Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
FOX SPINS & CNN TWISTS: Citizenship Debate, Media Bias, and Weather Conspiracies
This episode examines the necessity of viewing multiple news perspectives to uncover the truth while discussing the current political climate and implications of government weather manipulation. The conversation emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and diverse viewpoints in a polarized media landscape, questioning narratives around privilege, political prisoners, and the government's role in climate control.
• The significance of diverse media consumption is highlighted
• Discusses privilege and its evolving nature in America
• January 6th and the characterization of political prisoners
• Examination of Biden's administration and perceived corruption
• Personal reflections on life in the Philippines
• Explores weather modification and government claims
• Considers the implications of climate control theories
• Presents predictions about future political upheavals
This is the Objective, jerk, and I'm said, jerk, how you guys doing, hope everybody's doing good. I know a lot of people are doing awesome, some people are doing the same and very few people are not doing so good. But you know it sucks, but that's the way it works, you know, anyway, what is up? Yeah, I was talking with my um. I've said it before many, many times that you have to, and this is my own, this is my own saying, my own quote. Did I hear it from someone else? Possibly maybe, I don't remember, but that is entirely possible, but I, as far as I know, I came up with this on my own. Am I the only person to come up with this? No, but I'm sure you know there are many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many people more smarter than I am that probably thought this, but it didn't really. But anyway, I've always said, when it comes to the news and politics and everything, you have to either watch all of it or none of it. I always say that. And so what do I mean by that? Well, you can't just watch CNN, or you can't just watch Fox, or you know, you have to watch all of it. You have to get all of it to grab, to get, so you can kind of get a clear picture. And people that do know what's going on, or people that don't watch the news don't care, they're just living their life, whatever they hear or see a few things here and there. But it's the people that only watch Fox or the people that only watch CNN that are just really at each other, right, and me and my son. So we were kind of talking about this and we came up with this quote. Basically, you need I wrote it down wrong. Here's my phone. I told him to message it to me because I was saying it and then he kind of finished it for me and I was like it's pretty good. He's like, yeah, let me see. So you have to have both sides of the lie to see the truth right. You got to hear both sides of the lie, which all of them have lies throughout it, both sides CNN lies, fox lies, they all, they all. It's all propaganda. It's all you know, formulated and made to fit their narrative. So when you only watch that, that's kind of that's what you start thinking. But if you watch both of them, you can get the perspective and you're like, whoa, that's not what that person said, because I saw it. Why are they editing this and changing this, or vice versa? You know what I mean? You've got to watch it, all or none of it. I'm telling you, it's the only way to stay sane, really, you know. But yeah, so, anyway.
Speaker 1:So yeah, trump's been whipping out the presidential well pardons, and then, but the or the, what do they call them? The, um, what is it called? When he does basically kind of puts a bunch of things into, not law, but president, but man, I can never remember the damn thing. I know, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, well, one of them, right, is minimizing, and it's you know. The left will be like, oh my God, they're attacking, you know, the LBGT and the trans and all the blah, blah, it, like no man, we're just making it to where they're not pushing, they don't have dei jobs telling corporations, oh no, this guy's completely qualified, but he's white, so you need to hire this lesbian over here. You know things like that, just to kind of minimize that madness that's been going on. The pushing, the mandatory, you must abide to the gay agenda. You know all that stuff. That's what. That's what it means, you know.
Speaker 1:And then, of course, they start talking about oh, they're bringing back. You know the white, uh, white privilege. You know the white privilege, the white privilege, white privilege, Like? What are you talking about? If you believe in some kind of white privilege, you are mentally stupid A little bit of both. Right, did white individuals have privilege throughout the world? I'm sure, but in America, you know, 50, 60 years ago and beyond yeah, you know what I mean there was rampant racism and people didn't get hired based on their color. But that doesn't happen anymore. It doesn't. And if you think it does, you're psycho.
Speaker 1:The only privilege we have is being born here in America. That's the privilege we have when you have so many people wanting to come here. If you're born here legitimately which is kind of changing now too in America, you are privileged. That's it, no matter what color you are. If you happen to, if you're able to come over legally and get US citizenship, you are privileged. That's what it is. Now they're like oh, if you're born in the States, well, it's like. Well, yeah, because it's stupid, because you got people coming over, oh, I'm going to pop any day. Now, let's get over to the States so my kid can be a US citizen and I can get benefits from it. You know, it's like no man, no it just it doesn't work that way. It doesn't.
Speaker 1:Does this look better? Do I look at you? See, I keep looking at my face Because it's hard for me to look at the dot, but I think I look stupid. Let me see, I can't really tell. So I'm looking at the dot, I'm looking at the dot, what's up? What's up? Yeah, I should look at the dot. Huh, it's hard, though, man, I need to hide my face kind of, but I need to kind of tell if, making sure it's all going good, it's kind of hard. Anyway, I tried. I need to get like a little sign here. It says look at me anyway. So, yeah, what's up up?
Speaker 1:What was I talking about? I was talking about privilege. Yes, american citizen, you have privilege. Okay, doesn't matter, male, female, female, female, black, white, whatever. You have privilege if you can. So you have too much. Some people have too much privilege. Man, all the bs going on. But then I was saying, like you know, he's doing the. You know all the the. I was hoping I was gonna get it. I can't remember what it's called. When he writes in, he signs a bunch of presidential like obama did a buttload, biden did a lot, or who did more, can't remember, anyway, but pardons, he did See.
Speaker 1:Now here this goes in with people that just watch CNN and MSNBC and all that crap. They completely believe this January 6th surrection thing and it's like you are a fucking moron if you believe all that. Was there protest? Was there damage? Did people do things they shouldn't have done, or you know, yes, but it's like they should have been arrested that night. Maybe a few of them should have been arrested and served some time. They definitely don't need to serve four years, which they did, but that should have been. Hey, you committed this and that. Here's your fine. You spent the night in jail and that's it. That's all it should have been. It was all. They were prisoners. They were political prisoners. That's what a political prisoner is People being held unlawfully for political gain. If you break a window, do you deserve four years in prison? No, I mean, there are people murdering people that get let out right away.
Speaker 1:It's like they believe all this hype and there's so much evidence, so much video evidence, so much everything just showing the police showing it's like, and they still just like, oh my gosh, it's the worst day. It's the worst day in American history. It's so bad. It's like watch all the lies to get the truth. What did I say? What was that quote I came up with anyway, or me and my son, you got to watch it all. Watch it all or none of it, because it just it makes you psycho. It really does.
Speaker 1:And to think that, you know, I can't wait for the documentary or the book or whatever to come out with all these individuals in there, because there's already again. You know, take this with a grain of salt because it's just. But supposedly they were offering people that they would let them out if they signed a statement saying that Trump told them to go to the Capitol and do that. You know, we'll see. Is that true? Don't know. But that's why Biden pardoned a bunch of people in the Department of Justice, because of the political prisoners, the January 6th prisoners. He knew they were going to get out. It's going to come out that it was all bullshit. But the people that illegally detained, arrested whatever, charged with nothing and held them can't go to jail because they've been pardoned already.
Speaker 1:Wow, dude, the Biden administration is the most corrupt, like just. I mean, I mean, you know, oh my gosh, they're all. I mean obama. Like stuff came out about obama years later, but like the stuff with biden was happening in real time and you could see it and people just still choose it, doesn't it? It makes no.
Speaker 1:It's like they could totally biden, could, could completely admit to everything. Oh, we did we. We, we did this and we were wrong and we did all this stuff. Everything that they've been accused of were all the conspiracy theories. It could come out and admit it all trump was all this stuff and they still wouldn't believe it. They'd be like oh no, there's no, uh-uh. I don't know. What are you going to do with those people? What are you going to do? Just let them cry about it. Shut up, it's hard, yeah. And the appointment app. They're all pissed off because they got rid of the app for foreigners to make appointments in the states, to give them a reason to come to states, and then they just disappear.
Speaker 1:It's like the government was aiding and abetting illegal immigration, illegals to come over. You know what I mean? They're no different than the coyote guys bringing people over. It's like oh, but it's nice, oh, my god. You ever heard that saying nice guys, finish last. Huh. That's what they should say about carter, jimmy carter, god rest his soul.
Speaker 1:You know, dude, was what 100 right? You know, I don't think he was a bad person, he just was a shitty leader and he was too nice. You can't have these. Gee, golly ho, hum, I want to. People leave and then just everyone else just walks all over him. That's exactly what Biden was, except Biden was just so out of it, so clueless and lost. Everybody just walked all over him and look, we were like the stepping mat, we were the, we were the paying all our taxes. We're paying for every the whole rest of the world. You know, it's like enough's enough, but we're on the pendulum right, we're on the swing, the right, we're on the mend, we're on the rise, we're on whatever, but yeah, so that's crazy.
Speaker 1:But uh, you know it's, but you know to segue into, or have no segue into, my next conversation. So here in the Philippines, next conversation, so here in the philippines. It's, it's um, I hate the glare, but I gotta read on the screen um, right now is our, it's days, or it's times like now, when I really feel blessed of my life and situation, my, you know like it's, it's great, my, you know I can't complain, I really can't. It's great. You know I can't complain, I really can't. It's really, really awesome. I mean I can complain, and I do.
Speaker 1:You know the traffic and the heat basically, but now the heat isn't so bad. I mean it's still hot. Like I was just out in my garage doing some stuff, looking for whatever, and it's hot but it's manageable. You know I'm not sweating profusely Now if I started moving stuff around and doing stuff then yeah, okay, it's going to start. You know I'll start sweating like crazy Because I'm just, I'm a Viking through and through man, my bloodline's all Norwegian and a little bit of English, and you know. So it's like I'm just much, I'm suited for cold weather.
Speaker 1:Okay, and you know I knew that coming here I was hoping I would acclimate better than I have, but I haven't. But it's all right, you know it's a small price to pay, I guess. But man, I really wish I could. Just, I would rather much have the three summer months even hotter here, to have nine months of how it is right now, because it's still pretty hot. Like we only get like two months roughly of what it is right now, so it's like it gets in the 70s at night and it's like it feels cool in the early morning. You get up and you're like, oh man, it's nice and brisk, it's like 70 degrees, but yeah, so it's just much more manageable from my standpoint. But you know, oh well, what are you gonna do?
Speaker 1:Maybe I can ask the, the government to change the weather, right, oh, that's a better segue right there, all right, so, yeah, so what? It's like snowing in florida, louisiana. I guess it did snow in Louisiana before. I mean, it has before. I remember it vaguely, but it didn't snow that much. I don't think I don't remember it snowing that much. My wife was like, yeah, but it looks like it snowed pretty good in the south.
Speaker 1:You know, and you know, my wife kind of brought it up about government controlling the weather and this and that, and I was kind of telling her about that movie, what's it called? Geostorm or something which is completely crazy. But you know, and you know, I'm not a meteorologist. I had a friend back in the States. He was a meteorologist and I loved asking him questions about stuff, um, and we talked to him in five years all kinds of sucks, but anyway, um, it's not like is the government, like you know, controlling the weather, like in geo storm or whatever? Is that happening? Happening? No, I don't think so.
Speaker 1:Is it possible? Not to that extent, but I do think it is possible to affect the weather a little bit. You know what I mean. I mean because how do storms like, how do tornadoes and and and typhoons and hurricanes, it's all it's, you know, the moisture in the, some wind, and you got cold and warm air and water coming together and then that just creates. You know what I mean. So how hard would it be to just add a little temperature to certain areas? Like you know, there's so many satellites up in the sky. It's like, how much satellite TV do we need? You know what I mean. So what are all these other satellites doing? I mean I know it's for communicating and this and that and freaking Elon Musk, right, but it is. I do think it's possible to to do. It might be a little slight, but I don't think it takes that much to. Really. I mean I don't think they're going to make it hail in, you know, certain areas. I mean maybe anything's possible, you know, but I just I don't think that.
Speaker 1:I do think the government is doing some, you know, some minor things, testing some stuff maybe and trying to see. I think what I pictured is the government was probably trying to stop possibly tornadoes from hitting Tornado Valley and you know all the storms that affect the country and stuff right. Like probably back in the 40s or 50s or something, they started tinkering with this or something right, and then after years they just kind of come to realize, through liberal retards, that hey, you know what, if we get people to believe in climate change and global warming and all this kind of crap, we can get more money in taxes and use that money for other stuff. We just shoot a satellite. You know, have a satellite p somewhere there, there, whatever, you know what I mean. Like that's kind of where I'm thinking um, hold a couple articles here. So here's an article from such science. I couldn't really see, it's really short, but I was gonna read it anyway, anyway, anyway. So here's the.
Speaker 1:So you know, can the government control the weather? Exploring weather modification technologies? So this saying, while the government can't fully control, obviously they can influence it through methods like cloud seeding to decrease, increase rainfall, although it's not perfect. So if they can do that, I mean, think all the stuff that gets put out. There's so much more stuff that the government does and knows about that we, the public, do not know that the government does that just sound like kamala harris right there. You know, it's just like technology, like when we get new technology maybe not so much now with the smartphones, with the companies and stuff, but before, like cell phones and microwaves and various things those things the government were utilizing 10 years before they came onto the market Just because people are saying, oh, they can't really do it right now. I'm pretty sure they could do more than just make it rain a little more. Anyway, I'll continue.
Speaker 1:It's a topic oh, where am I at 20 minutes? Okay, it's a topic that sparks curiosity and even some conspiracy theories. The idea of manipulating rain, snow or storms seem like something from science fiction. While the government can't fully control the weather, they can influence in small ways. Some countries use cloud seeding to increase rainfall in dry areas again. So, yeah, so I mean this is how it all started, right, maybe to kind of help minimize storms that cause destruction and to help people, you know, get some rain, whatever. But then once they started figuring out that they could work and do it, then they get like man. We can affect other countries, we can, you know, take away, give them droughts, give them a bunch of rain, cause flooding. Not saying anything about North Carolina, um, but you know it's, it's just it wouldn't be like I don't think the government's doing that to that extent, but if all of a sudden it came out and like 4K proof, I wouldn't be surprised. You know what I'm saying? Let's see.
Speaker 1:So the cloud seeding involves adding tiny particles to clouds to help form rain droplets. It's not perfect, but it can sometimes make a difference. See, I think they're downplaying us a little bit. Scientists are always looking for new ways to affect weather patterns. They hope to prevent natural disasters Okay, I haven't read this, just so you know I'm just in tune Like wildfires and hurricanes, but for now their efforts are limited. The weather is a complex system that it's hard to predict, let alone control. So while we can't change the forecast with a push of a button, we're learning more about how to work with nature.
Speaker 1:I think this was just a propaganda, kind of like oh yeah, we can do some stuff. Let's see, people have long dreamed of controlling weather, and the 40 scientists made a big breakthrough. Vincent Schaefer and Bernard found a way to make clouds drop rain or snow. Man dude, I'm a little bit smarter than I give myself credit for. You know the 40 scientists.
Speaker 1:I did not read this. I didn't. I read like the title, and then I grabbed something else. I didn't know. It was called cloud seeding or whatever, but Anyway. So we talked about this, the cloud scene. These particles help water droplets fall blah, blah for snow. They thought it could be used as a weapon. In the 60s they tried to use cloud seeding in vietnam. The secret project was called operation pop.
Speaker 1:The cia looked also looked into weather control. They wanted to see if they can make storms stronger or weaker. One famous attempt was project storm fury. Scientists tried to weaken hurricanes by seeding them with silver iodide. I think they can make storms stronger and I think they do and they try and be like oh, it's global warming, climate change, look at, fuck off. Oh, this article is longer than I thought it was, so here's a couple different.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the atmosphere is always moving and changing weather patterns form from these movements. Scientists study how air moves up and down and sideways. Warm air rises while cold air sinks. This creates winds and affects cloud formation. Understanding these process helps predict where and when to modify weather. The ionosphere, a layer high in the sky, also plays a role. It can affect radio waves and weather patterns below. Some research looks at changing the ionosphere to influence weather.
Speaker 1:See, there's lots of ways that can be done. I mean, it's not like they can make everybody have four seasons across the globe, it's nothing like that. But I believe that they can modify it just enough to. You know, they're not going to. I don't think they're going to create a hurricane or a typhoon out of nothing. I mean possible, but I think it's. They make it worse. You know what I mean. Oh, there's a typhoon, there's looks like there's a storm coming. Let's add some droplets or whatever, make it a little more more intense, show them that global warming is happening. You know, it's a little, it's a little out there, but I, you know, I, I, I don't think it can be denied. It's crazy. I don't know. Government has too much control.
Speaker 1:Like I said in my last podcast, things are going good right now, but then eventually, right now, republicans are in control and we're the good guys, and then the liberals are like crazy right now. But it's going to change again 10, 15 years from now it's going to be. Republicans are bad and look at what they've done and I don't know, it's just like I don't know. I just I just think it's. It's just like, it's just the trends and people get on board. So now, cause you got people left and right now wanting to be go along with Republicans, just like in the forties, you know, in the fifties, and then the sixties happened and and Vietnam and Republicans were evil, they wanted a war in Vietnam, which they did, which was not cool. So then you know, democrats were cool and this and that. And then they did the 60s and 70s and they sucked. Well, I guess, no, nixon was in the 70s, but and then again it was like okay, they're sucking, let's bring in a Republican. Then Reagan tore it up, just like how Trump is right now. I think it's the same thing. Just, let's bring in a Republican, and then Reagan tore it up, just like how Trump is right now. I think it's the same thing. Just watch I talked about it in my last podcast.
Speaker 1:It's going to be 4, 12 years of Republican and then something's going to kind of change and it's going to be 8 years of a Democrat. Mark my words. I wonder if I'll still be doing a podcast then. Anyway, that's my time. Thanks for listening. Thanks for hanging out, leave a comment, let me know your thoughts. I don't care if you think I'm stupid, that's fine, as long as you're listening and commenting, I guess. Anyway, all right, but that's about it. Appreciate your time, thanks for listening and God bless, and I'll see you next time. All right, bye.