Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
PHILIPPINE EAGLE ON MONEY & CALIFORNIA BURNS: Currency Changes, Spiritual Journeys, and Political Shifts
History and identity collide as we explore the impact of removing historical figures from currency in the Philippines. This episode addresses the themes of inclusivity, governance, and the importance of remembering our past in shaping a national narrative.
• Discussion on the removal of historical figures from currency
• Significance of historical representation in national identity
• The role of the Philippine eagle as a new symbol
• Comparisons with U.S. historical awareness
• Critique of governance amid crises
• Speculation on future political shifts in California
What's going on. This is the Objective Jerk and I'm said jerk, I guess I don't know. I don't say that anymore, but I used to. What's going on? Everybody All is well. Did I talk about that? I got baptized. I can't remember if I mentioned it or not. I finally got baptized. I think I did so good thing, it's awesome. So. So I've taken communion twice now. Um, it's nice, feels good, you know. Um, I was actually.
Speaker 1:I just recorded a podcast, was it yesterday, I think? So I wasn't really planning on doing one, but I never, never do. I don't plan it, you know, it's just whenever I'm inspired to do it, basically when I feel like talking about something, I read something, I hear something, I see something and I'm like what the crap? And I want to talk about it. Well, yeah, and the thing that sucks is like I have, I have these plans today, like I'm, I got some tomato plants I gotta work with and I'm gonna do a load of laundry for my son and I don't know. I mean nothing, like you know. I can still do it, it's not gonna be a problem. But it seems like whenever I kind of have a little bit of a planned day to do whatever I get moved or inspired to do a podcast because, like, I want to do another one. Actually, because I was sitting there thinking about I was having a conversation with my kids and they're like, oh, you should do this and this and that, and I don't want to say too much, I'm going to save it for that podcast, which I don't know if I'm going to do or not, but let's see. But I've been kind of throwing them out like crazy.
Speaker 1:I think some people that listen to me regularly are like dude again, come on. You know what I mean, because they're like nothing's being watched or listened to for the first, whatever. Then all of a sudden it gets, you know, so it's, it's got legs, but not, you know, not immediate. I mean there are some, but anyway, I mean there are some, but anyway, the thing I want to talk about was have you, or how would you feel, aside from the Philippines, because I got Washington for the states, or you know, benjamin Franklin or whatever, and I don't know who's on all the other, you know Removed the you know the historical figure of your country and then replaced it with, you know the country bird or a plant or a tree or whatever? You know what I mean. Would you like? How would you? How would you feel about that? Would that bother you? Does it matter? Do you care? The reason I ask is now, I know people that listen to me in the Philippines know where I'm going with this, and it's not like I'm like oh, this is breaking news.
Speaker 1:This has been going for a while, so again it's backwards my camera. So this is the older 1000 peso, right? And it has these individuals here that are on it. Okay, and these individuals were government officials at the time of, like world war ii, and they fought back against you know the japanese um, which one call it. I mean, I'm not sure about all of them. I know some are, or maybe they all did, but the point is is like these individuals were looked at as heroes. They fought back against, you know, evil, tyranny, whatever you want to call it, and they ended up paying the price for it and, like some of them, if not all of them, they don't even know where they are. What happened to them? You know they got taken away and killed and buried in a mass grave somewhere, who knows? You know so anyway. So you know, that's why they were put on this note, right, this bank note.
Speaker 1:I don't have the new one. But so they came out with a new uh note which is like made out of, like it's really kind of strange, it's like it's it's I hate wearing my glasses because I can see um, but it's really plasticky. I guess it's to kind of help with uh, you know, um, um, you know fraud, counterfeit there we go counterfeiting uh, you know the bill which you know makes sense, but they removed these historical figures and they, they put the, the filipino eagle, right, which is an awesome bird man. It's cool. And the and the, the new um, the new one looks cool. You know, let me see, I'll like look it up. I mean, I mean, you know you can look it up, but I'll pull it up just to kind of.
Speaker 1:But the thing is, and I didn't think much about it, I was like, oh, that's kind of cool, but I didn't really. I didn't think much about it, because this is not my homeland, it's not my country. I don't really Like if I was, or even now, like if all of a sudden they're talking about removing George Washington or Abraham Lincoln or, you know, andrew Jackson, benjamin Franklin, whatever they were like, oh, we're going to remove him and put someone else. It's like, eh, I don't think you should do that. You know, like, if they want to add somebody, like if they want to add like, I get it. That's like a long time ago and we've had some other people Like, if they want to add, like Martin Luther King to something, I think that's great. I don't think they should replace. You know what I mean. They don't. They shouldn't remove George Washington. They shouldn't remove Benjamin Franklin, even though he wasn't a president. They shouldn't remove him. They should just put. You know, if they want to add someone, then that's fine. But so they hold hold on.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to oh, here we go, bring it up, all right, so let's see. So here's kind of a. Well, let's see if I can get it bigger. But Basically, this is what the new one looks like. Again, it's reversed. I'm sorry. It's really cool.
Speaker 1:People listen on the podcast, they don't care. It's got this little clear window area. Here's the old one, which is paper. Then there's a new one which is really plasticky, which is kind of strange, but okay, I get it. And the eagle is a cool. Like it's a cool freaking predatory bird, like it's cooler looking than the American bald eagle, I think. I think they're bigger too, actually, but and so, like I said, I didn't think much about it, right.
Speaker 1:And then I heard recently that they're doing it, they're redoing all of the bills here in the Philippines and they're going to be doing the same thing, and I was like really that's kind of crazy. And so I just started kind of looking into it. And that's when I found out the information and I'm like, well, that's kind of messed up. Why didn't they just, instead of removing these individuals, put the bald eagle in the back, or the bald eagle, the Filipino eagle, like on the back, or maybe even put them, maybe move them to the back and then put the eagle in the front If they want to do that? You know what I'm saying, because now you know, kids would like like sit there and be like mom, dad.
Speaker 1:Why are they? Who are these people? Why are they on the money? Maybe the parents don't know, but whatever, but it's it's, you know, it helps people to remember them.
Speaker 1:And these people, these individuals, sacrificed a lot, you know, and cared about their country, and you're just kind of removing that. It's kind of like know, it's messed up, it's not, it's not right, I don't think. And then they're going to do it to the other ones too, like who's on. So here's like 100 peso. I can't even read that. See, these are all individual. I don't. I don't know, you know, but I might like I did a quick search on the on the three that are on the thousand peso and I did a quick search on the three that are on the thousand peso.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think it's kind of messed up, right. So I was like, well, I'm going to see what's it all about. So then I pulled up a few articles and read over some and there was a lot of people that were pissed off about it. And you know there's this and that. Oh well, you know blah, blah, blah, whatever. But this is what I needed right here, when asked, when I asked the Bango Central, which is like the bank, whatever, why the buy-buying, what bye-bye? See, I don't know what the hell. This is awkwardness from the 500 peso bill. Anyway, okay, so I'm kind of okay.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, they asked them why they were doing this in a written statement or whatever, in the or a statement, replying saying principles of social revelance and inclusivity, inclusivity. So wokeness, basically woke, stupid crap. That's like. I mean, you know, that's like almost removing george washington and putting george floyd on the, on the one dollar bill or something you know. It's like, oh, we need to, I don't know. It's just like, again, I can, you know, martin luther king? There are some people that you know, years later that could be added to the money, but I don't think you should remove the other individuals. You know there's a reason, or maybe is it, is it and I have no idea. But can you not have a couple versions of the one dollar bill or whatever you know, and so you can have? Oh, look, I got the one with you know, martin Luther King. Oh, here's George Washington or whatever same thing. You know.
Speaker 1:I mean, I guess that's more money and kind of harder, or maybe it's makes things difficult, I don't know, but it just seems like people are just trying to erase, you know, the history of things and it's like the inclusivity. It's like, okay, so inclusivity for what? How does that inclusivity for who? For what? So you're trying to get rid of people who gave their lives for this country and and put a the the eagle on there to include because there's, you know, people from an island that they don't have anybody famous or that did anything on their island and they feel bad for them. So let's try, not, you know, segregate Like what, like. How does that make any sense? Does that make sense to anybody? I don't get it. This is what I predict. The money's going to change again, probably like within by the end of Bon Bon Marcus I think I said that right, I bet you they're going to have plans to change it back, or there's going to be some whispers of, you know, changing the bill back and adding the people to it, or at least, like I said, put them back on the back of it. You know you can leave the eagle there, but on the back of it, put the people, put the same individuals there. They need to be there, man, because otherwise nobody's going to know who they are.
Speaker 1:You know I made, so I am slowly, very slowly working on kind of just making some t-shirts, right, I used to do I think I talked about it, but I used to do graphic design. And I used to do I think I talked about it, but I used to do graphic design and I used to do screen printing for other things. I never did much with shirts, I mean, I played around a little bit like a friend of mine did it or something, but anyway. So I'm like, you know, I want to make some kind of shirts, you know, and one of the things I was designing for my shirt, one of my shirts was a individual that's from where I live and he's, like, looked at as the godfather, I think I think they say godfather of the Philippine army, you know. So he was a soldier from long time ago who helped establish and create the filipino army and I mean they have a little park here where I live and they got a statue of him right. So I found a picture of him and, did you know, change it up a little bit and I and I put it on the shirt and I put one of his quotes on it and I was kind of like showing it to people and most everybody didn't know who he was and I was just like, wow, man, that's like.
Speaker 1:That's kind of like people in the States not knowing who George Washington is, and I'm sure there's a lot of people actually. You know what I mean, because the school system just sucks. The people don't realize what the woke is. It is. It's a mind virus, it's a cancer. It's destroying culture. They think they're like oh, we're including people and we're trying to. They're trying to. No, they're just it's destroying everything, destroying everything.
Speaker 1:Look at the fires going on in California. So I didn't, you know, I was kind of late to this too. I didn't. I mean, I guess it just kind of started, sort of, but. But the fires are like LA or Southern. No, what is it? It's um Pasadena, not Pasadena, is it Pasadena? Anyway, southern California is being ravaged like Maui, you know, by fires.
Speaker 1:Right, they don't have the water to fight it, and then they don't have the firefighters either. They're saying like they don't have enough firefighters, and that's because of the woke bullshit. And that's because of the woke bullshit they hired a dumbass, woke fire chief, lesbian chick who cares more about hiring diversity and more women than having a trained fire department that actually has the capabilities and logistics to fight a fire if and when it happens. You know that's what you need and it's like it's just simple governance. You know, like having we need to make sure we have water so if a fire happens, we can take it out. We need to make sure we have enough firefighters, because they don't want to hire men, they don't want to hire white men so they don't have as many firefighters. And then, like you know, even like trump there's videos of trump talking about it back when he was president how california sucks at.
Speaker 1:You got to do control burns. You got to get rid of all the dead stuff that falls down in your woods, because that stuff just piles up and piles up and then when there's a fire it's like gasoline. Your, your, your ground is covered in gasoline, just burns, and they don't do that shit. They don't do it why? Because they're all a bunch of woke liberal retards run in that area. Liberal, like straight up far left liberal. Woke retards cannot govern. They can't look what happens. Everything falls apart and it's crap. Retards cannot govern. They can't Look what happens. Everything falls apart and it's crap. Now you can have some liberal individuals to kind of help influence certain things or whatever. That's fine, but this is what happens when you have retarded liberals running stuff. Everything is failing.
Speaker 1:I bet you the next election, because you saw how red California was right. I mean, you saw the whole country. It's all red, except for some counties. Some of the bigger cities are blue red, except for some counties. Some of the bigger cities are blue, but things like this. California is actually going to probably be full-on red and it's going to vote for a republican next year or next year, next election, like jd vance is going to run and he's going to win, and and he's going to win california. How much you want to bet? How much? Because the people even there they're like, oh my god, this is retarded.
Speaker 1:How is the mayor of of, I want to say Pasadena, but I don't think that's what it is. Palisades, I think that's what it is. She's in, she's overseas, in another country, like you know, to I don't know, and everybody's pissed like they're all like what you? You are useless. You know she's probably gonna lose her job, which is rightly she should. The fire chief should lose their job.
Speaker 1:It's the fire. The fire chief's job should ensure like, hey, we need to have water. Why don't we have water? We need to make sure we have water. You know all those people, that's the whole point of your job. You know, being in these positions is to ensure when things happen that, like I don't know, like a lot of this is kind of like some of the stuff. It's insane, I don't know so. And the fire probably started by some dumbass, um liberal thing trying to be like, oh, global warming, look, it's global warming, a fire or some shit, you know? I mean they got videos of people starting fires on purpose and I don't know. It's just, it's retarded, it's really dumb. They can't put out some fires because they don't have water and they don't have the number, the amount of people to fight those fires Like it's good to you should be able to.
Speaker 1:It shouldn't all just be white people in this net. But the thing is it's like dude, white people is the primary popular. You know we're the majority and people think that majority and minority means no, it's because that's the most amount of people, the largest amount of the largest race in the in america is white people. You're going to see or you're going to have statistically white people in these positions. You know what I mean. But I mean, like I get, that you should have the best person for a certain job and the race should not matter. I totally agree with that. Sex or race should not matter. I don't want a trans person that well, a trans person doesn't matter really either. To be honest with you, I don't care. I don't want like a drag queen, you know, dressed up like all retarded and just like that's too much. But I mean like that's too much. But I mean, if you're good at your job and you do what is best for your community or whatever it is that you're you're presiding over, then yeah, you know you should.
Speaker 1:If it's a, you know they're trying to, they're trying to hire a bunch of women for firefighters. It's like, yes, I know well, I used to know a woman who was in the army with, and she's a firefighter, you know what I mean and she was a badass soldier. I'm sure she's a badass firefighter, but not everybody is, and generally women are not as strong as men. Those hoses are pretty damn heavy and the pressure from that water is pretty strong. You know what I'm saying. So it's like it just they, these individuals, get these positions and their only goal is just to get more women, more women of color, more gay people, more. It's like, dude, okay, that's, that's all fine. If they're qualified, then okay, fine.
Speaker 1:But the thing is is like people who are better qualified are not being hired because they're white, a white, straight male. So, like all the stuff you guys are crying about, oh, we get overlooked because of race. And does it happen? Yes, has it happened in the past, of course, especially back in the day. If you weren't white, you weren't getting shit. I get it, but two wrongs don't make a right. So, because you're not happy with whatever, and then now you're going and doing the same thing. That's the thing that drives me nuts. It's like you guys are creating segregation and making racism just as bad as it was back in the day, but now it's reversed. But they're like oh, so, you've had it. It's reversed, but they're like, oh, so, you've had it. It's like these people are mentally ill and they're stupid and they're retarded. They're actually retarded.
Speaker 1:I would rather have an individual Down syndrome run my town, city, whatever, than these liberal retards, because they're actually retarded. I don't know to be down to have down syndrome, dude, have you? There's a I mean, if you watch um, oh, what's his name? There's a comedian who he's got an uncle that's Down syndrome and it's in his jokes all the time and he's like dude, they got the best life. You know what I mean? He's like I could, I could be so lucky to be have Down syndrome. I mean, as long as they got someone to take care of them, you know. But there's a dude, uh, in the neighborhood nearby that has Down syndrome, this dude, and he's awesome man, man and he all he does is walk around the neighborhood. He's like listening to music and he sits there and like he's dancing and whatever, and then he goes and plays basketball and he's like badass at basketball, running around and flip-flops playing basketball and it's like, you know, he got no worries, he's, he's happy, he's fine, he's got his music and he plays basketball. As long as he's got somewhere to sleep and some food to eat, I think he don't have a care in the world.
Speaker 1:I would rather him be the mayor of where I live than some stupid liberal retard that doesn't know what is actually needed for the city or whatever you know. I mean, like, come on, how does that make sense? See, this is the thing. If they, if they hired all these women and gay and whatever, this net and then they were able to crush this fire and everything worked out great, then cool, great, hey, you're doing your job and you're including other people, whatever, okay, fine, whatever. But look at and this is not like the first and only thing how many things across the country, how many individuals who like there's that stupid mayor and whatever that just totally, it's just dude everything.
Speaker 1:Even if I hated trump, he's right. Everything that's woke turns to shit. Oh my gosh. Oh, you can't have liberalism. You can't have woke. You can have a little lefty, you know you can't have liberalism. You can't have woke. You can have a little lefty, you know you can have some left-wing kind of leaning ideology. You know, like I get it like it's about, but like man, you just can't have the. It's just I don't know, I can't, but you know it's changing at Trump was I'm not the only person.
Speaker 1:Trump was voted. I'm telling you California is going to be red Watch and then people are like Now you're going to have the liberal God, I look tired as hell. You're going to have the liberal Conspiracy theorist. Well, I bet you it was Republicans that started the fire to make them look bad or something. You never know. What if it is, what if this whole thing? What if wokeness was actually built and created by the right wing to show how? You know what I mean and it just comes back around and I don't know who knows. That'd be crazy. But anyway, it's been a long, okay, I'm way over my time. So that's it. Thanks for hanging out. Listen to me. Hope everybody's doing well, god bless, and I'll see you next time. All right, bye.