Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
BARRON IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Political Legacies, Speculative Futures, and Government Skepticism
Imagine sipping your morning coffee while pondering the life of a young man at the center of a political whirlwind. Join us as we explore Barron Trump’s life, drawing thought-provoking parallels with children affected by war in Afghanistan. From a casual musing over a gripping video clip to serious reflections on his experiences during Trump's inauguration, we grapple with the impact of past events on Barron and possibly, his feelings towards the Biden administration. Through a carefully interwoven mix of personal anecdotes and observations, we create a contemplative atmosphere to question the potential resentment Barron might feel amid his father's legal and political challenges.
Venture with us into the realm of speculation about Barron's future, imagining him as a disciplined figure standing against the deep state. Through intriguing discussions of power dynamics and historical events like the JFK and MLK assassinations, we question governmental roles and explore the complexities of legacy and government spending. Our conversation drifts through personal experiences with government employment, highlighting inefficiencies and resource allocation. From tales of the postal service to living on a government installation, we reflect on the broader implications, wrapping the episode in a rich tapestry of curiosity and skepticism.
Good morning, this is the Objective Jerk, and I'm said jerk, how's everybody doing? It's Sunday for me Gonna try and get some more stuff done around the house, but I was just finishing up my morning drinking coffee and watching stuff and everything, and I caught a clip that I want to talk about, a little video. So just to kind of, you know how, just to kind of. Yeah, I'm a great speaker, huh, that's why I got five listeners.
Speaker 1:It's all right though, um, but you know, like you hear those stories and and uh, I know there's like fact stories, or you know like actual documented stories of, like afghanistan kids back in the 80s and stuff. You know when russia and everybody and they were fighting the taliban and and and know some farming family that gets dragged into it and then their house gets blown up or their dad gets blown up because, you know, america helped supply some bombs and they missed the target or something. So then they, you know they grow up knowing that America killed their father and build all this hate and aggression and they want to, you know, and then they have the next. You know the war that happened, or maybe they even joined, you know, the Taliban beforehand to get revenge or when the war started, they definitely like you know what, screw this, they're not coming into my country. They killed my dad. Yada, yada, yada, yada. Right, you know things that happen to children, especially like their parents, or something. They really just kind of ruin their childhood and their life in a sense. Really hold on to that. And, um, I think that trump's son, baronron, I think he's, he's in that category, just on the other side. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Um, so you know I watched I didn't watch the inauguration like straight, because it was. I watched it afterward, you know, so I kind of I was able to kind of skip and fast forward a little bit, so I didn't really watch my teeth look so yellow. I drink a lot of coffee. My wife's like I'm drinking coffee, but it's like man. That's the only thing that makes me happy, I mean, aside from her. But yeah, I need to get some whitening. I haven't had my teeth cleaned in a while, though, here in the philippines. All right, getting off track.
Speaker 1:Um, so I, you know, like I just watched parts of it and you know, um, I didn't study it, you know, because I don't have the attention span, but I saw this clip, um, of this girl who does like lip reading. She's able to do some lip reading and then once she says it, it's like okay, that's pretty obvious. So maybe she's not quite, but I don't know. I did kind of see it on some headlines but I didn't pay much attention to it. But this clip is when Barron shakes the hand of Biden and Jill, dr Jill Biden and then goes over to his mom and it is like, I don't know, I think Biden's in for some shit, I don't know, because he didn't pardon himself.
Speaker 1:I don't know. It's kind of crazy, I don't know. I don't know what to think about it. I think it's bullshit that they were pardoned, like Fauci and all them. But at the same time it's like and I kind of feel bad for Biden, to be honest with you, I I just I mean, I mean obviously he's crooked, but I think he's just kind of old and slow and you know what I mean like he gets taken advantage of a lot, I think, not to say that he, you know, didn't help his son become rich and overseas, whatever, but I think some of it.
Speaker 1:I don't know if, uh, you know, I don't know if, like Baron blames, you know, biden in them for the assassination attempt. I mean they could have a part in it, not like, not legitimately, like you know Biden and them for the assassination attempt. I mean they could have a part in it, not like, not legitimately, like you know, but like just the rhetoric and everything they were talking about, you know. But they definitely he can hold some, you know. Hold, what's the word I'm looking for? Hold, what's the word I'm looking for? Resentment towards Biden, for you know all the legal battles that his dad went through, which was bullshit, the raid on their house and everything you know.
Speaker 1:I think, yeah, that really kind of they think the Biden and the administration and then in the DOJ they might have like kicked a hornet's nest by, you know, going after him the way they did, you know, and that's what's kind of funny. It's just like in those movies where people try so hard to stop something from happening that if they just didn't do anything at all, it would have been more successful. You know what I mean. So think about it biden or trump lost and if they just like, okay, who cares nobody for january, you know, just, whatever, forget about him, whatever. Um, maybe he wouldn't even rant, you know, maybe he would have been like you know what, screw this, I'll just kind of support other people and whatever, but then the more they kept attacking him and attacking him, he's like you know what, screw you, I'm going to get back in office and I'm going to make you cry and so I'm kind of thinking, you know, but anyway. So this video, let's see, pull it up here, okay, so I should have it on screen. All right, I'm gonna push play right now.
Speaker 1:So you see, baron go over there, shakes biden's hand, shakes bills, and he whispers something to biden look at, look at at Biden's dumbass face. He's just like oh what. And then he talks to his mom, like right, okay. And she's like and then look at this, look at this. He looks at him you, motherfucker, all right. So what? The person right here. He says it's on, that's what he says to him, it's on, right. And then he goes over here to his mom and she's like try to be nice. He's like I will. And then he just gives him the death.
Speaker 1:Look, dude, he's, he's, he's on a mission, man, he's, he's not. Uh, he hasn't forgotten. I hope it doesn't go to his head and make him like too Punishery, you know what I mean, but he's, he might be a force to be reckoned with there, right there. And how old is he? Like 19? Dude, I think he's going to try and make it. He, I get the feeling that he is going to be the absolutely best person in the world, that he can be no drugs, no drinking, no, you know, hooking up with women and all that kind of stuff. Just focus on, you know, he's trying to do some sort of business venture with some other people, sort of business venture with some other people. Like maybe he's going to kind of keep his kind of stay out of the, the political spotlight, but secret but but just be kind of building an empire and this and that. And then I think he will. If things haven't changed, then he will run and he will like you ain't got nothing on me. I'm going to ravage the deep state and just totally get rid of all the deep state BS. You know what I mean it's like, because I mean that's what it was, it's the same thing.
Speaker 1:And then now Trump's releasing the files that know, the files that they have, which they have released. I haven't looked into it yet, though, my dumb ass. I'm gonna talk about it, but I don't even. I don't even know. Did they release it? I think they did, but to me it's like they say, okay, it's not gonna be redacted.
Speaker 1:But I kind of think, like anything, that any kind of information that would really be like oh look it, look it was CIA. I think it was gotten rid of. They got rid of it. There's nothing that's going to be like clear as day what happened. I think they've had so much time to get rid of the evidence and do all this kind of crap Like what's going to be left? Really, you know what I mean. What can there really be left? I mean, I hope so, but if you think about it, they've, they've had this information about, well, mlk2, right, and and, and, um, jfk, and they're like oh, we got the information, but it's being sealed, it's not gonna be open for 70 something years or whatever it was you know.
Speaker 1:And it's like that right there tells you it was a deep state, it was the government, the corrupt deep state government, that did it. You know what I mean. Why else would they just oh no, we were gonna seal it and wait for. So everybody that was that would have been involved is dead. It's like what? How is that even right or ethical? You know what I mean. And that right there tells you that it wasn't just some lone crazy guy, it was the government. The government killed JFK and you know I mean when I say government JFK. And you know I mean when I say government. You know it could be CIA, FBI, but yeah, they were all.
Speaker 1:And it's the same thing with Trump, you know. Did now, did they? I don't think, like they created and raised the kid, like some of the movies and whatever. I think they found a mentally unstable liberal who kind of they could coax and you know, put the, put the bug in their ear and do a little bit of training and get them to. You know, do what they need. But thank God they missed.
Speaker 1:You know, and I don't know. I used to think that. You know what it's not over Like. I have this feeling that Trump is going to end up dying in office from getting like poisoned or something. I really hope not, but I don't know We'll see dying in office from getting like poisoned or something. I really hope not, but um, I don't know, we'll see. I'm gonna look real quick, see if, um, what's come up about it. I know he's going to or he's about to, so he declassifies. Let me see, I'm to just read a little bit. Just kind of crazy.
Speaker 1:I remember watching. The first time I really paid attention to JFK was, I think, eighth grade. I was in eighth grade, my history class, and it was right around just after the jfk movie came out. So you know, my teacher was talking about jfk and we watched the film jfk and everything, and, and I remember that at the end of the film it said that it was like, oh, it'll be released in 30 years or whatever it was, you know, which is now actually or actually passed. But and I just remember thinking like, how is that? Like, if they know who did it, how are they? How can they like, not, I don't know? All right, I'm going to read this real quick though.
Speaker 1:So president on Thursday signed an executive order to declassify files related to the series of high profile assassinations of president JFK, rfk and Martin Luther King. Trump has long promised to release. Okay, many of the files related have already been disclosed. Yeah, been redacted the records. Well, let's see Within 15 days of the day of this order. Also, it hasn't came out yet, so it's gonna probably little by little or something.
Speaker 1:But then you have like, guess, jfk's grandson is like, ooh, you're bringing up your family. It's like, dude, it's not just about you and your family, it's about America. You know what I mean. So, yes, we deserve to know. There is no. It's like dude, how can you? He probably knows, but I'm wondering if maybe it's just going to really bring a shit storm. But then it's like, if it was so easy See, this is the other thing why people like Trump how many presidents since JFK, I mean, got Barack. Why didn't he release him? Why didn't he release him? Why didn't Bush? What's? Because they were corrupted. The deep state had their fangs and their talons in them, but they don't have them with Trump. That's why they tried to shoot him Twice. Don't have him with Trump. And that's why they tried to shoot him Twice, because a lot of shit's going to come out Makes you kind of wonder what's going on behind the scenes.
Speaker 1:Like are people I'm assuming that all of a sudden, people are just going to be disappearing, either fleeing or dying, I don't know. It's going to be. Wow, I'm sitting really far from my microphone. I hope. Yeah, I think it picked up, but it's kind of crazy. I mean, this should have happened. This should have happened a long time ago, a long time ago. And that's the thing People that just hate Trump, they're like I don't know why. Why do you want Trump? It's like dude, because he's not a politician. He wants what's good for the country and he's doing it, and he's not a little bitch that's going to get fucked in the ass by the deep state and, oh, this is what you're going to do. Oh, no, you can't do it. You can do this, this, so it makes it whatever, but no, you're not gonna.
Speaker 1:Because now it's like, yeah, most of those people are gone, but it's like they have some sort of legacy, you know, and right now they're looked upon in a, you know, in a fair way, like they're oh, you know they, they, they helped, you know this and that blah, blah, whatever. And now when this comes out, it's gonna, those people are gonna be, you know, traitors and and conspirators or not conspiracy, but just not looked at in a nice light. You know what I mean, and that's kind of what they worry about now is like their legacy, but it's like, dude, just not looked at in a nice light. You know what I mean and that's kind of what they worry about now is like their legacy, but it's like dude. And see, that's kind of annoying, though.
Speaker 1:When people are corrupt and evil and then they worry about how they're going to be looked at, it's like dude. Well, that's who you are, man. If you're corrupt and evil, don't you want to be like, look at me, I was evil. No, they want to. I don't know, but that's Satan right there. Man, that's evil, that's legitimately evil. And then it's like I'm seeing all kinds of stuff now because, you know, because Trump did all his presidential orders, executive orders oh, wow, there's a really cool bird out my window squirrel.
Speaker 1:But you know, and then people are like, oh my gosh, they're getting rid of all the black people, because I mean the majority of black people, that's who, like you know the affirmative action. It's like, yeah, that's kind of how it was and it was needed back in the day, in the 60s, but it's not needed anymore, you know. And they sit there and like there was a video of people crying about how, you know, in the private sector there's so many. There's like the percentage of blacks to whites is huge, like there's hardly any blacks, right. But then in the government sector. It's all like a huge percentage of black people right and I don't want to, you know, say anything negative or racist or you know what's the other word Stereotypical but most people that work for the government, their jobs are pointless, they're easy and it's like it's almost impossible.
Speaker 1:Once you're, you know, been a government employee for like three years I think it is three or four it's almost impossible to lose your job and you don't do crap. They don't hardly do nothing. You know they do a couple little things. They check their emails, they'll do a couple whatever, but most of the time it's like they ain't doing shit. I mean, you have people that are like mechanics and certain things that they're working, but as far as like office except for like HR HR man, they're always busy.
Speaker 1:But there are so many jobs because I worked in, you know, the government sector and there's lots of people that you know had some jobs that kept them busy or whatever. But there's a lot of people that have jobs where it's the easiest job in the world you know what I mean and our taxpayers are paying for that and it's like, and there's some of those jobs are just really not needed. You know you have an office of like 10 people and like three of them could do all the jobs of those 10. So get rid of those seven. Hey, I just did math, um, and then there you go. I mean it's it kind of sucks, but at the same time it's like you know, there's other jobs out there, there's, I don't know.
Speaker 1:So I like that he's trying to get rid of some of the almost like freeloaders in a sense, you know, but that's why, you know, I guess black folks were like you know, some people get the job and they tell their buddies, oh dude, oh man, you gotta this is. You know, I'm gonna get, I'm gonna hook you up and get you this job, it's so easy. And then you get. Once you get I forget what the term is because I had it I remember once I got it and I was, I want to say, established, but that's not the word, that's not the term.
Speaker 1:But you know, and even like in the post office, my wife worked at the post office and it's like people in there would sit there and like try, and they would really try and stretch out their work to try and get overtime, like they would milk it like crazy. And my wife is like I just want to get work done and go home, and they're like getting mad because she's like she's doing her routes quick and getting stuff done. They're like yo, you got to slow down. You got to slow down. Come on, man, you're going to make us look bad. We're going to lose overtime. You know what I mean? The we're gonna lose overtime. You know what I mean? The government is filled with that crap. The government spends like okay, here's an example of government spending, right.
Speaker 1:So I worked and lived on a government installation that did like testing I'm not gonna say a whole lot but and so we lived in the housing. It was actually pretty cool because it was part of it got taken out of my paycheck, my rent, so I never paid anything. It was just we had the house. It was part of it got taken out of my paycheck, my rent, so I never paid anything. It was just we had the house. It was actually a pretty sweet deal, like anybody who's like kind of having to restart, reset their life, and you know like that was a perfect job because that at the time I was getting some overtime, um, but anyway. So there's this whole like little mini city. Right, there was a bowling alley, a movie theater and there was a subway. There was like, like like apartments, but there were like barracks for the soldiers that were there. They had like a little cafe, you know restaurant, restaurant, and they had houses all over right.
Speaker 1:And at one point in time they so the government, if you, your department, let's say you're in charge of a department and you get a certain budget, like, okay, I get $10. I mean that's, they get a lot more than that, right? So they get $10 that they for their budget. If they don't spend that $10, they'll get less money next year. So by the end of the fiscal year I mean, okay, I guess $10, that's a stupid way to do it. But you know, you get like 50 grand or whatever it is right To spend on whatever kind of things that your department needs. If you don't spend that money, you're gonna get less next month. So what they do is they just start buying stupid shit. I mean stuff that you kind of need but it's not, or no, stuff that you could use but it's not needed. Really, you know what I mean. So we, the end of the fiscal year, year, hey, what's some stuff we could use? Um, you know it'd be cool if we could get, um, a water cooler. Oh yeah, okay, good idea. You know, and that's what they do and it should be like you should like, if you spend less, like after like three years, you should get like some kind of bonus or something they should. They should, you know, reward people for being frugal and able to do their job, you know, but that's how the government is right.
Speaker 1:So at this place where I lived, they, you know the, the installation, whoever is the in charge, whatever hey, we have some. Uh, you know, we gotta spend some money, right. So they, what they did is like okay, they put in a bid to have all the roofing done, because it got snow there where I lived and put metal roofing on all the houses, right. So they were doing that, and I remember they were doing that when I was there, and and then, like two years later, they started tearing down a lot of the houses that just had these brand new metal roofs. So when they put I mean when they put the bid in they knew those houses were going down. When they put the roofs on the houses, they knew they were going to get torn down, but they still do it.
Speaker 1:It's government spending. In a nutshell, it's horrendous and it's good that Trump's going to try and fix this because it's stupid. Our taxpayers, our tax paying, our dollars, our tax dollars are going to the stupid crap. You know what I mean. It's like horrible Government is horrible at spending and budgeting and all that stuff. So I mean you know, I was a government employee who knows, maybe if I still was, I would, I would be getting shit can now. But I mean, which would suck, I guess. But but the is too.
Speaker 1:When you are in a government position and you can no longer do your job whether it's on you or it's like laid off, like what Trump's doing you know, hey, we're getting rid of these positions. You don't just get kicked to the curb. They will find you a job that's equivalent to the pay and what it is Now. It may be kind of a shitty job, but it's still a job. And you get like three choices. So they're like here you go, here's this. No, I don't want that, okay. And then you know a couple of days later, a week later, okay, here there's this job, here you can read the description and everything like that Okay, cool, I'll take that. Or you can say no. But on the third one, if you say no, that's it, then you're done, then you're kicked to the curb.
Speaker 1:So you know all these people crying like, oh my God, these people, it's not nowhere near as bad. I mean, are some people going to have that option? Probably maybe, I guess. I don't know it's possible, but because they can. Only, you know, they only have so many jobs. But we'll see, we'll see. Anyway, I think it's good. Uh, thanks for hanging out. I think Baron's going to be a badass and, um, I'll see you guys all next time. Uh, god bless, all right.