Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
ITS CONSPIRACY TIME!: Forgetfulness, Cultural Clashes, and the Good vs Evil Debate
Ever wondered if forgetfulness is just a sign of aging or something deeper? I'm the Objective Jerk, and in this episode, I open up about my own struggles with memory lapses, possibly linked to past trauma from an IED explosion. From almost burning dinner for my dogs to nearly missing my wife's birthday, I share some light-hearted yet alarming anecdotes. Shifting gears, I recount an intriguing encounter at a local pizza joint where cultural norms clashed with customer service expectations, prompting a deeper reflection on how fear and culture shape our interactions.
Join me as I critically explore the future of media and technology, questioning the potential manipulation of tools like ChatGPT and the dual nature of social media as both a bane and boon for alternative news. I highlight TikTok as a rare platform for uncensored content amidst increasing control and censorship. In the final chapter, I reflect on the eternal battle of good versus evil and the role of faith and spirituality in navigating these turbulent times. This episode is a thought-provoking journey through personal reflection and societal concerns, inviting you to stay vigilant and cherish the truth.
Again, thanks for hanging out with me!
Please feel free to comment or send an email to theobjectivejerk@gmail.com
What's up? It's the Objective Jerk, and I'm said, jerk, how's everybody doing? I'm trying to be a little closer to my mic, because Not that it's bad, but I have kind of noticed that I don't know. I just need to get like a headset so I can just talk quietly like this, and Maybe it sounds good. I don't know, but I move around so much I can't do it. Anyway, what's up? How's everybody doing? It's been a day, one single day, I think I recorded yesterday How's everybody doing? Man, how's everybody doing? Man, I, I, you know, I don't want, I, I really don't want to talk about, but it's like hard not to. I'm gonna try and talk about it, the fires, but talk about it differently.
Speaker 1:Um, but first, um, I'm 46 years old and I am my memory is just, I'm getting very, very forgetful. Is anybody else having that problem? I don't know. I was involved in a massive IED explosion that was so close to me. I'm surprised, I don't know. I was very lucky, but sometimes I kind of wonder if it rattled my brain to the point of where I just forget things. Man, I'm not, you know, I'm forgetful about a lot of stuff, but it's like lately, though, it's like I've been so for my dogs, right? I, I cook them a little bit of rice, I get some of their dog food and then I'll make like a soup. I'll get some like leftover meat, some sort of whatever, and I'll boil it and let it become, you know, like a soup and they can each have like some meat or bones or whatever mixed with the rice and the dog food, and and the dogs seem to like it, right? So every day I make a little bit of rice and then I'll make some sort of like soup thing for them, and lately I've been forgetting to turn it off, so I just did it today, and today was like the worst because we were gone for a while.
Speaker 1:Came, everything is fine. I don't think there's. The pot looks nasty, but I think it's fine, but the food is just complete. Looks like black lava rock, you know. But if we would have been gone much longer, man, who knows, you know? So, gosh, yeah, I don't know it is, you know, and I'm like upset. I mean, you know nothing's. Yeah, I don't know it is, you know, and I'm like upset. I mean, you know, nothing's like nothing burned down or anything, but I'm upset that the food was like a waste of food for the dogs. But I'm just more upset at myself, just that I forget this stuff and it's kind of I don't know.
Speaker 1:I used to talk to with my mom about it. She would kind of talk about some of the stuff that she forgets. I'll tell her what I just talked about. Maybe I'd bring that up. She'd be like, oh, I know, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, yeah, but mom, you're over 20 years older than I am.
Speaker 1:Isn't it somewhat understandable at your age? For me, isn't it a little early? I don't know, I only say you got to work on game puzzles or whatever, this and that. But you know, that's why I'm.
Speaker 1:You know, it's not like I I do do things and use my brain and everything, but I don't know, man, I just um the forgetfulness, like my wife's birthday, I mean, I didn't completely forget, like I was kind of tracking it. I was like, okay, it's coming up, it's coming up. I got two days or three days or whatever. But then those two or three days just went by and I wasn't and I just forgot. And then it was like the day of and I'm like, oh crap, it's today. I was thinking it was the next tomorrow, you know. So it's just like oh man, I don't know, it's crazy. But yeah, so what's up? So the fires, right, am I right? Actually, the liberals, man, Dude, they just why.
Speaker 1:You know, okay, I was just in town to the biggest, nearest city, my wife had to do some stuff and I went with her and we went to a pizza place pretty good pizza, and my wife had ordered, but the lady had missed what for mine or whatever. So she had to go up and order again or whatever. So we were waiting. Anyway, it's fine, you, you know, it's just misunderstanding where. But the the, the woman working there, can't just be like oh man, I'm sorry, I thought you said well, they're just like, well, well, you said this, or you, whatever, you this. You know, they always have an excuse. They can never admit that. Oh crap, I messed up, my, you know like they can never do that.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it's the culture or if it's kind of just the customer service, because I've complained about the customer service here in the Philippines and it's horrible. And I don't know if it's because in a lot of places if somebody messes up, that person has to pay for it, and you know that happens in the States too, but it's not. It kind of depends, you know. But I mean, is it? Is she afraid like, if she admits it, then that we're gonna? It's not like we're asking for a free pizza or something.
Speaker 1:It was just like all you gotta do is be like, oh man, my bad, I'm sorry. Do is be like, oh man, my bad, I'm sorry, you know, uh, blah, blah, I don't know like maybe they can't admit that they messed up, because then they might have to offer some sort of like incentive or I don't know. I don't know what it is, but it it happens all the time and they cannot admit it and it's like. It's like it just makes me think of the, the libs and the democrats and california and everything, and just on the news just making up all these excuses, and they can't just admit that, dude, they messed up gavin newsom messed up, the mayor messed up, and gavin newsom's like, oh, we got this and that, and it's like, okay, well then, why weren't, why weren't the hydrants working? Why is there a reservoir that's empty? Why did the people sign or vote for you know something, trillion or maybe not trillion billion dollar, whatever to build reservoirs, like 10 years ago, and nothing's happened of it. You know, those are things that he are on him. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:And then the mayor, it's the same thing. You know the mayor is more like the DEI stuff, all the stupid DEI hires and all the regulations, for the DEI is what hurt, you know, the fire department, because I mean, and then like even Newsom's, got a little problem with that, I think the people, firefighters that didn't want to take the COVID shot and they quit or whatever they left, went to another state or who knows. So they lost a bunch of firefighters that didn't want to take the, the covid shot and they quit or whatever they left, went to another state or who knows. So they lost a bunch of firefighters that way. And then when it comes time to hire, and some they're all they're trying to do is hire the brown and gay you know what I mean, so like, or women. So yes, they, they are to blame, they're not to blame for the fires. I don don't think you know what I mean, but they're on on how things were handled. Yes, they are to blame, you know, and it's just the libs and the Democrats. They just don't understand that.
Speaker 1:You know, and you notice I say, possibly not to blame, like, look at here, okay. So this is what I kind of wanted to bring up. Not to blame, like look at here, okay, so this is what I kind of wanted to bring up. So I, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I do enjoy a good one, right, and as time goes on, and as you you know, however, everybody gets in, everybody gets into the rabbit hole. Eventually well, not everybody, but a lot of people something pulls, pulls them in. You know some sort of whatever, some sort of crazy cover-up story that pulls you in. And then you're like, oh, you learn all these things. But then, when things happen, you kind of you notice those things you know. So you're like, whoa, what am I? Why is this this? You know, I've talked about this before. So many little things just don't add up. So it's like I, you know, I honestly think Now, this isn't based off of anybody.
Speaker 1:I'm sure I'm not the first person to come up with this or to even say this, but I think we, there was a coup for America. There was, because think about it, man, so we had and it was starting when Hillary was going to win which everybody thought they would. I think it was supposed to start there. And then all this that biden did, hillary was supposed to do but they were already kind of starting to get things going, you know, through pop culture, through all these different little laws and all all this stuff, just all in the background. And then, but then trump kind of messed it up and then they stole the election from trump, because where'd all those votes go? Oh, so many votes 2020. And then they just didn't want to vote this time. Okay, but it was Hitler was running. Nobody wanted to vote. Okay, all right.
Speaker 1:And then, and now it's like you know, you have just all the kind of crazy stuff, like, yes, you know, hurricanes happen, fires happen, all that kind of stuff. But then you have this kind of insane fire gone in maui, you know, and and the fire hydrants don't work, and just you know it's kind of crazy. And then now california and the fire hydrants don't work. It's like like you know what I mean? It's just, it's just too much weird shit to not question it. So I think it's like it's it is part of like a land grab, a type of land grab for what, I don't know, but they're doing it in maui.
Speaker 1:They didn't help the people of maui for shit, so that people would just sell their land and leave. Right, they're not going to deal with the crap they're you know? Same thing with north carolina people are living in tents. Living in tents, they get 750 dollars. Maui, you get 750 dollars. California, oh they, oh, you can have all the money you want. It's like.
Speaker 1:The thing is, it is such a hassle to get permits and go through all the red tape and all the government bureaucracy crap to have anything built that people are just going to end up selling their crap anyway. They're gonna. You know what, screw this, I'm done here. I'm selling this. I'm gonna move up north, I'm gonna go to new york or whatever. You know what I mean. Because why? Why let california just here. We're gonna pay for everything, but yet hawaii, maui, they're just forgotten. Just oh, get out of here. The redheaded stepchild, right, Like what happened to Maui. Do you guys remember Maui? Some people do, most people don't.
Speaker 1:And then North Carolina man, it was like nobody reported. The news was nowhere, the news was nowhere. But then the news is everywhere, all crazy all over California. First I was thinking they don't want to lose California and voting and this and that. But it's just. I just kind of think we dodged a huge coup that still they're trying to do. They're still trying to go forward with it and Trump's going to have to nip that in the butt. You know what I mean, like they're trying to do so much and ruin everything. I mean they couldn't. It's just, I don't know. It's just so just. Everything is so crazy and you don't hear about, you don't hear about North Carolina, right? What do you? What do you hear about North Carolina, except for a few YouTube channels or some TikToks, maybe that's it. That's it. Nothing, nothing, nothing about Maui, Nothing. People just don't.
Speaker 1:But then you know california, one here, an active shooter if it's, if it's a straight white male, oh man, nothing but nothing, but that on the news, right, a bunch of people die, some white dude shot a bunch of people. Oh, republicans are stupid, they suck. We should have gun control. Well, shouldn't they just worry about helping those people, right, instead of attacking politically? Oh, no, that only matters when it's the Republicans, because when you say that stuff to the idiots in charge of California right now, oh oh, this is such a disgrace. You should, let's just worry about the people. Don't have homes, people are dying, we got to take care of them. It's like, yeah, dying, we gotta take care of them. It's like, yeah, you should have taken care of them, why didn't you? It's just so retarded.
Speaker 1:Every day, man, every day, you know I, I constantly not constantly, but I pray to not let these things bother me, not let it, you know, but it's just like every day. Just the Democrats, and they just look worse and worse and more and more evil. You know what I mean? I mean all politicians, really, but, man, right now the Democrats. I mean all politicians really, but man, right now the Democrats. If Gavin Newsom still has a job when this is done, I'm going to leave America. But dude, it's just, it's insane.
Speaker 1:You know all the stuff that goes on, all the hypocrisy and the double standard from the media. You know it's just like. It's all propaganda, you know, and then it's just going to get worse too, with like, at least I think with like the chat, gpta, whatever the fuck it's called. You know, I try, I think I say the F word at least. I think with like the chat, gpta, whatever the fuck it's called. You know, I try, I think I say the f word at least once in every podcast. I try not to um, but the chat, chat gpt, right. So here's my thing, my theory on that one, god, my family, is like hold a second, hold on.
Speaker 1:But so, people, you put a little information, you ask some questions between you know these years and this year and this, and that you know how. Whatever you ask it some questions and it'll kind of lay out a bunch of information for you, right, and right now seems to be pretty accurate for the most part, right, I haven't messed with it, just stuff I've seen right. I haven't messed with it, just stuff I've seen right. So I'm thinking chat GPT is going to be used more and more for the next 10 years and everybody's going to trust it so much They'll be able to ask it anything. It's going to give out all these facts and then suddenly people are going to have control of it and they're going to be able to, they're going to be able to influence the information and all that. You know they're going to take certain words or certain whatever, and so when people ask it questions, it's going to spit out lies.
Speaker 1:So, like, 10 years from now there's going to be another one, there's going to be another, it's going to be just some horse shit. There's going to be all kinds of control and and censorship on internet. You can't use this internet, this and that, and you know we'll look at chat gp. If you ask the question, it gives you that you know it's going to be lying out its ass. People can be like dude, be like dude. That's not what happened. Oh well, chat GP, she said it. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:It's going to be the same crap, because that's one of the only things that really saved us was social media. I mean, as evil and messed up as social media is, it was almost a savior. You know what I mean social media is, it was almost a savior. You know what I mean. That includes like podcasts and stuff like that, you know, but just information getting out. You know so much information and so much actual news that was not covered on mainstream media. The only way to get it was on, you know the social media and stuff. Now there's some local news, like even the big fire. Remember the fire in Palestine, wherever, ohio or whatever it was, I don't remember now but like there was no information, no, nothing on that. It's like people that were there recording and posting it. And that's why I was like, okay, that's see, that thing is from China, so the government has no control over that.
Speaker 1:Because if you looked at I know I've talked about it before but Instagram who was under, you know, is meta or whatever. Facebook supposedly it's gonna not do that anymore, not censor and everything, but you could get. There was like a bunch of rioting and all kinds of stuff in Paris what two years ago or something like that. And so if you got on Instagram and just like searched, you know Paris, france, it would just show people posing in front of the Eiffel Tower and eating croissants and all this stupid shit, right. But then when you got on TikTok and you search the exact same thing, you see all these battles and rioting and fights and all this kind of stuff. You know what I mean. So it's like and you know I don't like the idea of China doing TikTok or running it I get it, it. I don't like it either.
Speaker 1:But there was a lot of information that I got from TikTok that wasn't, it was hard to find anywhere else. You know what I mean. I mean you could if you dug for it. That's when I first started getting on. You know, I got on TikTok for I don't know, just to try it or whatever, but, and I was expecting just a bunch of stupid people dancing, which it was. But then I start seeing I'm like whoa, what's this, you know, and you see something and you're like huh. Then you kind of look and look at more than you see other people doing it. It's just normal people actually straight up live streaming, recording. It's recording, it's not fake, all this news and stuff. And then you go to look up mainstream and they ain't saying nothing. How come they're not saying anything about it? It's just, I mean, you could find it, but you had to dig, man.
Speaker 1:I think it's going to come to a point where we're not going to be able to fight back, man. That's why you know these people that were scared, that we used to be afraid of. You know everything that I'm talking about right now. Individuals thought of 30, 40 years ago, more than that really. I mean 1945, when did that book come out? And it's just, we're able to fight it now, but I think it's going to come to a point where you know them getting rid of the, getting rid of cash. So you know, everybody has to have a card, then pretty soon they're gonna be like okay, we're getting rid of cards because plastic is bad for the environment, so what you have to do is you get the chip in your hand, so then you just put your hand to pay for your stuff. Hey, how great is that, right? No, yeah, so they can track you, control what you buy. Oh, this person watches a lot of you know. And then it's going to be like the only way to get any kind of actual information is going to be like pirate. You know podcast stuff where you have to, and then if you're caught listening to it, you get executed and stuff like that. That's what's going to happen, man, it's happening. It's going to happen.
Speaker 1:It is maybe, I mean, a lot of things are going to be changed with Trump, but then after Trump, it's going to be like okay, what's going to happen? So we might have 8 to 12 years, but I'm thinking Trump, he won. With all this crap that's going on in Washington, california, there's no way a Democrat's going to win. You know, maybe 8 years from now, but definitely not 4. So then JD Vance will become president. I'm willing to win, maybe eight years from now, but definitely not four. So then JD Vance will become president I'm willing to bet and then possibly he'll only be one term, but I'm thinking after his second term then they might get a Democrat in, and then they're going to try and do it all over again. They're going to try and we're going to go through Obama and everything all over again.
Speaker 1:It is a vicious cycle of good versus evil, dude, god versus Satan. That's what it is. When you boil it down to the nitty gritty, it's God versus Satan, jesus versus Satan. That's what it is. It's crazy. Anyway, that's it. Just wanted to share some thoughts. Thanks for hanging out, thanks for listening, god bless, and I will see you guys next time. Okay, bye.