Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
OBAMA'S CHEF "ACCIDENTALLY" DROWNED?: Army Ads Critique, Chef's Mysterious Drowning, and Conspiracy Debates
Tafari Campbell's untimely death sheds light on a mixture of tragic coincidence and deep-seated conspiracy theories. Responses to his drowning serve as a reflection of society's sensitivity to narratives involving the elites, raising questions about the nature of truth in public discourse.
• Discussion of the recent Army advertisements
• Overview of Tafari Campbell and the circumstances of his death
• Analysis of the 911 call and Secret Service reactions
• Examination of conspiracy theories surrounding the drowning
• Reflection on societal impacts of political figures' narratives
What's going on everybody? This is the Objective, jerk, and I am said jerk, I know I got some headphones on. I'm trying to look like a professional, whatever. No, I'm just. You know, I do listen to my podcast and I hear like sometimes I get really loud or I don't know I'm trying to make a nice voice to listen to. I don't know so. But I mean I got these.
Speaker 1:I bought these headphones like Marshall Bluetooth headphones for for, you know, listen to music and stuff because I couldn't find. I have like a, you know, some earbuds, like in a case that you charge and everything, and I lost one of the earbuds a while ago, like two months ago or something, and so I would still use it for certain things, but like I can't watch a movie or I can't listen to music with one earbud, you know it just doesn't work for me. So I finally could not. I gave up, cause I can't listen to music with one earbud. You know it just doesn't work for me. So I finally could not. I gave up cause I couldn't find it and I ordered these and then, of course, murphy's law, right before these came in, I found my other earbud, but now I got two. So I'm kind of using these uh along with, cause it has the jack, you can use them, so giving it a shot.
Speaker 1:Anyway, how's everybody doing? I hope everybody is good. Lefties are losing it like crazy. Trump just keeps winning and you know, things are good. The world is on the right path.
Speaker 1:Anyway, did you guys see the? I think this might be a long episode, just FYI, but did you guys see the new Army ads? And did you see the old Army ads? I remember seeing them a couple years ago. It was just like a cartoon and it was just like two lesbian women raising a kid. It was just really fluffy and it's like you know what. It's okay to maybe have those alongside, you know, have different, um different advertisements or recruitment advertisements to kind of get a little bit of everybody.
Speaker 1:But when all you do is have just straight up, woke gay advertisement stuff, you're gonna get the results that they got. They got a bunch of idiots joining the military and a lot of people in the recruitment numbers were way down. And the thing that sucks too is all these people, all these attention seeking I don't know what the hell they are, but you know joined and then they're going to get out, they're going to try and get, like, you know, ptsd, oh, ptsd, because the way it was treated in basic or some kind of crap, I don't know. Oh, and just people, you know there are people that join the military. You know use, especially now they just abuse it like, take advantage of and make up bullshit so they can get money. I don't know, um, but anyway, totally went off track. So the new commercial has, you know, just the like, the old style um ads where it's just you know men and makeup, makeup and you know in, uh, with the war faces on, you know, and on you know rafts, or in the water, just navy seals and jumping out of play. You know, just the normal kind of whatever.
Speaker 1:But there is, there's one that made me laugh, though. It's just showing a guy just working out and he's doing just you know manly kind of workouts and lifting weights and trying to get strong, and then at the end he says stronger people are harder to kill. It's true, and I just thought that was funny. It was almost like a parody sort of in a way. You know, um, but that's the thing is like the new administration is just straight up trolling everybody. I mean, they're, they're doing. You know what they said they were going to do during the campaign and and? Um, they're just trolling everybody. It's hilarious, it's funny.
Speaker 1:But I came across this, oh yeah, I just remembered when I Did I fix that I don't know if anybody who has been listening to me remembers like my GarageBand podcast thing would stop like at 29 minutes or something like that. I tried doing a couple long podcasts and it would cut off, something like that. I'm trying to remember Whoa, whoa, what was that popping noise? Um, see, this is weird for me having the headphones on, I'm, it's kind of throwing me off. Um, but crap, I just realized that I hope I can't remember if I've started a new setting. I think I did, but I don't remember sure, cause I just always do like around 23. That's kind of my mark. I just, you know, when 23 hits, I'll either kind of finish it up or I'll end it or whatever. But I'm, I have so much time on my podcast now, like I want to make sure I use it up. I'm paying for it, you know. So, so I'm trying to actually take my time a little and do it right.
Speaker 1:Anyway, I kind of wanted to talk about Obama's chef that died, right. I kind of vaguely remember hearing something, but I didn't really think too much about it. But then you don't really hear much, you know. And so I was like what, his chef died, what you know. And then so I kind of just opened up one quick thing and immediately it was like it's just kind of strange, because black dude I mean I guess black people can't swim, they say, you know, that's like a joke, but it's just kind of weird to think that. You know that he was paddle boarding.
Speaker 1:I think a lot of black folks would be like, well, what's he doing on that in the first place? But he was in a pond, he fell off. You have an unnamed person who saw it. He fell in the water and then didn't come up. It's like what? You're just in a pond, you know, that seems a little strange. So of course it's like you know, people are like, oh my God, I think computer, well, it's like dude. It's like you know. People like, oh my God, I think computer, well, it's like dude, it's weird, you know. And then the I didn't know that the Clintons had a chef and he died drowning too. So it's like, you know, I don't know. There it is again the coincidences. It's just kind of crazy. But so this dude, he was like my age, I guess. Technically maybe he was a little older, but he was like the sous chef at the White House and then when the Obamas left the White House, they took him with them to be their personal chef. So he's been, you know, their chef, and which means he, you know, lives at their estate and everything like that. So, but, um, it's just kind of a weird, weird situation.
Speaker 1:So I was going to read a couple of things, um, and I think I might switch it to where, I don't know I'm trying to. I think about doing, you know, my video version of the podcast, similar to what people on YouTube do, you know where you can see what I'm looking at and reading and stuff like that. But I don't know, trying to be different, I guess. I mean, I'm really not trying to do anything, just but I don't want to. I don't know. But here I am with my headphones on right, let's see what did I. So I do have an article up on the computer that I was thinking about sharing. I don't know, I'm still debating, but let me see. I want to go back to the thing I read last. Oh, where is it at Crap? Oh, this one right here. So I thought this was. It was kind of a little weird too, so I was just going to read this.
Speaker 1:This is from the New York Post, so that's basically. That's in a nutshell what happened. There's not a lot of information on it, which I guess they don't know. The information so this article is 911 call captures, frantic moments after Obama family chef drowns at Martha's Vineyard Estate. You know some property that's not far from the coast, but you know they sit there and talk about the water levels rising, yet they all live on beachfront property. Okay, no-transcript.
Speaker 1:First of all, it's like what kind of Secret Service agent is going to be frantic for something like that? You know they're trained to do, give their lives for whoever they're guarding and deal with all these kinds of situations. So he's like, frantically calling 911 to me I think he would be, you know, he'd be in control, and be, you know makes me think like it is bullshit, because he's like okay, I got to act, I got to act like I'm freaking out, you know like. So I mean, that to me is a little weird. But then they might just hired dumbass Secret Service agents, all females or something. No offense against females, but so far what I'm seeing female Secret Service agents. All right, we have a male quote. We have a male drowning in the back of the property now An agent identified, as Dave said, in the first of two emergency calls after Tafari Campbell, 45.
Speaker 1:So it was a year ago, so no, we were like the same age Toppled off his board and into the Eggerton town, eggertown, edgar, edgar, edgar, edgar town, eggertown, edgar, edgar Town, I don't know great pond in July, vanishing beneath the surface for an entire day. So immediately you're thinking he had to have been drunk or something right, because how are you going to fall off the board into a pond and not be able to get up? I mean, he wasn't wearing a life preserver, but unless he's wearing like normal clothes, that kind of weigh you down. I'm assuming he was wearing a wetsuit. You know, it's just. It's also a little weird. We have our. So back to the 911 call Quote. We have our rescue swimmers. They're attempting to go out there right now.
Speaker 1:Dave told a dispatcher according to a heavily redacted audio. Heavily redacted why? Why is it heavily redacted? Anyway, dave called 911, dave at 746 pm and relayed that at least one swimmer and another agent were climbing into a boat to reach Campbell.
Speaker 1:I don't think this one says it, but there was an unidentified person who witnessed him falling into. I kind of think it's bullshit. I think he was murdered. They probably drowned him and then they just pushed him out in there. They've been like, hey, uh, yeah, uh, this person saw him. We don't, can't? You know what I mean? Like it's just, there's so many weird things. It's like come on, people. I mean I'm not saying like, oh, it's so obvious he was murdered, but it's like you can't, you can't. I mean you know you can't dismiss the possibility, you know you can't dismiss the conspiracy theories because you know it's against Obama or whatever it's. You know, people, it's like dude, just look at everything. It's like it's just a little weird. You know what I mean. So you can't sit there and be like, oh my gosh, so stupid. It's like there's, there's, there's reasons, conspiracy theorists, you know cause they see the crap anyway.
Speaker 1:Uh, the rescuers hadn't witnessed the drowning, but were alerted by another unnamed individual who rushed to their command with the tragic news. It's not clear from the call who the individual was, but previous reporting indicates it was a second female Obama staffer who desperately tried to save her co-worker when he went underwater. But if that's the case, why does it have to be unnamed or whatever you know? So someone came running up to our back post saying a gentleman it's just a guest of the house, is out there. Wait what? Saying a gentleman is just a guest of the house, is out there drowning. That doesn't make sense.
Speaker 1:The agent stumbles for several seconds when the dispatcher asks whether the federal team requires an ambulance or water rescue assistance, stating he wasn't sure what was going on in the back of the property. They didn't advise right now. I would say at least an ambulance, okay. The agent then asks whether he could call 911 back on another line for follow-up communications, noting that they're not passing information over the radio right now. So was he on like a landline in a little guard post? Then he was going to call back on a cell phone. The dispatcher agrees and gives Dave a number before ending the call. A number why not just 911? I don't know. Before ending the call with a final request, a basic description of the missing man.
Speaker 1:Dave called dispatchers back just a few minutes later with a noticeably more panicked demeanor. So our rescue swimmers aren't able to locate the gentleman that was reported drowning. Dave said they're out in the water right now but as of now they don't know where he is. The dispatcher a different man than before asked the agent to provide a detailed description of what Campbell had been wearing. Dave, who was calling from the Secret Services command post. So why did he? He said like call on a different line, I don't know, is heard consulting over radio with team members on the beach before he is able to describe the personal chef. He's wearing all black, he's on a paddle board, he's 40-ish years old, black gentleman, regular build. So he's probably wearing a wetsuit. And we have our rescue swimmers on a boat in the area.
Speaker 1:Now Dave radios to the team two other times to confirm that Campbell's paddleboard was recovered but that he wasn't wearing a life jacket at the time of the tragedy. Now I mean, yeah, it's good to have the life jacket in case. Maybe he fell. I mean maybe he just slipped and he hit his head on the paddleboard and that's why he didn't come up. It is possible. I'm pretty sure it's probably happened before, but I don't know. It just seems a little weird. But I don't know, it just seems a little weird.
Speaker 1:Campbell's body was found the following day in eight feet of water about a hundred feet from the banks of the Obama's estate. His cause of death was determined to be an accidental drowning, with the medical examiner officially ruling submersion in a body of water to be the blame. Details have been sparse since the July accident. Of course gives them time to figure out how to do a cover-up. Massachusetts State Police has requested that the identities of the witnesses and the USS agents who reported to the scene be redacted from public reports. Massachusetts State Police have requested the identities who reported it to be redacted. Why? Hmm, campbell from Dumfries, virginia. Okay, so what's he talking about? And of course Obamas weren't there, so it's like you know.
Speaker 1:So I'm reading this and it's like it all seems a little strange, like maybe it wasn't a murder, but maybe it was something that somebody did screw up. So they're trying to cover up. Who knows, but it does seem a little weird, I don't know. But then I found the conspiracy theories that are about. So I'm kind of curious to see what. What they are. You know, and if he was murdered, so he had to have known some kind of something, or maybe. I think I maybe I heard something like maybe he was like Obama, no, cause he was married. I don't know, who knows, we'll see. So, all right, I'm going to. I'm going to check out this other. I'm going to switch the death of Tafari Campbell and the conspiracy theories that followed. So I'm just kind of curious to hear what these are.
Speaker 1:Tragic turn of events Personal chef, former President Obama, accidentally drowned, prompting an avalanche. Of conspiracy commentary. So let's see Tragic death in Edgerton, edgar Town, I guess. Personal chef was paddle boarding. 45 years old Campbell's life was cut short. His body was recovered the following day and upon the summer residence of former president, massachusetts witness described a brief struggle to stay afloat before Campbell was submerged and did not resurface.
Speaker 1:A brief struggle to stay afloat before Campbell was submerged and did not resurface. A brief struggle. So he was trying to get back up. He's panicking, but I mean, it's a pond. If you're paddleboarding, you think he knows how to swim a little bit. It makes me just kind of think that he that's what it's like, okay. It just seems a little weird. It makes me just kind of think that he that's what it's like, okay. It just seems a little weird, like he's inebriated, somehow maybe he was drugged, he was slipped something right goes out paddleboard and then all of a sudden he just kind of like he can't function right, and then he's in the water and he's struggling because he's like what's going on? I can't, I can't move right, and and then he drowns. You know, um, I know there's yeah, so that's, that's pretty plausible for me. But now it's like, but why? Okay, what are some reasons why somebody would murder this poor guy? So let's see.
Speaker 1:Anyway, conspiracy theorists pounced on this tragedy, endeavoring to shroud it in mystery, despite the police confirming the absence of any suspicious evidence to contradict the accidental nature Campbell's death. Conspiracy pundits questioned how a swimmer like Campbell could drown. Statistics show this is common in drowning cases In a pond, though I don't know. Yeah, this is common. Like, if they're like drunk, I think, or whatever, like I think, oh, man, I should, I there's, there was like a, there's some stuff there that you can give people that you know, if you give it to them by themselves, it's not going to kill them and it doesn't really stay in their system. It just, you know, affects them a certain way. So then, if you know someone's going to be in a body of water that you can, because standing on a paddle bar, paddle bar, paddle board is pretty difficult. From what I've never done it, but from what I can tell it's, it's not as easy as you might think. So chances of him falling off are, you know, pretty up there and then you give them something that's going to kind of mess up his equilibrium or whatever and make it to where he can't function properly. Like I said, you know it is completely possible. Let's see.
Speaker 1:Some have even speculated wildly. Did barack obama personally, personally kill? Not like, not him personally, but you know he could have been like, yeah, we gotta do it. Who knows, the use of obama's middle name hussein has here reveals the deep-seated bias over these whatever. Okay, oh wait, hold on.
Speaker 1:Conspiracy watch. This is like an anti, this is like an anti-conspiracy one. Huh, let's see. I'm kind of thinking friends, I can't cancel the autopsy. This is debunked, forensics found. Canceled, the autopsy was debunked. What was the motive? Why would a former blah blah blah behind the infamous Q account initiating the Q1 movement, speculating? No too much. Was he planning to talk? But what would he have known, I wonder? So this is like an anti-conspiracy? Well, that sucks. That's why I guess conspiracy watch I'm trying to see. Let's see, let's see Police debunk false claims.
Speaker 1:Oh do they, I love it. How like the left hates police and law enforcement until. Oh do they, I love it. How like the left hates police and law enforcement until. Oh no, they debunked it, so it's all good. Alright, let's see. I didn't accuse Obama. Okay, let's see Tafari Camel. Please say nothing. Okay, whatever, I want to just hear what people's, what some of the theories are.
Speaker 1:Come on, there's got to be something. I hate Reddit. I don't like getting on there Debunking claims. I just want to know what they are. I just want to know what people think. No head trauma or suspicious circumstances.
Speaker 1:State police confirmed that the paddleboarder whose body was recovered. So that's the thing. It's like you know they'll do. It just seems kind of like there should have been alcohol in this system. I don't know. I mean, maybe, maybe he had an aneurysm, anything's possible. You would be able to notice that too. I guess it depends on how detailed the what do you call it? What is it when they carve into people after they've died? Damn, I can't Every time right, every time I forget a word. Man.
Speaker 1:I thought I kind of started reading that I was like, okay, I'm just going to read this to get a couple ideas On just what some people, some of the conspiracy theories out there, because I don't know, I never really heard much about this. That's what I think is kind of weird. Huh, it is kind of strange, but but I don't know, maybe it's not really. It doesn't seem like there's. It is a strange occurrence, right, especially when you look at Clinton's head, the chef that died drowning, which is just kind of coincidental. But I don't know, it's just weird.
Speaker 1:Do I think the guy was murdered? No, I don't, but there's a lot of weird stuff going on with it. But, like I said, it could have been. You know, he just had like something happen. Who knows, I don't know. Uh, so people are reaching, but then, since I don't know it doesn't really seem like there'd be.
Speaker 1:I mean, the guy was with them for a long time, maybe. I wonder what like his finances and everything were. I wonder if something was. He was going to blackmail them and give away some information so they had to take him out, maybe, who knows? I mean, it's not hard to cover up autopsy. There we go. It's not hard to cover up, you know an autopsy or this and that. Or have you know corrupt individuals say, oh, it's debunked or there's nothing weird here. This and that I mean political murders have been going on forever. You know so many people have been murdered due to politics that we have no idea. People have no idea. It's just, oh, the brakes went out. Oh, they happened to. Oh, they had a brain. You know it's.
Speaker 1:Um, yeah, they try and shut people up, so it makes you kind of there's lots of ways to Get rid of somebody. That's why it's. It's kind of scary With Trump. I still think Something's going gonna happen to him. I hope not, but I don't know. We'll see. Well, that was kind of a bust. Um, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I don't know if I'm gonna post this or not. I'm gonna have to listen to it again. Um, cause I'm really monotony. I notice, with my headphones I'm like trying to talk. Maybe I should post it. And Um, cause I'm really monotony. I noticed, with my headphones I'm like trying to talk, maybe I should post it and I would like some feedback from people to see if is it better with me, with the headphones on and my, you know, talking somewhat reserved. You know, maybe it is Cause I noticed, you know, I'm like, oh, you know what I mean, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:Like sometimes I listen to my podcast and you know there's stuff I like or whatever. But then sometimes I'm talking and I don't finish what I'm saying and I just kind of rushed through it and kind of move on. And I'm like I'm saying and I just kind of rush through it and kind of move on and I'm like what the crap? So people are going to get lost. So I don't know, maybe the headphones I might just try the headphones for a while and just see how that goes. Maybe it's going to kind of help regulate, you know, when I can hear what I'm saying. There's no delay, but but I can hear it. So but it does kind of help.
Speaker 1:I don't know, like just maintain some sort of composure and not just ramble. You know what I mean. So I don't know, I'm going to post it, I am Screw it. I would like some feedback and then I'm just going to continue doing the headphones for a little while and see how that goes. But anyway, obama's chef did you know about him? What do you think that's about it? Thanks for hanging out. God bless, and I will see you guys, next time all right, bye.