Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
JANUARY 6th TRUTH UNVEILED?: Riot Prisoners, Legal Battles, and Social Media Chaos
This episode critically examines the narratives surrounding the January 6th Capitol riot and the individuals labeled political prisoners. By exploring media influence, legal repercussions, and societal reactions, we invite listeners to engage in a more nuanced understanding of this complex issue.
• Discussion of the implications surrounding January 6th participants
• Examination of media’s role in shaping public perception
• Breakdown of the legal charges faced by January 6th detainees
• Comparisons with historical protests and responses
• Insights into the nature of online debates and effective discourse
What's up everybody? This is the Objective Jerk, and I'm said jerk, hope everybody's doing well. Anyway, I wanted to talk a little bit about the January 6th political prisoners, hostages, and just kind of some of the reaction from people and stuff like that. You know, um, I talked briefly, uh, on my last podcast about, you know, having just one side of the argument, but I mean, it's not even like one side of the argument, but it's just like one it's. It's you can tell when somebody just watches whatever kind of news or whatever kind of person, that they that is not really objective, you know what I mean, cause they say the same thing, the same talking points, the same, all the same stuff and and it's like, but then, god, like here, but like you could, I think, like I could understand why some people who I don't know, let's see, maybe like, maybe they believe that, you know, maybe they believe that Trump orchestrated this and tried to take over the country and did an insurrection and all this kind of stuff. And it's like, okay, maybe you think that from all the stuff, okay, that's fine, but to think that, with all the incidences or all the crimes that were committed that day, all the individuals, what was it like it's over a thousand right or something, to see that they haven't, like they've been in jail for four years, you know how? Why are they upset about them getting pardoned? Like I don't understand why they're so upset about it, like they think that these people are so evil now some are, some of them douchebags and we're trying to cause problems. Yeah, I'm sure you know, but it's just. It's just kind of annoying when they just they don't have their own opinion, they have the opinion of what is being told to them by the news and everything.
Speaker 1:So I have this friend I don't know how much I can call him a friend. I haven't seen him in forever, but I mean I can still call him a friend. We're friends on Facebook, right, and he's a liberal guy. I remember when we worked together we didn't really talk about politics, I don't think, maybe a little, but I didn't really care. He's like 10 years older than I am, roughly I think yeah, well, no, nine, nine years older than I am. Well, no, nine, nine years older than I am, and so we talked about mainly, I think, like movies and stuff like that, you know, the other things that we had in common. So we both worked as Department of the Army Police for a military installation, and so that's where I met him and worked alongside him, stuff, and you know I would love to see him in person. The only thing is like, man, I don't know how much would be with politics and everything, though it's going to come up, it's going to cause. So it's hard to say, but I still love the guy. Uh, I know he's a smart guy and all that kind of stuff, but I just think that he just he watches some of the stuff too much.
Speaker 1:He always accuses me oh you're watching fox. Like I don't watch fox. Man, I don't watch anything. I mean, it's like I, I don't watch anything, I watch. I've said it before people you know there's, there's content creators that watch all that stuff and break it down and show you the clips from everything. So I, it's like I don't watch anything, but I watch everything at the same time.
Speaker 1:It's kind of difficult to explain for those that do the same thing you know, for those that don't, I don't know, but I think it helps keep me informed and not you know um, and not, you know, tainted or I don't know, I don't know. It's like it's more, I'm informed, but I have some more of my own opinions Now. To be fair, I've tried watching some straight up liberal content creators, but again they're, they're. They don't exist because they're just the same crap. That's like they're really just trying to push that agenda. I mean, when they are trying to push things that are just blatantly like what just makes no sense, it's kind of you know what I mean. Now I don't watch youtube creators that are straight up conservative or nothing. They're just they're. You know, they're objective, but they like me just kind of. With all the crap going on, you just slowly start to go to the right and you know what I mean and you start to to align with, with the republicans and conservatives and stuff. It's crazy, but anyway.
Speaker 1:So I read something or I don't know. I listened to something or whatever, and they were talking about the. I didn't know there was that many people that were in prison for January 6th. I thought it was like 70 or something like that. That's what I thought. So that's how much I'm not really like. I know about it. I don't, I'm not. I'm not like a.
Speaker 1:I mean I do a little bit of research in here and there, but I remember working as in law enforcement and security and stuff as, uh, in law enforcement and security and stuff like the, the law aspect of it was really kind of boring to me. I tried getting a. I started a degree in in, um, what's it called? I can't remember what the degree is called now, but you know, for law enforcement and everything they do, they get into, but it's just really. I just was like, oh, I can't remember what the degree is called now, but you know, for law enforcement and everything they get into, but it's just really. I just was like, oh, I don't know, I don't have a good attention span, and it was just really boring to me and I ended up changing it. I changed it a couple times. Hey, what is that called? Though I can't even remember what that's called now, but anyway, so you know, so it's just not super interesting to me, right?
Speaker 1:So but, uh, you know all the stuff that's kind of going on in the news and people complaining about January 6th, individuals, and I'm happy they're getting out Um, you know, and you hear, oh my gosh, they assaulted police and and and, oh my gosh, they you know all these people. It was so horrible, you know, and I'm like you know what I'm gonna. I'm gonna kind of do a little bit of research right, and that's when I kind of realized just how many. So I get I. I I got on the DOJ like website thing and or you know, so they have here the capital breach cases, so they post. So they have here the capital breach cases, so they post, like all the cases. The thing is you can't. It just says case number, the name God, this is really bright the case number, the name, the location of arrest. So I mean you know they, whatever. Then they went home or something, that's where they got arrested, and then last entry updated and that's it.
Speaker 1:So it's like you got to click on all of them and then you got to start reading a bunch of you know legal paperwork stuff and I'm just like, oh, dude, and there's, there's a lot of them, I don't know how many. Just like, oh, dude, and there's a lot of them, I don't know how many. Oh, I guess it's 1,248 right here. That helps 1,248. I thought it was less than 100. Now I've heard stories of just straight up people that weren't even there getting arrested and all kinds of stuff. I don't know anything about that, I don't know, but I did. So I was kind of going through here and I was like, dude, I'm not gonna, I don't have the patience or the attention span to go through and look at all these. Sadly, I wish I did, but I don't. So I just kind of I clicked a couple, went a few pages, clicked a couple, went to the end, clicked a couple, you know, just to kind of, just to get like a random, whatever right. So here's one dude In the criminal complaint.
Speaker 1:So here's, like, the offenses so entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds. Disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds. Disorderly conduct in the Capitol grounds or building. Parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol grounds or buildings. Obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder. So out of all those that one's like the worst one. Okay, let's see. Let's go to another one Did I click on? Is this a different one? I might have clicked on the wrong one for this one. Um, what's this one? Okay? Oh, this one doesn't. Well, okay, so here we go. So, willingly, annoyingly, paraded, demonstrated and picketed in the Capitol building. Okay, that's what his is. So he's been in jail for four years. Okay, keep that in mind, let's see.
Speaker 1:Here's another one. I got my microphone. I need to move it. I'm like reading around my microphone microphone, I need to move it. I'm like reading around my microphone, um, again knowingly remaining in a restricted area. You know, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:It's all like the same, you know. So I mean the that's all they did. Some of them like broke a window, um, they did assault um a police officer maybe, but assault was like you could spit on a police officer and that's assault. So I mean, take that with a grain of salt and I don't think you should be spitting on police officers or obstructing anything like that. That is wrong and, like I said, that's the worst thing on that individual. Now are there ones in there that probably did worse than that, probably. But I mean it's kind of crazy that I just randomly picked and they're all the same thing, um, um.
Speaker 1:But then it's like you have, you know, two years ago or whatever it was I don't remember what it was for something with, uh, hamas or not, two years so when, like Hamas and Israel and all things started, then you had people going to the capital and they were sitting down and protesting, so they were doing the same thing, but nothing happens to them. You have people during 2020, and people are always like, oh my, oh, my god, but dude, all over the country, cities burning and rioters and and just like, it's just craziness, like apocalyptic, but nothing, nothing for them. In fact, there was like gofundmes and stuff to pay for their, to their, get their to get bailed out and they were never charged and all this kind of stuff. You know what I mean? This is the kind of crap that people this is why trump won, because people could see all this crap and it just all this crap going on but then these individuals because they're they spend four years in prison. Now, if it is true, because supposedly they were offered to be released, if they signed a statement saying that they were told by President Trump to go there and do that If that's true, then these people who refuse that should be heroes. And that is the whole reason that they were there. They were hoping they could get those people to help sign those statements, to say, oh look, he did this so he could get charged and Trump wouldn't be president. And this is the exact reason why Biden pre-pardoned or whatever it's called all the people from the Justice Department, because they knew that Trump was going to pardon all these guys and the truth was going to come out. And if he didn't pardon them, those individuals were going to be prosecuted and charged with. You know, I mean, I don't even know, like that's. You know, they're political prisoners. So then, okay, so this is kind of what brought this up for me to talk about.
Speaker 1:So I talked about my friend and so I posted something on Facebook and I don't even think it had anything to do with January 6th, but like it came up between him and someone else that's like a friend of mine that was in the army with, and then uh, oh, no, he's. It's funny, he's commenting on something right now as I say that. Which one is it? Oh, okay, um, he must have took a break from uh being on facebook because he wasn't saying anything. Now he's going all crazy. But dang it, I gotta look for it again. Let's see. No, it's not that one. Dang it, give me a second, let's see. Let's see, let's see Where's it at, where's it at? Okay, here it is.
Speaker 1:So it was like some kind of I wonder. Well, it doesn't matter what the the post is, because it's not pertaining particularly to January 6th or anything like that. But so it was something about I don't know, just a different, I don't know. It was something just you know talking shit to the about the liberal cards. So my friend he posted haha, nothing says talking shit about the liberal tards. So my friend he posted ha ha, nothing says disrespectful like the people that assaulted you while performing your duties as a federal law enforcement officer. Receiving a presidential pardon See that right there tells me that he all he does is watch like MSNBC, cnn and all those retards. You know what I mean. And the thing is he's looking at it from his experience as a law enforcement, because he was civilian law enforcement before. I met him working for the Army.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, some people did they assault the police officer, which is not cool, that's fine, but they did four years. Four years, how many years do you think is right for assaulting a police officer? No physical damage, no, nothing. No kicks to the head, no, the police officer. You know what I mean. Like four years. And then you have how much other bullshit going on in the country and people are not charged or it's for nothing. You know what I mean. So it's like how is it the same? How is it equal. So then I don't normally get into debates online because it's stupid to argue over your keyboard, I think so. Then I said like hey, what's up? It's been a while and that was it.
Speaker 1:And then so a buddy of mine said the violent ones didn't get pardoned, but the ones who took over Seattle had funds raised by Kamala and only one person died on January 6th. She was a protester, which is true, and then he's like, not true. 1,500 of them received pardons, even the ones that were on video assaulting officers and destroying property. Okay, they got released from jail, but they didn't receive a full pardon. There's still some of those individuals that did the assaults or did whatever still have that on their record. It's not like expunged, you know what I mean. So the ones that were just on the property doing nothing, they they got pardoned, no crime committed, they're, they're good. The other individuals were let out, but their, their criminal records are, you know, still intact, accordingly for whatever they did, right. And he said also there are a few officers that were injured and required medical attention. Also the four officers that took their own lives because they suffered from ptsd and depression From the assault on the capitol. Someone needs to be held accountable for that.
Speaker 1:Okay, so if somebody unknowingly or unwillingly Caused someone to have ptsd and then they ended up killing themselves, I think four years is enough, because it's not like they were like, oh, I'm going to give this guy, I'm going to make him kill himself. You know what I mean. Like that's, that's, that's retarded, like they, I don't. And it's like it's crazy to me that this guy, like everything he just said, kind of just like, oh man, he's just watching, watching the news, watching one one argument of the news, one side of the news. You know what I mean. I don't know, bro, if you're listening to this, which I don't think he does, but he's got to realize who I'm talking about. Does, but he's got to realize who I'm talking about. I don't know.
Speaker 1:It'd be nice to like catch up, but not I hate on messaging and talking. You know what I mean because you know you've seen that skit with uh on uh, was it key and peel, where the one dude's like he's like hey, man, let's go hang out. He's like, sure, whatever, you know. But he's like, yeah, man, but you know the way the text comes over is but it's all, and he's like taking it the wrong way and he's getting pissed off like the guy you know. So it's like and that happens a lot, you know. So it's so to argue.
Speaker 1:I mean, how many times have you said something in a comment but then somebody's like starts attacking you and you're like dude, that's, that's what I said and I'm not. You know what I mean. So it just comes across depending on who's reading it, or whatever. So so it's really pointless to to get keyboard arguments, at least I, you know, and I've, I've done it, and I still do it occasionally, but I really try not to like I've, I've I don't know how many times I've started doing a comment. Oh yeah, oh yeah, well, okay, well then, let's just see about this. And then I'm like you know what fuck this, and I, I delete it. I'm like this is stupid. So, but you know, and so that's kind of what I do now. So, and I did that for this.
Speaker 1:So that's what kind of prompted this, this podcast, was, because I almost answered that exact thing that I read and I'm like no, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna, because there's no point. There's like I've already tried with him anyway, I've already he'll, and he likes to do that. He's kind of. I've already tried with him anyway, and he likes to do that. He's kind of, I mean, I know he believes this stuff, but he also kind of embellishes it a little bit, just to kind of be trolling in a sense. At least that's what I think.
Speaker 1:So a lot of times if I post something that's all pro-Trump, anti-liberal, whatever this and that, and it doesn't really bother him or he doesn't care one way or the other, he'll still say something, just to kind of be like, you know, because that's how he is, you know. So you know, and I've had a few he'll like I'll post something, he'll say something, I'll respond, and then I don't ever hear anything again. You know what I mean. He just likes to say his piece. I guess Maybe he's like you know he doesn't want to get in a debate either, but it just seems like he'll say his whatever and then you'll counteract it with whatever, but then nothing ever comes back.
Speaker 1:That's always kind of, and that's another reason why I don't get into keyboard arguments, because no one's ever like oh, bro, yeah, you know what, you're right, my bad, I'm sorry. Okay, I see what you're saying. There's never any of that. It's either. It just keeps going back and forth and you're never going to get a resolution, because you can't argue with stupid. You know what I mean? Or not so much stupid, but just ignorant.
Speaker 1:Ignorant, if somebody doesn't know what they're talking about except for what they're told on tv or the news or whatever, and they're not willing to try and find out information on that, you're not going to change their mind, you're not going to do nothing. It's pointless. So instead of fighting on a keyboard, I get my frustrations out on this microphone, I guess. But anyway, I don't know. That's all I want to talk about. Let me know what your thoughts are on the January 6th. I'm sure there's going to be some people like they should all die January 6th. I'm sure there's going to be some people like they should all die Whatever. But anybody that's like has any kind of common sense and a logical thinking, objective brain, you know. Let me know what you think, or if you have any other additional info for me, Because, like I said, I don't know all the details of the individuals.
Speaker 1:That that's the thing too, is like. Okay, so you know, you have the one guy, the one guard. That that's the thing too, is like. Okay, so you know, you have the one guy, the one guard that was like the puppet and he was describing everything. But then you have, you know, there's video, there's tons and tons of of of evidence and video of the cops just letting them in. Letting them in. If it's such a crime to go into the, why were the cops moving the barricades and letting them in? Just answer me that. Just answer me that. Is it one of those guys? I bet you it was probably one of those guys that got depressed and took their own life. Where was Hillary? You know, that's what I want to know. Anyway, that's all. Thanks for listening. Appreciate your time, god bless, and I will see you guys next time. All right, bye.