Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
DIVERSITY & SAFETY CLASH?: Aviation Dilemmas, Political Buzz, and Netflix Truths
This episode explores the overwhelming troubling implications of DEI hiring over qualifications within the airline industry, influence of Trump's emails, and the chaotic state of left-wing media. We also delve into the Gulf of America debate, personal reflections on Hollywood's impact, and the journey toward a more organized home life.
• Frustrations surrounding Trump's persistence in media
• The left-wing media's focus on discrediting Trump
• A tragic aviation incident linked to diversity hiring
• Comedic reflections on the Gulf of America debate
• Disillusionment with contemporary Hollywood storytelling
• Embracing domesticity and organization in daily life
What up player. This is the Objective, jerk. And I'm said jerk, how you doing, is everybody doing? Alright, you know what? I can't stand Trump. I can't stand him. He is, I don't know what to do.
Speaker 1:You know Emails? I thought after the damn election was over I wouldn't be getting all these emails from his campaign and it's like, holy crap, dude, it just never ends. It's like, and I've tried unsubscribing, but it's like I gotta just totally delete that email or something. That's no matter who you know, if you're gonna sign up for a campaign thing, do not use your primary email. Use a junk email, for sure. I mean, that's kind of what the email I have that I use, but I still don't want to get rid of it, you know? Yeah, so if you're going to sign up for a politician this is just friendly advice and you want to get emails from their campaign, uh, create an entirely new email. That's just for that, because, holy crap, that crap's annoying. Anyway, how's everybody doing? Hope everybody's well.
Speaker 1:Some crazy stuff going on in the news, dude, every day. See the, the left-wing media. They are so happy. They don't say it, but they are so happy that trump is president, because now they have, you know, just like before. They sit there just constantly, but there's, it's still not. You know, before their ratings were a lot higher. People believe them and everything, but with all the bullcrap that went on and stuff, people don't as much. You know what I mean. I think they're, I think their ratings have went up a little bit, but nothing, absolutely nothing compared to the way it was before. And they're all. They're all floundering, everybody's getting fired, everybody's getting laid off, but, um, it's just kind of god it is.
Speaker 1:It is starting to kind of get old when it's just like reporters are not trying to report, they're just trying to find something to be like ha ha, I gotcha. You know some kind of memeable moment or some kind of story like, oh, I got trump, whatever. You know what I mean. Like that seems like that's all it is anymore and it's annoying. It's like my looking at my video and it looks like my thing is off. I'm gonna have to adjust, gosh, dang it. I always have to like record and then stop, delete that video and then record again because this, you know this, this program isn't the greatest, but it's what I use. Um, but yeah, it's just, it's just.
Speaker 1:You know, it's just kind of annoying, you know, and then so like, sadly, this, this plane crash and this helicopter crash. You know, I mean it's too early to know for sure, but they have been saying for at least within the last year, how there is going to be some kind of event like this that's going to happen because of the DEI agendas on the airlines and all the different. You know they've been saying it for, yeah, for the last year, for months and months I've heard you know you had the door that went off, that fell off during the flight or whatever, um, which is more of a, you know, engineer mechanic issue. But you know, just, it's not just pilots and and and and um, traffic controllers, and it's, it's throughout the whole thing. They're trying to just they're trying to hire based off your sex and your race, over your qualifications, you know, and it got to the point to where now it's like they are where they are. So you can't. They've been saying this for months and months. You knew, they knew this was coming, this was going to happen. That's why when my wife, when she flew to the States a few months ago, I told her not to use United and I was worried.
Speaker 1:You know, and I'm not trying to make light of what happened. It's, it's horrible but it is, it is kind of it's. So I mean, again, we don't know everything yet, but from what I've seen, it looks like the air traffic controller was just overwhelmed and didn't know. You know how much, didn't know what they're doing. Completely like, when things are going smoothly, that person can do their job, but when things are going smoothly, that person can do their job, but when shit hits the fan, not everybody can think on their feet, nobody can. Not everybody can work under pressure and that job is a fucking pressure cooker, you know what I mean. So when things are kind of going whatever, it's like okay, you're this and that, but you can. Going whatever it's like okay, you were this and that, but you can.
Speaker 1:I saw the like the digital map that was showing the transponders and it was showing the planes and then like they start to flash or start to let you know that hey, uh, crash is incoming, you know. So it was showing that and the air traffic controller had 20 seconds to say to one of them, which I guess it would have been better to say to the plane to say abort, abort, pull up, pull up, crash imminent and the plane could have accelerated and flew up and circled back around to land and it's quicker than a helicopter, you know what I mean and then let the helicopter do its thing, like that's I guess, from what I've heard so far, that's what should have happened and the traffic controller wasn't paying attention or whatever, I don't know what, and freezed up or just whatever, or was doing something else. Who knows? You know, you know. And then people are saying like well, well, there's so much going on, you know, like the hell, like why did the helicopter not see? And you know it's night times, there's lots of lights around, so it's still kind of hard. Um and plus, people might be doing this and this and this and that, but it's like okay, but it's kind of like it's like a danger zone at that moment, you know, for it seems almost like why are they even doing that? But they do it, it's commonplace. The helicopters fly over the Potomac or whatever it's called, and they go across through. It happens all the time, they do it. So at that point in time I'm sure people are or they should be not fiddling with like oh, let me see what the gas levels are, or gas levels, the fuel levels, or you know they're making sure that they get across safely? I mean, I don't know.
Speaker 1:So then you know, there was a press conference where Trump was like, yeah, they, you know, this is, this is what happens when you di hire. Okay, is it? Is it like? If you have I don't know, you know, see, even that's like. I tried to sit there and and and like, make it work in my brain.
Speaker 1:You know, back in the day, yes, you had to have affirmative action, right, because there were black folk who were being overlooked and they were more qualified, but because they're black, they weren't getting the job. So when you put in place, hey, you need to hire some, you know, then those highly qualified black people, we got to hire them, whatever. So there was a reason for it, but that's not the case anymore. And now it's gotten to the point where you have, you know, just a normal white dude who can do the job the best, but no, we need somebody who's gay or we need somebody who's whatever. You know that trumps no pun intended the qualifications you know.
Speaker 1:And then this is this is this is where we are. This is what happens, you know, and it's just, it's sad. I mean, at least now, man Trump is freaking. He's got a lot on his plate, man, so much. Think of all the crap he's been doing, having to go through, just in the like, how long has he been president now? Not even two weeks through, just in the like. How long has he been president now? Not even two weeks. Um, it's insane. Um, like I said before, I would never want to do that job, that's for sure.
Speaker 1:And then I think it's funny, though, how the the whole gulf of america, you know, um, which to me, is like who cares? Really the thing is is like who cares really the thing is, it's like it doesn't really matter who cares. It's been Gulf of Mexico forever, but if you look at it, it should be Gulf of America, though. What continent are we on? Okay, we share that that Gulf, half of it's on on the States and half of it is Mexico. Why is it Mexico?
Speaker 1:And people who are stupid are like, oh, gulf of America. Oh, it's confusing. It's like, no, it's not, like it's saying Gulf of the United States. Now, if they were trying to name it Gulf of the United States, then it'd be like man, that's dumb. But what continent are we on? Or I'm not on anymore. But what continent is it? It's the Gulf of that continent, america. It's the gulf of that continent, america. Right, you got north america, south america, right, they're all. It's america. So what's the problem? But because trump is pushing it and whatever they just they want to fight it and argue for it, and I ain't calling it dead. It's like well, that's honestly, I mean, I think it's, it's ridiculous. Okay, don't, who cares if they change it, it doesn't bother me, I don't care. But it makes sense though, because it is America. It should have been called America from the beginning, gulf of America. But whatever, it's just crazy.
Speaker 1:The stuff that's going on in the news is just insane and sad. Yeah, that wreck is. I don't know, man, we'll see how that kind of goes, how that plays out. I guess Kind of curious to and I think it is going to there's so much stuff that's going to come out. I think there's a ton of things that's going to come out that's going to really put the DEI woke, far-left, liberal mindset just completely dismantle it. I mean it already is, but even to the point to where the people that are all for it are going to, you know, by the time Trump's done with his presidency, nobody's going to be, except for the really psychos. You know it's going to be such a nothing burger I guess you would call it. I don't know, it's just, it's crazy. Yeah, but let's see. I'm trying to see if there's something. Yeah, so there's a. Yeah, I don't know, that's just lame. The whole plane thing is horrible.
Speaker 1:Let me look at some news. I kind of got through all that quicker and I thought I'm, um, like I said before, I'm kind of I've Quit hiring a nanny or a maid and kind of Become a house bin, you know. So I'm keeping the house clean, although I'm kind of the floor. I gotta do the floors today. But so, like I just got done, picking up the kitchen and everything right, trying to build the habits of just doing that stuff hanging out in the kitchen a little more. So I'm there, because when I'm there hanging out I'm more prone to like pick up and organize, and so I've been.
Speaker 1:But in order for me to, to, to become a house and make the house my job, everything has to be kind of I'm not like overly anal, but I do have to have things set up a certain way. You know what I mean Cause that was kind of the problem I think I talked about it before is I would kind of organize and set up something in the kitchen or the laundry room and then the maid would come in and just totally screw it all up like, okay, I set this here for a reason, where is this? This is missing. I had this, you know what I mean, and it would just get all jacked up. I get pissed off and I'm like fuck this. And I go record a podcast in my room and just hang out. You know like. You know what my wife and her stupid maid can work it out.
Speaker 1:Um, so now I'm just like I've, I've just completely given up my, my wife. She's busy with stuff. She's not a good housekeeper. I can be a good housekeeper if I want to. That's the whole thing. Housekeeper, I can be a good housekeeper if I want to. That's the whole thing.
Speaker 1:So I had to just kind of make that. You know, I'm retired, I don't do anything. I'm always home. Why not just take care of the house and just do it, do it up like I want to do it, right? So that's what I've been, you know, working on for the past little bit. So I've been slowly organizing the laundry room, catching up on stuff and, you know, getting stuff like squared away around the house and little by little here and there. I'm not like going crazy, but just, you know, a little at a time. So anyway, so yesterday I worked on the bathroom in my room and I built like a little shelf thing to help organize some stuff and put some plants and made a little more nicer and everything.
Speaker 1:But as I was cleaning, so we, we, you know, we live in the country we have a well, let's our waters from a well which is, um, very, it's hard water, so it's very corrosive and it's it's filled with, you know, um, I guess, calcium and stuff like that. So calcium and stuff will build up in the bathroom like super easy. So it got, it got pretty bad to a point a while back and I used a pressure washer to clear off a lot of the bigger chunks of calcium deposits and stuff that are on the tiles you know what I mean. And I've tried some other stuff but nothing was really working. And then I was using this little hand scraper that you put a razor blade on. It's like a homemade one that I acquired. Somebody left it or I don't know what it was. How did?
Speaker 1:Oh, when we had the, the windows tinted in the in the family van, the people doing that left it in there, so that's where I got it, um, so anyway, so I was using it to clean something else on the tile and we just kind of, you know, scraping this and that. And then I was like, you know, I wonder if this will, this should get that stuff off Right, and I, so I started scraping all the calcium buildup and stuff like that in the shower and it's just coming right off just powder, and you know what I mean. So I was like, oh sweet, so I mean, it comes off super easy, but it's still a lot of work, it's a little tedious and stuff. So I'm sitting there scraping, and so I spent all day yesterday doing that scraping and I still have a few. I'm not completely done, um, so I got to do that. And then I got to do the kid's bathroom and stuff like that and and, um, so I don't know, is this? I don't know why I'm talking about this, I'm just I got no one to talk to about it, um, but yeah, so that's kind of just what I've been doing.
Speaker 1:And then, uh, I don't know the really what got me to do this podcast was the the Gulf of America thing. I think it's so ridiculous. I mean, I think it's kind of ridiculous that they're trying to change it or they're gonna change it, but I think it's it's ridiculous that people are freaking out about it. It's like who cares? Because I mean, you know, I don't care if they did or not, like I said, but it does make sense that it should be called gulf of america. But whatever, you know, let's see, some hostages were released, right.
Speaker 1:Oh, netflix is doing a little house on the prairie. Geez, Netflix. What did I start watching? I started watching the OJ. There's another like how many, how many? How many documentaries can they make on OJ Simpson? Geez, I guess they're popular, but I feel like I'm watching it again. The same thing, but it's like a new one. It's like haven't I really watched this? I mean, I feel like I have, but I guess I haven't, or maybe that was, I don't know, but it just kind, kind of sucks.
Speaker 1:And then, you see, like you know, there's that mary show which I wanted to watch, but I hear it's just really it's having like people that don't know anything about the bible or really understand god in that way, making films or shows about them. You know what I mean. So they kind of they screw, I guess. So I was kind of wanting to watch it, but then I, you know, watched a couple you know priests that have, like you know, podcasts or YouTube channels and they talk about that stuff and they're like, should you watch it, is it okay, whatever? They talk about that stuff and they're like, should you watch it, is it okay, whatever? And um, so it was. It wasn't like horrible, but I just man.
Speaker 1:And then I seen another one, I think it's on amazon and it's about david, like david and goliath and stuff, and it kind of looks kind of cool. But then again, how you know, they're gonna screw it up somehow. It's like they'll try and paint god and religion and faith in some kind of negative light, somehow they always do it's just kind of annoying. What was it? And I've said it before, I'll start watching something and then they'll say or do something and it's just like man, whatever, I just can't watch it. I don't know. I don't know what. Um, what was I watching? Oh, I watched um, yeah, the um, but it wasn't because of religion or anything, but it was just the terminator. Uh anime that's on net. I think it's called Zero, terminator Zero. I've heard it's good. So I was like you know, I'll give it a shot.
Speaker 1:But then like the opening scene just kind of it was just a little too much. You know, the Terminator's like following the chick with the minigun and it's just. And then some of the decisions that she makes like don't make sense, like it's cool for, like visually and like oh man, but it's like I don't know. I guess I'm just getting to an age where it's like I don't know, I just I turned it off Like the first opening scene before the credits. I was just like yeah, so I quit watching it. I don't know. Like I said, I watched that vox machina on amazon. I liked that. There was some things I didn't agree with, but for the most part I liked it. And then my son's like you should watch the castlevania show, so I'll maybe give that a shot. God, you know, this is. This is what's crazy. This is how much this woke crap and all the stupid retarded people that are involved in Hollywood and everything have ruined everything for me.
Speaker 1:The movie 1917, which has been on Netflix for probably a year because it's about to leave, or actually I think I might have missed it. I think it's already been pulled. It's either today or. But like, I wanted to watch that movie when it first came out and I remember seeing it was on Netflix and I'm like, oh, I'm gonna watch that. But I just like I don't have a desire to watch it and I love World War II, I love all that stuff, and I've heard nothing but good things about this movie, but it's just I just haven't. I don't't know, it's just insane, it's crazy. Like I can't. It's hard for me to watch anything new. You know what I mean? I don't know why, like, what is that? You know, like I watched.
Speaker 1:I did watch a new movie with um, with my wife, that one with, uh, jamie Foxx and stuff, and it was entertaining. It wasn't anything new or special. I mean, quite honestly, it wasn't that great, but it was entertaining. You know something to? For the family we watched and it was kind of funny and this and that. But for the family we watched and it was kind of funny and this and that, but I mean it didn't do anything. I I don't think I'd watch it again. I think I'd rather watch that, that one with mark walberg where he gets recruited by hallie berry.
Speaker 1:So I do watch new things, but it's like, I don't know, man, 1917, like five years ago I would have been all over that film and it's a shame, I guess, because it's just I don't know, but it's just, I don't know what it is like, I just have they'll come a time watch. There's going to be like about a week from now or something. I'll all of a sudden just have this urge to watch something World War II and then I'll think like, oh, 1917, but it's not on Netflix anymore, so I can't watch it. That happens a lot too, man. How often do you plan on watching something? I'm going to watch it, I'll watch it, oh yeah. And then finally, when you're like, oh okay, I'm going to watch it, I'm sitting down, I'm opening it up, I'm putting it in the search and it's not there. Holy crap, that happens too often.
Speaker 1:I don't know, but a lot of it I just, you know, because I don't know Hollywood, just I don't know. Man, I really just don't even care anymore. You know, before it was like I was like no, I don't want to go, because even this whole crap with the. Before it was like I, I was like no, I don't want to, I don't want to go because, like, even like this whole crap with with um, um, what's their name?
Speaker 1:The, the stupid actress that's married to deadpool, to ryan reynolds, and the whole thing with the director of the movie she was in. So I don't know a whole lot about it, so I'm not trying to talk much about it, but it just seems like she's an evil cunt. And so if she's an evil cunt, what does that make Ryan Reynolds? So now it's like I'm questioning I haven't even seen Deadpool 3, but I have no urge to now like I, just like I, just more and more I'm just let down by these people and I know they've always been that way. You know what I mean, but it's just I don't know.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it's just, everybody goes through this when they're older, maybe. You know, I don't know who knows, but I just don't really. I used to be a huge, huge film buff and but now I just don't even care. It's of sad really. You know what I mean. And I try, dude, I try and force myself To watch things, but I'll start watching and I'm just like no, I don't want to do it. I don't know, it's weird. Is anybody else going through that? Let me know. Anyway, that's my time. Thanks for hanging out, thanks for listening and God bless, and I'll see you guys next time. Alright, bye.