Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
FROM TELEWORK TO TURMOIL: Federal Return Mandate, Viral Debates, and Military Insights
Get ready for a jaw-dropping episode that will challenge your perspective on remote work and government policy. We kick things off with a viral TikTok video that has sparked a nationwide debate among federal employees. As the Objective Jerk, I give my unfiltered reaction to this woman's frustration over the mandate requiring teleworkers to return to their offices. Brace yourself for a thought-provoking exploration of the real-life implications of this policy shift, from the challenges faced by those uprooting their families to the broader impacts on work ethics and political ideologies. And that's just the beginning—stay tuned as I delve into my personal military experience and dissect the surprising nuances of the online reactions to this woman's views. This episode is guaranteed to leave you questioning your own perspective on the socio-political climate. Don't miss out on the eye-opening conversation that awaits you.
What's up everybody. This is the Objective Jerk, and I'm said jerk. Here I am again. One last podcast for the end of the month because I have like a certain amount of time. I think I got.
Speaker 1:I did a lot of podcasts this month. I think I got like six hours and I'm about to finish it off right now, but I only have like 21 minutes left on my account that I can. You know, 21 minutes worth of time that I can upload. So this is going to be a little bit shorter, or at the very least, I got to just kind of really keep an eye on my time, so I'm going to try and get it all the way to 21. Hopefully I don't rush it too fast and then I'm like oh crap, I only got 10 minutes, okay anyway, so I got. It's gonna be a little different. I'm gonna kind of react to something, but I got a speaker so those of you listening on the podcast can actually hear what I'm watching. Um, I always would kind of forget, and then I was too lazy, but I was like you know what, I'm going to have the speaker, so my microphone can pick that up, so at least the podcasters can listen to what I'm watching or listening to, and you don't have to really watch it, it's just. You know, it's just a lady talking into her phone, tiktok. So I'll describe her, but you may not need a description when you start listening to her talk.
Speaker 1:So I was in a little polo shirt today, I went to mass this morning and then so everybody's gone, got the house to myself and I got to do some cleaning, some cleaning, some organizing some house bin stuff and uh. But you know, before I do I used to not eat nothing till like after lunch. But then I kind of I've noticed like I'll kind of get going and then I'll get hungry and then I'll eat, and then it kind of ruins my momentum. So I'm starting to just eat, eat some breakfast, drink my coffee, do my thing and then, you know, hit the house and get some stuff done, right. So as I was drinking coffee and eating my breakfast and I was, you know, watching some videos on YouTube, I wasn't really paying attention too much. I was watching the Black Conservative and I mean I had it on but I was kind of doing other things, so I was kind of like kind of listening, kind of not.
Speaker 1:But then I start I heard this video that he was watching, and I heard this lady talking and I was like what the crap? And I started kind of watching. I was like what? And I just was like, oh my god, I had to say something, I had to do a podcast, all right. So so here I am, so I'm gonna play this video and let you guys hear it and then I'm gonna talk about it and then I'm gonna share some of the comments that are on her thing regarding this video, which is kind of funny, all right.
Speaker 1:But uh, first I gotta stop what I'm recording because I gotta change the view, because I, you know, I don't use obs, so, let's see. So I'll stop that, and now I need to start a new one. Oh, I messed up there because I have the wrong thing. Of course, hold on. Okay, I got to minimize this. There we go. Okay, record screen. Let's just do it like this. I guess I don't know, and it's got my face in it. Got to do that, right, oh, I can do it kind of. Oh, that's kind of cool, all right, I like that. I'm going to do that. All right, maybe I'll like adjusting the screen size and everything. All right, let's see. Okay, I need the microphone, all right.
Speaker 2:Here we go, alright.
Speaker 1:So now for those that only watch or listen to the podcast, you're listening to a little behind the scenes and then now I'm going to play the next part for the video. So but here we go. Oh, I guess I should kind of break it down. Hold on, okay. All right, so I didn't really talk about what it is.
Speaker 1:So for those that don't know, you know, trump is whooping some ass, getting all kinds of things done, and he's making federal employees that work from home go back to work. I'm sure it's not every single one of them what I'm. I kind of think, like I mean, I don't want to. I'll talk more about it once we listen to this lady. I mean, I'll talk more about it once we listen to this lady, but I think a lot of it is those individuals got to come back to work. So if they live out of state, they got to make their way in, spend a week at work, figure some stuff out, and either they're going to keep their job and move or they're going to go back home, find another job or whatever. You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:But here let's just watch this, this, uh, this weirdo so my husband's a federal teleworker, which is different than a remote worker. He's been working since 2014. His program was signed off by Congress. There's a union that has the total work as part of their bargaining rights, and we got an email in the night that we have to move our whole lives from New Mexico to we don't know where.
Speaker 2:Yet we don't know if it's going to be DC. We don't know if it's going to be DC, we don't know if it's going to be a remote office in Denver or somewhere, and I just feel really sick about it. This is deeply inhumane. We have kids in schools. We have a house that we love.
Speaker 1:Okay, this would suck. I'm not gonna lie. You know, if I was in this position and they're like yo, you gotta come back, um, I would, it would suck, I'd be pissed off or annoyed or whatever, and but it's like if it's that big a deal and you're that pissed off, then quit the job. You know, that's just. See, this is the mentality I mean. She, you can tell she's not like super young, but she's younger, she's a gen, what z, I guess.
Speaker 1:But they just, they really have no clue what real suffering is. I mean, she's gonna find out now a little bit, but it's like it's that's the normal, that's nothing like this isn't inconceivable. You know, like this happens, people have to go through this stuff all the time and they're not just going to be like oh, you know they will work with you the best they can. You know she's going to, she's trying to make this just oh, we got it in the night. You know, like she's just every little, every kind of little thing she can throw in here to make it look like but she's just a annoying piece of trash.
Speaker 2:All right, let's keep going the community that we love Our whole lives are here, and I mean, this is you know not the level of trauma that migrants and queer folks are feeling right now.
Speaker 1:Migrants and still trauma. I wonder if she had a video on tiktok that was like, oh my god, they don't have tiktok anymore, when they have talked to tiktok for like a day. You know people that were just like flipping out and so upset and I don't know. I mean, I, you know, I understand that, like some people that was their income, they made videos and and that's how they made their money and everything. But there are other platforms and if you have that big of a following, you know they'll follow you to another platform, you know. But anyway, all right, let's keep going.
Speaker 2:And I don't know what we're going to do by the way you're going to do, by the way you're going to move probably exactly how they want us to feel.
Speaker 2:They want us to feel just a deep sense of dread. They want us to feel completely overwhelmed by finding new schools for children, finding housing on very short notice Um, because it's just a game to them. They want my husband to quit, and that sucks, because he is one of the best employees in his agency. He works for the American people. His job is to help Americans and he does it, and don't fool yourselves oh my god, she is such a fucking karen like she is, oh entitled.
Speaker 1:Why? Why won't she say, like what he does? Why can't she say like his, his job, occupation, is that giving away too much information? I kind of find. I find it a little weird that she doesn't say, oh, he works, you know, tele, whatever, this and that, and he's very good. It's like, okay, what exactly does he do? Because I bet you he probably works like two hours out of the day and then doesn't do nothing the rest of the time. That's kind of. The thing is, they're so used to not doing jack shit that now they're going to have to actually do something. It's kind of. And, to be fair, okay it's.
Speaker 1:I've went through that too, like I think I've talked about it before, when, when first time I went into Iraq when I was in the army, you know the first like two months of, you know, because we went in like the third day after they it was invaded, so we weren't right there, you know, in the shit, shit, most of the shit had already happened. For the most part, all the shit we encountered was all the stuff later, all the stupid hiding and you know whatever. But anyway, so I'm not gonna be like, oh, I went on an invasion day. No, I was like three days after so but the first, like two months, was like no days off, constant work and working. You know, you get used to it and it's like no big no, no problem. And then you get a day off and you're like, oh man, this is great, right.
Speaker 1:So then once things kind of once, we got established and we had schedules and we had a system and you know it started become a well-oiled machine. Well, they started implementing time off for, you know, platoons and squads and individuals and stuff, right. So would have like scheduled days off. Um, would get I think like two days off in a week, but they would be separate, if I remember right. So one day I would, I would do laundry and like maintenance and we all kinds of kind of you know whatever, and then the other day was just got to chill and do what I wanted.
Speaker 1:So then we started having those and then we started having those regularly and then whenever those got taken away, it was like, oh, what the crap, man, I can't have a day off. You know, start freaking out because you're just, you're kind of used to it, but it's like you know. But then we'd be like well, well, dude, we went two months without a single day off. You know what I mean. So you kind of put things in perspective. But that's the thing is, individuals like this dumbass woman, she, she can't put things into perspective. She tries, she's trying to make it look like oh, you know, it's not as bad as the immigrants and stuff like that. Let me guess I bet you she's got pronouns in her bio she's married, so at least she's, you know, not gay.
Speaker 2:This new administration is doing. This is not about productivity. This is not about getting money back for Americans. My husband's agency is fee-funded, by the way. He collects zero of your tax dollars and he still works his ass off for all of you. Oh, does he sorry, I just got really angry I'm sorry, I just got really angry.
Speaker 1:Productivity I hate when they say that do not I know it's the right way, but what is happening? Happening to families.
Speaker 2:I mean, don't look away from any of it. But this isn't just about migrants. This isn't just about gender issues. It's not even about reproductive rights. It is about control and power over American families. Period the end.
Speaker 1:It doesn't matter who you are I think it's funny how they try and like spin the everything that, like, the right has been saying for the last four years, and then things start changing and the the pendulum is swinging. Now they're all like, oh well, this is about the control and this and that it's like dude, they're, I don't know. I just I can't stand the left, I really can't. I can't. Well, I mean, I just can't stand a lot of the people on the left, but, um, all right, so that's enough of that. She just kind on for some some crap. So I'm going to go back to recording with my webcam because, all right. So now I kind of wanted to. Let's see, let's look up some of her. So I did see some of her, um, or some of the comments, right? So she's had a lot of comments on this. How many views, I have no idea, but you know I was. I was a little relieved when it was like so the first one's like welcome to the real world. You know, that's it. Inhumane is a bit much for the choice of words to use. Yeah, welcome to adulthood. Sometimes these things happen. Yep, try being a military family, yeah. And then somebody's like how is it humane, inhumane, seriously. I'm here. I've moved 14 times working for the government. I never considered it inhumane, see, it's just like. Yeah, the comment section did not disappoint, exactly, so I was pretty happy about that.
Speaker 1:Okay, oh, there we go, man, why is it not working? There we go anyway. Let me see. I wanted to check her out. So she, oh, is a writer apparently. How do I go to her profile? No, I do not want to follow this woman. She looks to be annoying as all hell.
Speaker 1:Um. A writer, oh, there's nothing in the no um, what do you call it? What did I say earlier? Pronouns I don't see no. Pronouns Bummer, so this is just a code word for her picture Nothing, so is this? I guess this is it. Let's go to her picture. Nothing, so is this? I guess this is it? Huh, there's not much for about Report block, nope, I'm going to block her. So she's a writer, so she works from home, most likely too. So you know, she gets to do her little TikTok videos, which are not, you know, super or whatever, but I think she gets more than me. But I don't know. I haven't watched too much of her stuff. That video that I just watched just annoyed me too much. Dang it. I thought for sure there would be pronouns oh bummer, what is this thing not working? All right, so, oh, that's right, you can see stuff that she's reposted or stuff that she's liked. The users liked. Videos are private oh bummer.
Speaker 1:I wonder if I followed her I could probably see more, but I don't want to. I'm not that low, but whatever. But you see, dude, and this is kind of, these are the people that really, I mean, they did in a sense affect the last election. I mean, I do think it was stolen, I think there was some help, um, but you know, like twitter and there's like so many, so many people I mean there was there's bots and there's all that kind of crap but the individuals like this that just kind of really stay in their echo chamber and and you know, yeah, yeah, like yeah, yeah, you're so right, blah, blah, blah. And then people that are in charge of whatever film, uh, you know campaign, campaign management, whatever see this stuff, thinking like, oh man, you know, all these people feel this way, so let's do this. You know what I mean. But it's like, dude, it doesn't it. And then you know you could just see what was happening in the world and know that that's bullshit, that's kind's the. That's the biggest thing. Is they just the left? I don't know what they're looking at. They're looking at polls, they're looking at, you know, likes and and tweets and and all this stuff, thinking like, oh, this is what everybody thinks, but it's. But then it's like, okay, if you just look at what's going on, you would know what people think. You know what I mean, because I mean you could see it with when trump ran against biden. Dude, it was the same thing. Trump or biden was doing all the stupid stuff, saying all these stupid things, and it was just like, oh my gosh, you know, trump's got it, trump's got it, and then he didn't. And it was like what? How, that doesn't make sense. So I do believe that it was stolen.
Speaker 1:The election was stolen because the second time came around with kamala and everything. And well, beginning with biden and then kamala, you could just see it. You could just see, you know, you compare the interviews, what they're saying, their rallies and all that kind of stuff. You could just see the difference, like it's so obvious. And it was like, dude, trump has got it. But it was still like man, I just don't.
Speaker 1:I was worried because I was like man, they stole it last time. How you know, they're going to try and do it again. What are they going to do? I was really worried about was like man, they stole it last time, they're going to try and do it again. What are they going to do? I was really worried about it, but then people said it was too big to rig. But you just kind of look at the writing on the wall, look at the flow, the current, just take a second and get off your phone and off the whatever and just kind of look at everything and you can kind of tell which way it's kind of going and stuff. And this, this woman who's being inhumanely, um, object, subjected to having to move because of her husband's job, because Trump is so mean and he wants to control dude, whatever. Anyway, lefties are losers, trump keeps winning. I'm feeling good. Uh, I hope you enjoyed this. Uh, let me know and uh, thanks for hanging out. God bless, and I'll see you next time. All right, bye.