost worse than the slave owners. Yeah, I said it Because the slave owners, like I said originally, originally well, I mean slaves are all over the world. Slave owners are still around today. You know what I mean. So they make it seem like the white man who created America, invented slavery. You know what I mean and it's just like and the whole thing like that.

Speaker 1:

I think I've said it before, but it all started from like a legit reason, like it wasn't out of evil and malice to have black people work the cotton fields and all this kind of stuff. It's because they're a sickle cell thing and they didn't get. They didn't get sick from. I didn't do research on this, but you know they were like immune to. A lot of people were getting sick. So a lot of the colonizers were getting sick, like the is it malaria, not malaria, is it? I can't remember, but you know. So they were getting sick and dying. And then pretty soon they were like they couldn't get anybody to work the fields, so they were getting sick and dying. And then pretty soon they were like they couldn't get anybody to work the fields and they were offering people to come over from England you get this much property if you do it and then you know, so they would do that. But then they'd get sick and die and then nobody was doing it.

Speaker 1:

And then there was you know word that, hey, individuals from Africa, they don't get it. So I was like, hey, you know, there's a boat coming in and there's a bunch of African slaves which slave was like a normal thing back then? And they got them and they had them work the fields, you know, and some slaves were treated as almost like employees. Yeah, they, you know they couldn't leave, they had they. They, you know they were owned, they had an obligation to the slave owner, but a lot of them were just like bosses. They weren't slave owners, they were more bosses. Now were there sadistic slave owners, like how they portray in the movies and the shows and everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course, but I mean, I don't know the percentage-wise It'd be kind of interesting to find that, but wise it'd be kind of interesting to find that. But it's just, they just they kind of embellish everything to help fit this narrative. And I'm not saying that it was right or you know, but it's just, it's a part of history and it it it happened. What are you gonna do? Right, but it was out of the way things were back then and out of ignorance, and you know so. Today, when people are trying to have segregation and it's like we did you not learn so? Obviously they've never read a history book. They only know what netflix tells them. I don't know, it's just insane. Anyway, I've been talking for a while, so that's it. Uh, just really wanted to talk about kamala being a drunk dumbass. Anyway, yeah, look it up. It's hilarious and sad at the same time. But thanks for hanging out, um, see you next time and, uh, god bless, all right, bye.

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