Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
In a humorous and reflective episode, we explore the challenges of podcasting, the absurdities of aviation incidents, and the intricacies of mountain biking repairs. Listeners are encouraged to re-evaluate their approaches to DIY solutions while pondering the intertwining realms of politics and personal finance.
• Exploring the frustrations of audio quality in podcasting
• Sharing thoughts on recent aviation accidents and underlying problems
• Discussing a hypothetical taxpayer refund proposal and political implications
• Detailing the trials of mountain biking and the desire for DIY repairs
• Reflecting on customer service experiences in differing cultures
As always, we invite your thoughts! Reach out to us via email at theobjectivejerk@gmail.com.
What's up? It is I, the Objective Jerk and I am. Oh, that messes up my little thing, doesn't it? It is I, the Objective Jerk and I am Cedric. That doesn't make sense. This is the Objective Jerk and I am Cedric. Wow, I really heard that slurp. So what is up?
Speaker 1:I listened to my last podcast because I'm really trying to get down the audio and it's not that good. Like, actually, parts of it were good, but the parts like what sounds good on my headphones right now as I'm talking, doesn't sound good on what's published. You know what I mean, and it's because it goes through both on I mean my recordings, for the podcast gets processed, and then when I upload it to Buzzsprout, it processes it even more. And then the same thing with the video side of it. Imovie processes it, and so it kind of changes it. So it I don't know it sounds what sounds good on my headphone. It just didn't work. So it wasn't bad. But I did notice some stuff. So I'm not going to be making out with the microphone because it seems like it right about here. This sounds great, right, I mean, it sounds great later, not right now.
Speaker 1:Um, and then also I had I had like noise gate setting on, which kind of helps get rid of any kind of background noise, because I have like a fan on and stuff, but it just it makes that that weird. It's hard to explain for those that know that, no, but so I turned it off, I turned off my fan. So for however long I just won't have a fan on, which is not, you know, I do have an air conditioning on it's just in my room so it's not as cool in here as it is in my room next door, which, you know, it's a doorway, so it does keep it somewhat cool in here. Anyway, what's up? I noticed too on my um, my last one, the, I started the podcast right when the sun, like, was getting ready to go down, because it was still light out, but then as the episode progressed you could just see it getting darker and darker in my uh, in the video. So I thought that was funny. I guess, I don't know Anyway. So yeah, I, you know, kind of keeps doing that, keeps clicking. I noticed that I don't know if it's something.
Speaker 1:Having so many um, you know, programs open kind of interfere with each other, I guess trying to like clean up and do stuff while I'm recording, which is always fun for the listener or viewer, right? But I am trying, okay, so I do care, I do listen, I am trying to make a nice listening experience. What's weird is that, like it does seem like so the the I movie is working great, it seems like. But now it was the audio podcast buzzsprout was not sounding that good and that one goes through like all kinds like has magic mastering which I don't know. Like I pay a little extra for it to do some kind of extra mixing to make it sound better. You know, sound like a real podcast.
Speaker 1:But it could all just be like, you know, oh, that's true, coat undercoating. You want that, you know, but, um, I don't know. I've been using it now for a while. I use anyway, but so I just got to figure it out. So I think I'm thinking although I thought it last time, I thought this would that would be it, but I think I got it now. So this one will be better and I kind of wanted to not wait too long to record. You know, I want people to that. Maybe just come across my podcast and hear it. I want them to.
Speaker 1:You know, like I know people might listen to the, the one about the Obama chef, and be like dude, what the hell, this guy's audio is horrible. Um, so I am trying to make it, you know, to make it, you know, tasteful, I guess. Anyway, so what is up? Um, yeah, another plane crash, right? Um, god, I see it keeps popping. I keep hearing like this little pop, and I think it comes across on the, on the um, on the podcast, and it kind of bugs me. Sorry, I'm like anal, retentive anyway.
Speaker 1:Um, so, another plane crash. This one, though, was like a private kind of airfield. It wasn't commercial, it was just a few people, sadly, that died, and and, um, you know, I don't even think they have like a tower, you know, so you probably don't hear nothing. They have a tower. You probably don't hear nothing because they can't. If it was another, they'd be like oh my gosh, look at C, because it's not FAA, whatever, there was no control tower or whatever, so they can't blame Trump firing all the air traffic controllers. So now the planes are flying blind from the left.
Speaker 1:You know, now I'm looking at my. I'm sitting here looking at myself right now in the video, and I have my logo on this side. But now, looking at this video, it looks like it'll be better on the other side of the screen and so I'm going to change it. I'm trying not to change stuff too much because I don't know people, like you know they get they, like you know structure, I guess. So at least I do. So that's you know. I kind of trying to keep it and not change everything all the time, but I can't help it. Anyway, all because of these headphones. I started wearing the headphones and I've been jacking with the audio, but I think it's for the best. Anyway, keep talking about the audio, anyway. So what's the other thing going on?
Speaker 1:So supposedly, trump and Doge are contemplating giving some of the money that they find, or the excess money or, you know, the money they're saving, to give it back to the taxpayers, which I think is awesome. So they're thinking about giving everybody $5,000. And, uh, that's pretty cool, cause I know that would help a lot of people. $5,000, just an extra $5,000. That's an extra month's worth of pay for a lot of people, you know. So they can put that down payment on the car or whatever. So I think that's pretty good. The thing is, I think if you voted for Harris, that $5,000, you should not get the $5,000. You should be able to select which foundation or whichever you want to give to. You know, because, yeah, liberals suck, but could you imagine that though $5,000.
Speaker 1:I mean, you know that for a lot of people that's maybe just something they've always. You know somebody who's wanting to get a brand new drum set or a mountain bike. Even you know I could use that and get a whole brand new mountain bike. Can I talk my wife? And to let me do? I don't think so. I wouldn't get. Like it's crazy how expensive some bikes can be. Man, it's just insane.
Speaker 1:I keep seeing like videos of people riding carbon though and then breaking on jumps and stuff. But I don't, I don't. I don't do crazy jumps. I mean I'll go off some drop offs and stuff like that. You know that are a couple of feet or something. I don't think I've ever. I don't think I've ever done one more than like four feet. I want to say, just because I'm I'm kind of a big guy and I'm afraid I'm going to break my bike, but I got a steel or steel fused with aluminum, I don't know, I'd have to look into that. It's steel but it's light. So anyway, okay, $5,000.
Speaker 1:If you voted for Trump, you should get that $5,000. If you voted for Trump, you should get that $5,000 direct deposit. If you voted for Harris, you should get to get an email saying who do you, who do you want to, um, you know, um, donate the $5,000 to? I think that'd be funny. It's kind of a dick move. I guess about maybe 2500 you get and then the other 2500 you vote, you get to pick who to donate it to there.
Speaker 1:What's that? What's that gonna do for people? I mean, some people who really don't need it are just gonna be like I don't need it and they will just give it to somebody just to be like eh. But there are people that will need it and use it, who don't like Trump, like you know. I'm just curious what that's going to. I don't know. They'll still find some kind of reason. Oh well, it was probably because, I don't know, they come up with the dumbest excuses and the dumb reasons and you know it's on both sides. Both sides kind of do it they. They will completely. Um, you know, no matter what happens, their, their team is always good and right and everything.
Speaker 1:But I'm trying to set this thing up. Sorry, I'm messing with my mic. But yeah, it would be just kind of funny, cause I was. I was thinking about that when this all first started. I was like that would be bad-ass. I mean, so much money, that's being what if they turned around and gave a lot of it back to you know the American people? And if that would, I'm sure it would probably have to completely you know, red pill a few people. They'd be like man you know what. Maybe he is looking out for us and I mean people are getting red pilled every day, more and more people. It's happening, Um, and you see it, but you do. You still do have those real stubborn individuals such as my friend gosh. It keeps making that popping sound. I guess that's what.
Speaker 1:No, the screen like I had somebody comment on that, maybe putting and I have one, um, maybe I'll try it. I had one on for a little while but I was like I couldn't really tell the difference. But I don't know, maybe different. Actually, I think I have a different microphone now, so maybe that would actually play a bigger part in this microphone. I don't know, because I'm hearing tonal changes and weird noises in my headphones and it's driving me crazy. This is why I kind of don't like the microphone or the headphones. But yeah, so there's that.
Speaker 1:So yesterday, I guess, since I keep talking about my mountain bike, so I talked about mountain biking yesterday. Was it yesterday when I did my last one? Yeah, because, that's right, the tubeless. I was talking about switching back to tube tires. Well, yesterday was kind of getting stuff set up to go riding for today and I was gonna. My truck needs a new starter, which is what I would use to put my mountain bikes in, usually to go wherever we're gonna go riding. But I was gonna see if, if I took the tires off, if I could get the bikes to fit in my wife's car. So that's what I was doing.
Speaker 1:I go to ride my bike to the car and it's just my chain keeps, it's not working right. I'm like what is going on? And then I was messing with it and it kept coming off and all this kind of crap. I'm like what the hell? So I go inside, I take my rear wheel off and the cassette, you know, I take the cassette off of the, off the off the wheel, and it's just it's all chewed up like inside, like it's all messed up. So it wasn't, it wasn't stationary to the hub and spinning, because you know like you pedal your bike. But then when you stop, your cassette will stop with it and then your wheel, your hub and your tire will stop with it, and then your wheel, your hub and your tire will keep rolling and it makes that clicking sound, click, click, click right, and I wasn't doing that and so my chain kept coming off and just not. You know, I was like at first I thought like did I like put too much gunk on it or something? I was like trying to figure it out. But yeah, so my cassette is pretty much ruined, I think. I don't know. I mean, there's, you know, the teeth and the other gears are still salvageable for whatever. But so now, so I didn't go riding today because of that, because I basically don't have a bike now.
Speaker 1:So I've been trying to keep my eyes open for various things. So here's, here's another gosh. I don't know, does anybody even really care? There might be a few people I feel like I'm just talking about. I just kind of get tired of talking about politics all the time.
Speaker 1:I mean, I know that's kind of what the podcast is for, but I'm not like a commentary person. I'm not. You know what I mean. I'll talk about some stuff, which I did, I guess, but you know, I just talk about whatever, whatever I feel like talking about. So you know, is that a smart move for a podcast? Probably not. But I'm not really trying to grow the podcast, like I said. I mean, if you know, if it just happens to grow which it is, it's my pop, it's, it's growing, it's just slow, but I'm not trying to make a living out of this. You know, just another hobby out of my 50 million hobbies, it seems like.
Speaker 1:But anyway, so I, where was I at? Gosh? Oh, okay, so through me, replacing all my components and all the different parts to my bike with, you know, the, the, the valves, and I talked about it with my, my tubeless and everything like that. Well, so I upgraded everything else on the bike, right, but I've been having some problems with the drive train, the derailleur, and you know I said like I was talking about the chains and stuff, the derailleur, and you know I said like I was talking about the chains and stuff.
Speaker 1:So I, I've always, you know I'm, I'm a pretty mechanically inclined individual, you know I'm not, I'm not, um, I would never consider myself a mechanic, but I have a lot of tools I can do. I can get a lot done on a vehicle. Um, my biggest thing is I'm not educated to the point of where I can do. I can get a lot done on a vehicle. Um, my biggest thing is I'm not educated to the point of where I can diagnose a problem. Somebody can say, hey, this needs to be. Oh, that's broken, you should fix that. I can fix it for the most part. You know I've done some pretty strenuous, intensive repairs on vehicles before. Granted, those were on older vehicles which are much easier to work on.
Speaker 1:Um, you put electronics in and I'm just like, like my wife's car has some wiring stuff and I don't even know where to begin or even want to like. I just I don't know, I don't even want to mess with electrical stuff. I mean I don't know, I don't even want to mess with electrical stuff. I mean you know wiring in a home is different, but gosh, anyway, so you can pick what you want. You know what I mean. But then the ones where they really need you is where you get bonuses and things like that. I mean this is how it was when I joined anyway. It's probably the same, I'm sure. But so I wanted to be an MP. I tested high enough and that's what I did an MP. I tested high enough and that's what I did Years later when I got out and I was actually looking to join um, the air national guard, so the air force, but the national guard, you know.
Speaker 1:I went and spoke with the recruiter. He looked at my scores and he was like he looked at me. He's like why were you an MP? You know. And he was like he looked at me. He's like why were you an MP? You know, and that's because the air force generally puts you where you test higher. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:So again, this might be different now, but where you test higher is your primary MOS and then you can have a secondary um which is kind of like you get the one you get to pick. You know what I mean. Um, I can't. I mean don't, don't, you know. Take it with a grain of salt, because I wasn't in the air force, but just from what I can tell and from conversations I've had and various whatever, but um, you know. So like you'll test, like what the air force would do, from what I'm told is you would like. Let's say, you tested highest in mechanics but you wanted to be, you know, security police or whatever they would be like. Okay, we'll try and get you into security police, but your fallback is going to be mechanical because that's what you tell. And then generally, you end up getting what you tested higher in you know which actually makes sense Really.
Speaker 1:Um, I keep talking close to the microphone but it sounds better like this, and I know that stop making out with the microphone dip shit. Um, see, it sounds better talking quieter, making out with the microphone dipshit. See, it sounds better talking quieter, closer to the mic on my headphones. But when I just listened to my other podcast it did not. So I'm really trying, sorry, so please bear with me.
Speaker 1:So when I went and spoke to the Air Force, he was like hey, why? Why were you MP? And I was like cause, that's what I wanted. And he asked me that because I scored high in mechanics, you know. So if I would have went the Air Force route, I would have been like a jet engine mechanic or something like you know what I mean, um, something like you know what I mean, um, and part of the reason I didn't want to be a mechanic was, um, my uncle.
Speaker 1:He was a Marines and he was a mechanic and he just really kind of it's like he was not happy that he went that route or I think he just got burnt out. He was just tired of being a, you know, grease monkey type individual. He was always. He was always kind of trying to get away from it, but he's always kind of getting pulled back in. I guess I mean, he had, you know, he had a pretty good career and he, you know he's retired now, but he didn't do just, you know, working on cars.
Speaker 1:He worked for like a, I think he retired from an electric company, as I don't know if he was a manager. I know he was like a manager for um, waste management, so like a garbage truck company, and he was a manager. But he left that and became and, like you know, kind of got a demotion but got a better company for better benefits or something. I can't remember now it's been a little while. But um, you know, and I remember when I was in high school, he, he, basically, so he got a job at some point in time for like a um as a mechanic for an insulation company and then the owner of that company opened a used car dealership. So my uncle got a job doing that. So he was like a used car um salesman, but you know he was a mechanic, so he kind of managed the mechanics and sometimes he would work on the cars, or, but you know he was a mechanic, so he kind of managed the mechanics and sometimes he would work on the cars or whatever you know. So he was always trying to get out of from just being underneath the car working on them. I guess I guess he just kind of I don't know. He was good at it though and, um, you know I learned most of my stuff from him.
Speaker 1:Anyway, what the hell? Why am I talking? There was a reason I went this route. I totally just went off on a whole tangent again. Long story short, I'm mechanically inclined, right. So since I've been here in the in the philippines, I've I've really just kind of let, because it's cheap, labor is cheap here here. I get paid in US dollars and then you know, I can pay to have like to pay. Have my car washed at a car place is like $2, basically you know what I mean. So to have it's like okay, I can go through and I can fix my bike or I can replace a part, or I just take it to the bike shop and they can do it, and it's so much cheaper, right.
Speaker 1:But I just kind of come to find out that Filipinos don't really take pride in other people's. I don't know, I mean, all people are like this. I really don't want to. I'm not trying to bash Filipinos, I'm really not. But maybe it's just because where we live up north more country, rural area, I guess I don't know. But in the States rural area, I guess I don't know. But in the States companies generally try and push for good customer service and quality. You know, service and all that kind of stuff. Right, you don't always get it, but generally most of them are trying to do that and you'll find, oh, this person's good and you'll stick with them or whatever, this and that.
Speaker 1:But here it's like you get a lot of people that really kind of don't know what they're doing and they're doing the best they can, but they're not very good or they don't care really. They're just like here you go, get out of here. You know what I mean. And then part of the problem is the language barrier. So most people here I can talk to. It may not be pretty, but they speak enough english to where, you know, we can communicate, right.
Speaker 1:But it's like trying to like if you have two different kinds of parts, right, because there's brands that I know, like Stanley, there's Stanley stuff here, but then there's brands here that I've never heard of you know. So it's like you know, I could ask somebody. I'm like hey, hey, which one's the best one? And you know, if somebody owns a shop, of course they want to sell the most expensive whatever. But, um, generally it's like, even like at the main stores where they don't get commission or anything they don't really know. They don't, you know. They're like oh, that one because it's branded, and I'm like, because it's branded, they're like, yeah, and I'm like well, that's it. Like what's?
Speaker 1:You know you try and get like why is this good, or why is this better, or why is this worse, or is this actually good for the money? You know, I'm not trying to spend a bunch of money like, I'm trying to find a part that is well made but it's not branded. You know, that's basically my mindset. I don't need to buy branded stuff, but I want something good, you know, and I'll pay a little more for good, but I don't want to pay extra just because it has a name on it. So trying to get that all figured out is sometimes a hassle.
Speaker 1:So a lot of the parts that are on my mountain bike are cheap parts and you know I've been having problems ever since. And then you know I was talking with my riding buddy about that and because he's always like, man, you should get a new bike, you should get a new bike. And I'm like I like my bike. Man, I like my bike, I just need to get it dialed in with the right parts and everything. And I said to him I was like you know, before I tried upgrading everything, I never had problems. And he was like, yeah, because everything was shimano, that which came with the specialized bike. And I was like you know what? That's true, that's right. So let's, where am I at 27 minutes later?
Speaker 1:Basically, I'm done getting having people work on my bike, because I can work on the bike. I mean it's, it's pretty simple. It's like working on an old vehicle. You know what I mean? There's not much to it. Once you get it figured out, you can do it. You know, I got pretty much all the tools I need. I've done a lot anyway, I mean, on my bike. So it's like I just need to quit.
Speaker 1:I guess I was always kind of afraid that I would I don't know do something wrong and then I'd go riding and something would fall off like while I'm riding and then crash or something maybe. But I mean I know I'm capable of like I know if something is good or not. You know, if I build something or fix something, you know either I'm happy with it or I'm like, okay, I think it's good, or I'm like I don't know, I don't trust it. You know what I mean. So I'm pretty good at feeling good about something or not. So I just need to get off my lazy ass and just work on it myself and just do the research, because I don't really know everything. There's lots of little things involved, especially with the, the drivetrain on the bikes and stuff, so but I just need to go buy.
Speaker 1:I think when I get paid I'm gonna buy, because shimano you can get here. Is that how you say it? Shimano, shimano I think it's Shimano, right? Yeah, sram, shimano are like the two big ones and there's lots of other ones, but I don't think SRAM is around here, but Shimano is. The only thing is, though. Like I've said before, though, is just because something branded here doesn't mean it's is good, because I swear like at the shimano factory, which probably is in china um, you know their quality control. They inspect it and if this is like, okay, this is, this is good quality, that's going to america. Yeah, this one's okay, that's going to the philippines. You know what I mean. So that's always kind of there.
Speaker 1:But yeah, I just need to go buy I'm gonna buy a cassette and buy a derailleur, which will have a shifter as well, I guess and put it on myself, and then bob's, your uncle, that's it. I think that you know, I just got to do it. I just got to bite the bullet and take the time and get it done, because then I know if it's good. I know it's good or not. You know what I mean. I know what's on there, I know you know if it's good quality or not.
Speaker 1:I don't know, but it's just, it's just one of those things you know, living, living overseas. It's like this is one of the I mean it's. It's a pretty minimal moot, whatever. It's not that big a deal, to be honest with you, whatever, it's not that big a deal to be honest with you and for you know, I'm retired, so I have the time. It's just the motivation. That's what it is, the motivation to do it.
Speaker 1:So, but going riding the other day, even though it was only for like 45 minutes, it, you know, I love, I love riding on the trail. It's so much fun, even even when it's not really anything really fun. It's just riding on a dirt trail outside is just a lot of fun. It's always been, you know. So it kind of got me, got my blood going again, got me really wanting to get my bike going. So, man, just when yesterday, when it was broke, when I, you know, when I pulled it off and looked at it, it was like I was just so frustrated because, like, I just feel like all I've been doing is having parts replaced and stuff and but yeah, so I just I gotta bite the bullet and spend a little more money, get the stuff and just do it myself and I'll probably be much happier and have less problems.
Speaker 1:Anyway, um, I've been talking for 30 minutes Dang. I feel like I've been talking about Jack. Shit. Let me know, was this a good episode? Trolls, I get it, but you know legitimately people that are listening. Let me know if you like listening to me talk about bullshit, or do you want me to focus on certain topics or whatever, which I do? I'm not, you know, I'll. You know, I just talk about whatever I don't. You know, sometimes it's a focused topic, or sometimes it's just me rambling, like today. But anyway, uh, I appreciate your time. Thanks for hanging out. Um, you know, leave a comment, send me an email, the objective jerk at gmailcom, and uh, god bless and I'll see you guys next time. All right, thanks Bye.