Objective Jerk

IS ALL THIS WINNING TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? Gulf Controversies, Racial Reflections, and Political Loyalty Divides

Jerk Season 3 Episode 121

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In our podcast, we dissect the shifting landscape of American politics, highlighting the seeming decline of the Democratic Party in light of recent Republican successes. Our conversation tackles various facets of political identity, name changes, and the pervasive nature of loyalty and corruption within the political arena.

• Examination of the Democratic Party's possible rebranding 
• Republican successes and their implications for future politics 
• The cultural significance of the Gulf name change 
• Polarizing effects of social media on political discussions 
• Exploration of political loyalty and personal experiences 
• Critical look at corruption in both major political parties 

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Speaker 1:

What's up? This is the Objective, jerk. And I'm said, Jerk, how you doing? I had, um. I was like, hey, you know what I want to talk about this, so I'm going to talk about it, and then, right when I'm about to hit record, I forget what I was going to talk about. Um, but I know I remember now though. Um, so, what's up? How's everybody doing? The weather's been crazy here because it's been cloudy. It's been actually nice, so it's not overly hot. It's still hot though humidity, you know, but it's not hot by Filipino standards.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I don't know it's great how winning MAGA and Republicans and America, how we're how it is you know what I mean, but it is so the losing on the left and the Democrats and and the winning that, the hard winning that's just nonstop, that's been going on, is almost, it's almost getting to the point where it's kind of scary. Like I mean it's great. You know there's lots of crap with USAID, usaid, whatever. You know there's lots of BS that our money or the taxpayers were paying for, which you know, and um, so I mean a lot of, you know good stuff's coming out, but it just it's. It's just crazy to have so much. It's like man, I don't know, like you know. And then supposedly the assassination files on MLK, jfk, rfk, you know, like it's just, there's so much winning going on. It's almost, it's almost scary. I don't know, I don't know how to, how to? I've been kind of actually not obviously, I haven't recorded a podcast in a while, so I've been kind of just staying focused on home and everything. Not really. You know, I can't get on the video and be like, oh my God, like some you know the people I watch, but yeah, it's just, it's just crazy.

Speaker 1:

It almost makes me think that it was actually the conservatives and the Republicans that did all of this. You know they're the ones like, not that they, they push the woke agenda and all the, all the kind of crap. You know the Democrats were doing their stuff. But I kind of think, like I mean, I don't think so. I'm saying it's possible, but just the way how things are looking, it's almost like you know, republicans were all like, hey, you know, what you should do would be good, you know, just giving them these Ideas and they went with it and then it, just Because it is just Showing how Democrats are done, they are, I'm telling you Now. Joe Rogan Even said it. I guess I haven't read, or anything like that. But yeah, the Democrat party is over, man, they have To. I mean not completely, but they're not going to be called Democrats anymore. They got to rebrand themselves because they fucked up so bad.

Speaker 1:

It almost makes me think it was all planned. It's almost just too good to be true. You know, it's crazy. I don't know. I mean, I'm trying, maybe that's. You know, that's the pessimistic, the pessimist in me, not the awesomistic, yeah, but and then?

Speaker 1:

So then the other thing, the Gulf, the Gulf of America. Now, you know, it's like why is this such a huge thing? I don't understand, but I guess it's because people don't like Trump doing anything, so they just gotta. Even if, like it was something that they thought of back in the day, they would change their mind. Oh no, that's horrible. But who cares really? I mean, I don't care that it was changed. It makes sense that it is called Gulf of America because we're on the American continent, right? So I mean it makes sense, but it kind of should have been that, you know, a long time ago. So I don't know, but, and then OK, so they change it, whatever. Cool, I don't know, but and then okay, so they change it, whatever, cool, I don't really care.

Speaker 1:

But then people are just freaking like I just see nothing but non-stop either. Oh, look at google's um, you know, change the name and this, and then you have people that doesn't mean and just it's like who cares? And I even have like a thing on my, my facebook, where I'm like I said the same thing. I was just getting tired of seeing it. I'm like, oh my gosh, I don't care, please shut up. I don't remember exactly what I said. I had a freak. I have two phones. One's my like phone I use as a phone, and then one's like my little pocket computer. They have different passwords. See, it's still going. See, there's still like, there's like other people commenting on this post. It's just kind of and like why, why is I don't understand, like it's just crazy to me.

Speaker 1:

So this is what I, this is what I put. I just enough with the gulf we get. It name was changed. Okay, that's it. I don't want to hear from either side. It's stupid, I think I don't know. And then I've gotten the most interaction in a while. I mean, not that I, you know, but my buddy. No, it wasn't really changed.

Speaker 1:

I don't see how a person can really change the name of something they don't own. Nobody really owns it. You know, it's just what they call it. Last time I checked it was considered international waters Exactly. It would be like trying to change the name of the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean. It's just that some folks will only refer to it as whatever they choose to call it.

Speaker 1:

The orange idiot, because he's you know, tds in DC just said he wants it called the Gulf of America. I myself will not be calling it that, I will refer to it as I always have the Gulf. And then I was like I think it's a little ridiculous, but Gulf of America does make sense and should have been called that from the beginning. I just find the whole thing annoying at this point. Who cares if the name was changed really? And then another guy he was like radical left lunatic's care. It's like salt on a slug to them. And then I'm like I know their priorities are so ridiculous. All I'm saying is that change does make sense, but just seems a little moot at this point. I found it funny at first, but it just keeps going and going well actually.

Speaker 1:

And then here was his reply to my other one. So this was the tds guy to my earlier reply. Well, actually it should be, should have been called the gulf of americas. See, like it. Why, what? Yeah, there's you know america's, but america just sounds better. So it's like he always tries to find the like. He's like the, the, the facebook fact checkers, where you have a complete fact, except there's like one little thing that's unknown or whatever. And oh well, actually that's, that's false, because you know. But it's's like no, it's not, it's actually true, you just found something to flag it false. So then people think that it's actually false. Anyway, da, da, da. And then I'm just like oh. And then this other guy is like then this guy is responding to my TDS friend.

Speaker 1:

He's like oh, here we go with the colonizer nonsense. No one alive colonized anything. Dude, we are here in a slave, free country with borders, where you can land and be anything you want to be if you work hard enough, all because of the actions our ancestors took. By your logic, we should go back to slavery, live in tribes, rapid pillage and scalp enemies, because that's what's done before colonizing got here. See how dumb that sounds. See how dumb that sounds when you say it out loud yeah, I mean he's. You know, that's the thing is like dude. They sit there. They sit there and cry about the history of the world. It's like, well, it's like dude, the whole world was like that. It's like that's how people did things. Then they took over stuff, they killed the weaker people and they weren't like, hey man, do you mind if we share some of this land with you? Oh sure, no problem. No, you can't kill them, take it.

Speaker 1:

The things that they complain about and whine about are just so stupid, kind of like this name thing. But I mean, yeah, so the nobody does own it, but it's like it's going to be on all the maps, it's going to be on all the stuff. So eventually it will be called gulf of america. Over time you're going to have those people like, let's go from mexico, then go live in mexico, like, if you care that bad, why? Why do you care so bad? It's because they have that tds man, they, I don't know. I don't. I'm trying to. I mean, I know.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of people are even more. People are being, you know, red pilled or whatever they call it. Um, with the, with all the evidence coming out about all the money, like going overseas for the most ridiculous stupid things you know, and um, so more and more people are like dude, okay, yeah, go Trump, you know so it's happening, but you still just have people that just will not. And I was like, why is that? Why, I mean, I mean we know why. You know the media and all that kind of stuff, but like, but even like people, if you completely see all the writing on the wall, you'll still choose not like Trump and the thing I think it is.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I guess men can be raped by men too, but I think it's because I don't know, you know the whole thing with Trump, but like his whole cup in the pussy remark, and you know they're like, oh my God, he forced himself. It's like dude, he's like one of the richest people in the world Gold diggers. The term exists for a reason Trump did not need to take anybody. I mean, I guess you could say it's like, well, he wanted somebody he couldn't have. Okay, yeah, I guess maybe that's possible, but yeah, I don't know, I don't think so, anyway, so, but he's been labeled this like sexual predator and he's a rapist and stuff, and I think you know there's a lot of women that have been forcibly had sex with raped right, I've known many, many, many family friends.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's not so much like in the movies necessarily, it wasn't like completely, but still in the end, you know, rape is rape, right? Um, so I think, like some people that have that experience, they just when they see trump, they whatever they think rapist that's a person, and then they're just like, no matter what, no matter what, they're still gonna, you know, not like him. But I can't figure out the same reasoning with, like a male. And maybe it's because I don't know. I'm trying to think, like I'm really trying to figure out, like why you know, like I have some family that we're all, they're all on board with it and everything, and and um, they grew up in Utah and I kind of think that maybe they were somewhat racist as kids, but they didn't know Because there was hardly any black people in Utah.

Speaker 1:

Like I remember some Indian people when I was a kid were like the only ones. There were some Asians. Like when I was a kid I didn't really see black folks or any other, you know, until I moved to Washington. And then I remember when I came back to visit in like 98 or something like that. I was like I remember being in the vehicle, my parents or my dad and my stepmom coming from the, from the airport, and going through the city and doing whatever this and that, and I'm just like where are all the black people at? There's like no black people here. I'm like everybody's white, what the hell? And they're like what? No, there's black people. And I'm like okay, yeah, there are probably some, but like nothing compared. You know what I mean. So I'm kind of thinking that that's you know.

Speaker 1:

So you have people that were, that were raped, and they just that automatically, no matter what Trump does, they will never, ever like him or, you know, get in line with him or whatever. And then you have people who were probably racist, didn't know it, but then realized it as they got older or through. You know what I mean. And then they're just like overcompensating, like, oh my God, because it's always like these white people, it's always these white women. It's like it makes me think that they were racist and they felt so bad and now they're trying to. You know, I mean a lot of people. You can't really just the way you were brought up. Yes, generally people are not born racist, it's their upbringing and but I mean a lot of us too, just where they live. If they only live around white people, you know they're going to see a black person and be like, oh, what's going on? It's scary. You know what I mean. So I mean it's just they just really kind of found the things that people.

Speaker 1:

So then you have, okay, so people who were maybe racist at one time or did some racist things and felt bad about it. And then you have the people who are raped, and then the other one. The only thing I can think of is people who were really wrong by, like, maybe black folks that were wrong by white people. Um, you know and it's, but I've been wronged by black people. I mean I mean like ethically not, you know, not like I had crossburn in my yard and stuff like that. I mean they're stupid little stories, but anyway, um, but like.

Speaker 1:

So my one friend who I referenced here, he's, he's, he's got like the TDS going on. He's a black dude, grew up in the South, has always been attracted to white women, like he has a white girlfriend. He's had forever now. Um, and I I remember asking him did that cause problems growing up, cause, you know, he grew up in the South. He's like 10 years older than I am, almost. I don't remember his answer, though I don't think it was that bad, but he never. You know, we got along just fine and we liked the same things, and so it.

Speaker 1:

Actually he made that job a little better, you know, and then. But then it's like he really better, you know, and then. But then it's like he really hates everything about trump too, and I'm just trying to figure out, like what you know, even with the, even when trump does something good, he'll try and find like like um, all right, I'll read it. I guess there's another comment. So it's like he won't comment on anything of mine. Then all of a sudden, he just goes crazy. Let's see. So it was something with the taylor, swift or something. What was it? Hold on, I gotta figure it out, let me see. No, it wasn't really okay, that's the old one, dang, I actually got some. I actually don't get much going on. Okay, here we go.

Speaker 1:

So I posted libs are protesting the fact that DOG, dog, whatever is successful at their job, and then I had, you know, people like it and stuff. Of course, people like no matter what, they, no matter what, they will never be happy, which is true. And then so this is what my tedious friend why didn't Doge report the waste and abuse of the $15 million that it cost for Trump to attend the Super Bowl? You know, there was a reason that no sitting president has ever attended the Super Bowl because it costs a boatload of money and serves no official purpose whatsoever to American people. And then he goes on and on and on and he's not like wrong, but at the same time, dude, that's kind of like his job, though. I mean, yeah, no sitting. That's why he did it, because no other president had ever done it.

Speaker 1:

And you saw the reaction, dude, the crowd went nuts. Everybody booed, everybody booed Taylor Swift. That's why I was thinking taylor swift, but it he always tries to find no matter what is good. He'll try and figure out. Fine, and I'm just like what? What is? It's like they. Just, he really doesn't want to be proven wrong.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I guess that's probably the other part too is nobody wants to be wrong. They chose their side and they're gonna die on that hill. I guess they don't want to. You know, like a lot of people won't choose sides, but they choose sides, but they don't want to be stuck, you know. So they don't go full on democrat or republican, because when the shoe's on the other foot, they don't want to be like, oh you know, they just want to. They'll either say, well, I didn't vote for him. Foot, they don't want to be like, oh, you know, they just want to. They'll either say well, I didn't vote for him, or oh, I don't really care. Or and if you know, they can just kind of the bandwagon political person I guess you could call I don't know. But so I mean you have to give it credit to people that are sticking with it.

Speaker 1:

But it kind of gets to a point where it's like, dude, look at what's going on, and it's not just Republicans and Democrats or just Democrats or whatever you know like, there's a lot of Republicans that are going to get busted too. This is why they were trying so hard to get Trump. And it's like that's not clicking with people. It's like you know Trump, probably. You know Trump has been Trump forever, right For us, right.

Speaker 1:

I've known who Trump was, you know, the richest man, whatever since I was a kid. But you know, he, he, he was, he mingled with all those people, so he probably talked whatever this and that. So people kind of knew what he would maybe, or he would talk about what he wanted to do, and he probably was like calling out some of the bullshit that why don't presidents do this, why don't they do this, why don't politicians do this? And they're probably told you just can't because blah, blah, blah. You know what I mean. So he was like blah, you know what I mean. So he was like you know what I don't want to do. If I, if I can't do this and this, I'm not going to be president. You know, that's why he never ran, but as soon as he did, it already started dude, all the crap, oh crap. He might. You know. I mean, they probably were like you know he's not going to do that, but just in case we need to, we need to start attacking. We don't want him to be because he's an outsider. You know he's not a politician.

Speaker 1:

Then that's why I voted for him, because he wasn't a politician the first time. I didn't like Trump. I just I like the fact that he wasn't a politician and he he didn't really, you know, talk bullshit. He was pretty upfront. Those are the things. That's why I voted because and I hated Hillary, so that was the first time, um, but then it just, you know, they kept going at him, kept going at him and then it was like you know, he talks up, you know, word probably just got out and he was like dude, I am gonna.

Speaker 1:

They saw what happened and that's why you know why they, why did, why did, why did Biden? Uh, you know all the what do you call it? Pardons and everything, the pre-pardons. I mean, if you just sit there and look back at the whole thing and look, and then they just immediately started doing all this stuff, and all this early shit that was negative for Trump ended up being complete bullshit. It was not even true, so nobody thinks about that. They're like, oh yeah, all the stuff that they said didn't wasn't true, okay, no, let's just. And then it's like they take them to. If Trump was guilty of something, he would have been. He would have been. You know, they would have made it stick and made it happen, but it was all bullshit. It was just more bullshit to try and ruin them.

Speaker 1:

And then now you see what's going on and you see all the corruption going on and they still are just like, hmm, trump sucks. It's like, dude, do you not see what he's doing? I mean, is this going to like I said, is this going to end up becoming? It's going to turn around and the Republicans are going to be the evil ones 10, 15 years from now, probably. You know, because they're getting so much power and so much whatever because of all the stuff. They're getting so much power and so much whatever because of all the stuff they're doing. People are going to take advantage of it. They are, you know, this, this resurgence of American pride and honesty and doing what's right and whatever. This and that is awesome, but it's just it'll turn around again Eventually. Evil always finds a way, right, it's awesome, but it'll turn around again eventually. Evil always finds a way, right. Yeah, because I don't know, it's awesome, but I just have a feeling it's going to backfire somehow. Not immediately, and not even backfire. I guess that's not the right word, but I do think it's just too much good stuff. I don't know. You know, hopefully it all kind of works out someday.

Speaker 1:

Trump dude, the way things are looking, he should be on the Mount. I used to think that was ridiculous, but if all the stuff that has been said by the conspiracy theorists, and it's all coming true. And it's all because Trump, then he deserves a place on Mount Rushmore. He does. And it's all coming true. And it's all because Trump, then he deserves a place on Mount Rushmore. He does. If it, you know, it all comes out to be true and stuff which is looking like it is, you know Like what man, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

What are your thoughts? Huh, what do you think about the gulf of who cares? Like? I get it, I don't know. Sometimes I think it's just like a little tactic thing to just get people angry. Yeah, I'm going to piss off the left. Let's change the name. You know what I mean. I mean like, what is it like? I don't know, but yeah, and then so it's like real quick. The last thing I heard, too, is like a woman who gets paid through us aid her, whatever. She's now not getting paid. So her dad, who's a judge, is trying to force Trump to not do that. Can't you know that there's so much trying to force Trump to not do that? Can't you know there's so much corruption and man, it's just insane. But anyway, all right, thanks for listening, thanks for hanging out. God bless, let me know what you think and I will see you guys next time. All right, bye.

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