Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
CIA DRUMS & SKEPTIC SYMPHONIES: Helicopter Mysteries, Trump's Policies, and Grammy Gossip
This episode dives into political commentary, personal welding experiences, and cultural critiques, addressing themes of transparency and government accountability. We discuss the struggles and growth around welding while exploring the complexities of political investigations and the sometimes deceptive nature of media narratives.
• Opening personal reflections on welding mishaps and sunburns
• Political discussion centered on Trump and accountability
• Insights on the investigation surrounding a helicopter crash
• Skepticism about government cover-ups and the role of the CIA
• Personal welding experiences highlighting challenges and learning
• Reflections on music trends and cultural shifts over generations
Call to action: Share your thoughts on the episode and what topics you'd like us to dive into next!
What is up? This is the objective jerk and it is I the objective jerk. What's going on? Well, I didn't check my Well, it looks like I'm good. Now, usually I check my microphone, I scratch it, make sure that it's plugged in and everything's good. So what's up? How's everybody doing? I don't know if you can tell. Oh no, you're not going to be able to tell because I put the stuff on it, but my face looks sunburnt right here from me welding yesterday. But yeah, so how's everybody doing?
Speaker 1:Trump's kicking, assissing lots of liberals off. I think it's going pretty great. You know, in time Will it prove to be A horrible mistake? And Trump, you know, is Hitler and all this kind of crap. You know what? Maybe, maybe, but From what I can tell, I'm a pretty good bullshit sniffer, and from what I can tell, I'm a pretty good bullshit sniffer and from what I can tell, I don't think so. I think he's fixing all the problems that the government has, you know, and it's been like that for forever, you know, since the 60s at least, cleaning house man, getting rid of the corruption. You know, it's just, I don't know.
Speaker 1:So the helicopter crash right, still ongoing. The investigation, right, so the media was able to get some security footage of the crash right, which is it shows the helicopters fly straight into the plane and then it goes down right. So we were able to witness that because some individuals saw you know, I don't know what their jobs were, they worked for somebody somewhere and they had the camera, they recorded it, they sold it to CNN. You know, don't hate the player, hate the game, right, but it's just kind of, you know, I understand that that can affect an investigation kind of, but for me, and then now so these the individuals were charged but they're not in jail, they were charged and and let go and stuff like that. But, um, I'm kind of curious to see exactly what they were charged with or what exactly happens to them.
Speaker 1:But it's to me it's like it's not impeding the investigation, it's it's impeding the cover-up. You know what I mean? Like it's just the crap with the, the pilot and her social media being scrubbed and all this kind of stuff, and it's like that video is what tells you like she did it on purpose. It looks like it. Okay, I know, I think I said it in my last one. I was like, oh, she did it, she would. I'm not. I mean, I don't know for a fact, but just at looking at everything, that's what it looks like and that's what I believe. So until I see something else, that's not bullshit, you know that's what I choose to believe. So she did it on purpose.
Speaker 1:It went so long and the traffic controller was trying to talk to the Blackhawk, was getting no answers. You know, like, was everybody else shot? Did she pull out her sidearm and shoot everybody else and just fly that helicopter? Like do they know this that those other people have bullet wounds but they're not saying anything? I mean, like you know what you just don't know, like, so the fact that these guys, um, getting in trouble, it just I don't know it.
Speaker 1:Just it to me, it's just I'm tired of the so-called investigation when all they do is just find ways to stretch the truth or change it or cover it up or whatever. You know what I mean. That's what, when the government investigates, that's what they're doing. They're trying to find a way to cover it up. You know, and that's you know.
Speaker 1:Things like that is what Trump is trying to get rid of. There's all these people making mistakes and not being held accountable for it, like the real people, the legit people that are behind you know the real person that, like, if this person did not exist, this would never have happened, you know kind of thing. So it's like there's just so much of that going on, man, it's very, uh, very frustrating. So it's like you know all the the us aid, you know being taken down, everything I'm all for it. Man, everybody's like, oh my gosh, the country's gonna suffer.
Speaker 1:It's like dude, they are like cia's little intel. Whatever do they do things? Yeah, I'm sure a little here and there, but I think they do more bad than good, that's for sure. And anything connected to the cia just needs to go, needs to go. You know the cia used to be. What was it called?
Speaker 1:During world war ii is when they, when they were created, but they weren't called cia, it was, uh, oss, I think, and they were disbanded because eisenhower knew that, like that, they have too much power, they have too much, they can't, they can't exist during normal whatever. So he disbanded them. But then all those people that were kind of involved in that, they're like, oh man, this is good, like little heroin addicts, we gotta keep this, we gotta figure something out. So then they did the oh man, this is good, like little heroin addicts, we gotta keep this, we gotta figure something out. So then they did the CIA, you know, which is supposedly not supposed to do anything you know only foreign. Nothing domestic kind of whatever but they have their hands in everything and corrupt everything and cover up everything and it's just like they need to go. They need to go, but yeah, so there's all this crap.
Speaker 1:And then, and then Trump is like he saw this, he, he, he went at the last. First he picked people he shouldn't have Because he didn't know. And then he was treading lightly a little bit, he was doing some stuff. Now he's like fuck you, I only got four years. They already tried to kill me. I'm fucking cleaning house, I'm gonna Make America great again. And he is, and so much of it. Like.
Speaker 1:If you just would take out the Trump derangement syndrome and just look at what he's doing, you'd be like, oh man, yeah, okay, that's good, that makes sense, okay, but it doesn't matter. He could turn around and be like, oh, my god, we're gonna save all the seals. No more clubbing seals ever. They'd be like so fascist, you know, it's like. It's just like oh my gosh, man, I don't know, people are just psycho. There's too many crazy people, too many mentally, too many mentally retarded people. That's what it is, man. It's crazy. But yeah, so good things. Um, but yeah, man, my face, dude, I burnt. I have sunburn was what it looks like right here.
Speaker 1:Because from welding right, I'm, I'm, I can't even call myself a novice welder. I have a welder, I know how to weld. The thing is, can I do it well? Can I weld well? Sometimes it's getting better.
Speaker 1:You know, like most people, I welded in high school a little bit, but I didn't really start welding until I moved here and I built a smoker which, if anybody that actually follows me probably has seen, because I've posted it on stuff. But I just took a 50 gallon drum or 55, is it 55 or 50? 50 gallon, 55, I think it's 50. But and then I just got, there was a bunch of rebar laying around. This was like in the, in the, you know, right in the middle of the pandemic, right at the beginning actually, and um, so I just I bought this welder and it was a is a tig welderer.
Speaker 1:You know the, the little, the, the, the stick, the, the, uh, what's it called? What's the stuff? I can't remember anyway. Um and I just big, thick rebar. It was ugly as hell but it worked. It wasn't. It didn't work super great.
Speaker 1:I don't use it anymore. Really, it's just kind of falling apart. I mean I have used it but I'm kind of going to go direct fire smoking, you know, like a box. There's a guy, chud's barbecue. He does Chud boxes.
Speaker 1:I was going to make something like that, kind of like how I had the fire pit in the back so I can either do direct grilling or I can kind of do smoking by having all the charcoal on one side and have the meat on one another. So it's kind of. You know what I mean. So that's yeah, because the offset smoker, I don't know. I don't want to have like five, I don't want to grill an offset smoker, a direct fire. You know it's like I just want like one, maybe two things. It's nice to have like a gas for quick, quick, like I just want to grill something, and then it's nice to have something for wood that really cooks them, to really grill and smoke some meat, you know, but anyway. So I made that and it's still together.
Speaker 1:I mean it's little things but I mean it's ugly. The welds are ugly, but it's solid, right, and let's see what else. And then I want to say I've welded a couple other little things here and there, just small stuff. And then I bought a MIG welder which has the cable, you know the metal that comes through, and so it's a little bit cleaner, but I'm not using gas or nothing, so it's not that clean even with that. With that it's it's a little easier, but still it. You know, it's like I'm trying to.
Speaker 1:You know, like just with this, with the bed I worked on, my first weld was just atrocious, man, it was just like, oh my gosh. So by the time I did the next one, and then the other side, it was like, you know, I had pretty decent beads going, it was going pretty good, right. But so I have, like you know, the welder's mask, but my. So I got to get totally ready and get ready weld, and then the cable's not coming out. So like I, you know it's like I had to kind of clean and mess with it, pull it out or whatever. And my welder's mask, just I don't think, I think it's kind of I don't know, it's a pretty decent mask, I think it's got the dimming, but like the strap is just not, it's always kind of loose. So it's like I'll get ready, and then all of a sudden it's not working. So I got to lift it up and I'm trying to figure out, get, pull the cable, do this and that, and then the mask is loose and it's like, you know, take off the glove, whatever. This looks like. It's just, it's very cumbersome, you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:So I have a pair of, and I have to wear glasses if I'm gonna look. You know I'm nearsighted, no, farsighted. I can't see close, I can see far. I forget which is which. I think that means I'm farsighted because I can see far. So, yeah, um, so I have, you know, glasses and then I have whatever. But it's like if I'm welding and then, oh crap, the thing's not coming out, I got to lift this up, I got to look for a tool to pull the cable out, so I got to take my glasses off so I can look around.
Speaker 1:Oh, there it is, go get it, put my glasses on. You know what I mean? It's just like oh, it's I don't know. Man, I don't weld enough to get like prescription goggles or nothing, nothing, but I don't know. Anyway, yeah, these ones. Really I need. These glasses are better. See, these are my glasses I wear. Yeah, these are better because they don't reflect so much.
Speaker 1:Like I have four pairs of glasses one for when I'm like really doing something intricate these are like my pretty much all the time glasses and then these are like when I'm chilling, just doing looking at my phone or the computer. But anyway, um the hell am I talking about? Um, so I had those goggles right and then it's got like clear goggles and you flip up and it's so what I did is I took off the flip, I removed one of the clear lenses and removed one of the dark lenses and put it in there. So I got my goggles are one clear, one dark right. So what I'm doing is I'm using my eye, my clear eye eye, to see where I'm at, get ready, and then when I start welding I just close that eye and just use my other eye to do the welding Right.
Speaker 1:But, like I said, I'm still kind of learning. I'm really trying to get in there. I don't have the technique completely down. So I really got to see what I'm doing. So I'm kind of close. I mean, I'm not like this, but I'm pretty close to where I'm welding so I can see kind of what I'm doing as I'm welding. And because of that I got burned, kind of my face. So that's why having the you know face shield is nice, but it's just I don't know, it's just kind of maybe I just get like a little mask or something when I weld, because actually I I did like having that setup with the goggles and stuff. It made it a little smoother for me to weld. But yeah, but my face got burned. So I don't know, we'll see.
Speaker 1:I have, um, um, a couple of other projects planned, welding projects where I'm going to do a little bit more significant welding. So I'm going to have to figure something out. By then I might just end up using the whole the head mask, the face mask or something I don't know. But yeah, that's what I did yesterday. You're not going to be able to tell, but man, it is, it does. It looks like I was out on the beach and it's just right here my face. Or it looks like maybe I was munching on. You know, my wife was on her period. That's bad, but it's all right.
Speaker 1:That was gross. I'm sorry, that was a bad joke, but it was funny. Um know, those are the best jokes, though, really the ones that are kind of offensive and true and gross. They're funny, though, man, you can't like what was? I shared a post on Facebook. That's kind of like my thing. If I'm scrolling and I see something that I laugh out loud at, like I'm like, oh man, you know, you know, and I laugh, I share it. Like that's my, I'm gonna share it. So there was Ted Nugent. He shared something and said happy groundhog day. And then I showed a picture of him with a groundhog dead in a trap and he's like, you know, it's just kind of funny, um, so I shared it.
Speaker 1:You know, I try not to Anything too like sexual in nature. I'm trying to limit that stuff. Try to be a good Christian about that. Try to avoid it altogether.
Speaker 1:Really, like I saw edited versions of Kanye West and his wife and she's basically naked, like what the hell you know? And what's with Kanye? Wasn't he like dude, he is messed up. Man, I'm kind of thinking the system, the Hollywood, the music industry system, the Illuminati of the music industry or whatever I think you know, they dug their claws into him and then he was trying to fight back. That's why he was like going on his weird kind of whatever. And I don't think that's actually his wife. I think she's almost like a plant, like she was planted by them. I mean, some people are like, oh, she's being, I think maybe she's being um, you know, like a sex slave, so to speak, which she might be, but I think it's not because kanye wants it. I think it's like he's being. He has to do these things in order to get on the good graces of the illuminati again or something. Because, like he was, it seemed like he was kind of getting away from all that kind of stuff. And then now here he is. I mean not right now, I mean there's been, he's been hanging out with this new so-called wife and she's always like, basically half naked. So I don't know if that's like his thing or if it's like he. I don't know. It's kind of a strange thing, man.
Speaker 1:Then we start hearing these stories about the music industry and, man, it's just kind of sick and sad. I, you know, if my kid, from what I know now, if my kids, um, were like really good singers and you know we're on instagram and also they had people wanting them to be I'd be like nope, I don't know, like I would not even if I could go along and just be the chaperone. I don't know, man, like it seems like it's such a sadistic, nasty cult, I don't know. I mean, how the hell does Beyonce win a country album, grammy or whatever? You know, I don't watch any of that crap, but I do see Some things regarding it. That's all I know. I know there was the Grammys. I know Kanye's wife was basically naked and I know that Beyonce won a Grammy For best country album.
Speaker 1:Like what dude, the music stays anyway, just straight up garbage. It's so. It's complete process trash, like so much of it is like the most. I don't know, I don't, I don't get it, I can't stand it, I don't even. I don't know, I don't, I don't get it, I can't stand it, I don't even, I don't know.
Speaker 1:You know, and it's like, as people get older and they're always, they're always gonna, they're always going to gravitate towards what they grew up with. You know that was the best music my generation. Blah, blah, blah. Right, you know I used to hear it from my parents and everything like that. But I remember, you know I used to hear it from my parents and everything that. But I remember, you know, like my uncle, he liked some of the stuff that was going on when I was younger. You know he would always like a song would be on the radio and be like, hey, who is this, who is this? And I'd be like that's a screaming trees or whatever you know and so.
Speaker 1:But now it's like, dude, I don't hear anything and I'm like, oh, that's not bad, I'm just like I'm not really looking for it. I mean, I guess sometimes maybe I'll hear something that's not bad, but I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't look for more, you know, I'm just like, oh, that's all right, but then I just listen to what I know. The only new music that I listen to is new to me. So basically it's like music from like the sixties and 70s you know what I mean like I never really listened to. I remember rainbow, but I never really listened to them. And rainbows, their second album I can't remember what it's called. It's badass, dude. That whole album is just awesome.
Speaker 1:And so I'm trying to, like you know, listen to some more dio like. I heard some, but I never really got into them. I was more into like, like everyone else led zeppelin and the doors and stuff and you know some a little bit of black sabbath. But man, I'm kind of getting tired of blacks. Is anybody else getting tired of black sabbath songs and movies and everything? It's like it's getting to be a little too much, um. But yeah, I don't know what about you? What's your musical flavor? What do you like to listen to? What do you think of the music today? I think it's horrible. It really is. You know, it is funny.
Speaker 1:Like my son, he played me like two seconds of a song. He's like is this? And I was like, oh, it's radiohead. He was like what, how do you know? I was like because, because it was good, you can tell good music, you can hear it and remember that was like one of my things too is like I could always.
Speaker 1:I can like give you see that guy on on um, what you would call it tiktok. He's like a dj and he plays like one second of a song. Dude, I get it every time. I'm like, oh, that's what a, that's blah, blah. Like. I have a weird I guess that's my stupid talent is I can hear like just a few minutes of a song and know who it is. Not every song. I'm not, as you know, broad as like some people, but for a lot of it, especially like the music of my, my era and my generation, I can just hear just little bits and be like, oh, I know who. But that's it anyway. Thanks for hanging out, appreciate it. Let me know what you think. Have a wonderful day or week. You know wonderful time between now and the next time I record a podcast, god bless, and I will see you guys next time. Alright, bye.