Objective Jerk

007'S FUTURE IN AMAZON'S HANDS?: Nostalgic Reflections, Casting Speculations, and Franchise Fatigue

Jerk Season 3 Episode 127
Speaker 1:

What's up? This is the Objective Jerk. I am said jerk and feeling a little frisky. I'm still processing my last podcast and then, while I was, you know, waiting for stuff to happen, I happened to come across the thing, which is kind of old news, but I guess I don't know. Things are starting to happen, but I didn't know that amazon purchased the james bond name license, whatever. I guess the broccoli family still own it, but basically amazon gets to do what they want with it. So that's gonna suck. So I'm gonna drink uh, I got a German beer that I got from Vegan a little while ago, dark beer, I got my little Nine Line Cozy on there. So instead of coffee I'm going to have some beer. All right, what's up? Cheers, it's good. Yeah, man, like what the hell? Dude?

Speaker 1:

Now I'm not a Bond super. I'm not a super fan of everything, anything really. I guess if I had to pick something, it'd be He-Man, masters of the Universe. It was. I loved it as a kid and I still love. I have some figures and stuff like that. But, um, I'm not like. You know, I don't buy everything and have you know, I'm not crazy fiend about it. You know, and you know I grew up with star wars, love star wars as a kid and stuff, and I don't know if I'm just over it or what, but just with all the crap that has been put out for the last five years or whatever it, just it sucks because you know it's going to save. The same thing that Disney did to Star Wars, amazon's going to do to James Bond. You know it. You know it is. I got to have my logo over there a little bit so I want to make sure I got room, but yeah, they're going to destroy it. They're going to milk it and shred it apart and make all kinds of shows and spin-offs of different characters that are women and color and gay and all that shit. It's just like, oh great, here we go, some more shit. What is with the current entertainment people now? They just are fucking stupid. They cannot create anything new. They just pilfer everything else and destroy it. That's what they do. Look at Willow, star Wars, indiana Jones, the Masters of the Universe although the last one wasn't too bad and then they got the movie coming out that looks like it's going to suck. Just everything, everything. You know, all the things that I used to dream about. I mean James Bond's always been going on, you know, but more Star Wars and all the things that are coming out now, like I used to dream about, but they're just fucking it all up. They're just destroying everything. It's lame, it sucks.

Speaker 1:

I loved watching. I used to watch James Bond with my grandfather a lot when it would be on TV. Roger Moore that's the one that I remember as a kid was Roger Moore, and then Timothy Dalton or not Timothy Dalton yeah, I remember the Timothy Dalton ones, but then I kinda I didn't really I liked them. Now I like his portrayal now, but before I didn't really get into it. And then, um, goldeneye came out and I remember I I didn't see it in theaters, I saw it on home video but I was like, oh, this is pretty good, I like this, and so I got into that's. When I started getting back into Bond and although the last one with Pierce Brosnan was kind of lame, the one that had Madonna in it and crap, what was that one? Die Another Day, yeah, that was horrible, I saw that in theaters. But I didn't start getting into the old school um, with sean connery until like the early 2000s I started kind of watching them.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, from russia with love. I mean they're all classics because they have their you know, their whatever their moments, their you know what do you call it, whatever, I don't know. People remember like scenes or whatever, just like what's the classic kind of moments. They all the movies have something you know for much of love is good. I think that's probably my favorite one with, I mean, dr no is good too, but but Goldfinger is pretty good. Thunderball is not bad too. You Only Live Twice. I can't say I can think of that one right now.

Speaker 1:

What was that one? That was the one where he's in Japan, right, and then On Her Majesty's Secret Service is awesome. I think I love that one. And I think What's-His-Face did a good job. I think I love that one, and I think what's his face did a good job. It's kind of a shame he didn't do more. What's his name? George Lazenby, lazenby, Lazenby, yeah, and then oh yeah. Then Connor came back for one more and then you got Roger Moore, which I think started off pretty good, but then it started getting there's a couple in there that were a little corny and then he ended decently. I think people don't like a view to a kill, but I kind of liked that one. And then, yeah, the living daylights is awesome. Actually, timothy Dalton, licensed to kill is really dark. It's kind of reminiscent of casino Royale. Um, it's not bad, but I like the Living Daylights. And then GoldenEye. Of course, everybody loves GoldenEye.

Speaker 1:

Tomorrow Never Dies. I really liked that's around when I was really getting into Jackie Chan films Well, it wasn't just me, a lot of people were getting into Kung Fu films and then what's Her Face was in it. So Tomorrow Never Dies, the World Is Not Enough. What's Herface was horrible. She was miscast.

Speaker 1:

I can't think of her name. Uh-oh, that's the only thing about beer, right? Um, and what was her name? Let's see. Can I think of it before I click on it? Can I think of it before I click on it? No, I cannot. Um, denise richards. Yeah, that was not a good. She could have been like a stripper or hooker or something, but not some kind of physicist. That was kind of retarded. Um, and then die another day had some cool moments, but yeah, yeah, it was kind of bad, I thought. Then, of course, casino royale was like totally changed. Everything went the you know born identity route kind of great film. What's crazy is the same guy that directed casino royale, directed golden eye, quantum of solace.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people don't like, but I liked it I don't know. Skyfall is pretty awesome, except I didn't really like the ending, like the little shootout, I don't know. It was a little anticlimactic, I thought, except for the fact that M, you know, died. And then Spectre. I think I've only seen Spectre once. I want to say I can't. I remember the beginning, the opening scene, that's about it, and then I haven't seen no Time to Die.

Speaker 1:

I know it's on Amazon, I have Amazon whatever video, amazon, whatever it's called. I just, I don't know just the stuff. I heard about it and that one bitch wrote some shit and and I don't know man and I I'll watch it someday, I'm sure. But but I just kinda I checked out on some, you know, got burned on a couple films or a couple shows and then it was just like, okay, they, obviously they have an agenda, they don't care about the, you know, the people that actually love these franchises and they're just doing whatever the hell they want. And now Amazon owns it or has the rights or whatever, I don't know owns it or has the rights or whatever, I don't know they're gonna fuck it up so bad they're gonna make. They're gonna make bond like a feminist or some shit. I think at the very least they're gonna try and make bond like black right, which I didn't really care if.

Speaker 1:

Um, what's his face? The the other guy that's on. You know he's in a lot of stuff and everybody was wanting him. What was his name? Damn it. He's in um, uh, suicide, the second suicide squad, which I didn't watch. That either. Um, excuse me, he had his own show, what was it called? It was like some kind of detective trying to. He was in um, that one movie. It's pretty good. I think he's a good. Oh, he's, you know, in thor, and I know he's. He's in a lot of shit.

Speaker 1:

Black dude, british. I remember when there was, when I first heard of him possibly becoming a, I was fine with it. I was like, okay, he's British, he's suave, he's got the build, he's a badass. I don't care if they're black. Making them black is not a problem for me. You know what I mean. Yes, bond was originally written as the whatever white dude, but that was so long ago. I think it's okay to have a black bond, I really do. But he's got to be right though, man. Um, so you know, as long as they don't make a woman or like some kind of feminist or make bond like stupid and clumsy and and not able to do anything, except he's got like a woman doing everything for him, which is what I kind of hear about die another day or not, die another day, no time to die, that's kind of what you know they did.

Speaker 1:

The whole Bond is kind of not. He's not any good. He needs help from girls and all this other crap, and I'm just like so tired of that crap so I don't know I wonder if they're actually. Let's see how much time, how long have I been recording? Oh, 10 minutes. Okay, I'm gonna see what. Is there any kind of news? I'm kind of out of the loop. I don't really pay attention to entertainment and stuff that much, except you know I watch YouTube and I'll come across something. I saw a thumbnail, something, amazon and Bond and I watched a little bit of it and then I was like, oh man, because I know Daniel Craig is done with it and I was hoping I think Superman, what's his face? Face, he would be a good bond, but he's kind of in so much stuff now I think it might be too much.

Speaker 1:

They need to get somebody who's. I think it's better to get someone who's not as well known. Let me see, I'm trying to find an article, let's see. Then it'll probably put that guy's name on there, so I can you know. Let's see. Let's see what comes up. Oh crap, who should play? No, it's like a video James Bond. When was this? Oh, this was yesterday CNN. Oh fuck, I hate CNN. Let's see, I need to have see. That's. The one thing I can't do is like pitcher and pitcher with um, what you call it, with, uh, my facetime, because I don't think you can. This is a good time to try and figure it out while I'm doing a podcast. So, anyway, all right, I'll.

Speaker 1:

So, oh, that dude, he was in um, he was in um dungeons and dragons, this, this, the, the dungeons and dragons thief, uh, one actually, which I really liked. I thought it was funny, and that one they, the male was kind of, you know, the goofball, and the female was the badass, and that's fine because it fits the characters that they were for Dungeons Dragons, that's, you know, it works. So if you follow Dungeons Dragons, I think I don't know if I'm not a huge D&D, you know, but I do play a little bit. Excuse me, gosh, I've talked about it and I think that movie was pretty. I liked it, I enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

But the guy that played the really good like night guy you know, the one that helped him out he's British. I see a picture of him. He possibly could, I guess. I think he looks a little young. And then the dude, what's his name? Oh, okay, so that guy's name is Rajayjohn Page, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

And then they got aaron taylor, johnson, so he's. He was in a bullet train. Um, kick-ass was his, his one. He's in lots of stuff, but he could do it, I think. And he, he looks a little, a little older. You can't have bond too young, that's the problem. And of course, they got a picture of a woman over here. No, do not, I swear to God, if they make it a woman, it's going to I wouldn't be surprised and it's going to totally fail. It's like, just make another Dude. You have how many movies of some woman that's a spy kicking ass, and they're not bad. Just do those. Keep Bond James, not Jesse or whatever. Oh, here he is, okay.

Speaker 1:

So Idris Elba, that's who I was trying to remember earlier, although he's getting kind of old now, I think but he would have been good. So the Aaron Taylor Thomas guy, I could see him doing it. Josh O'Connor I don't even know who the fuck that is Tennis from challenge. No, he's got like the fucking ears. No, he cannot be. Bob Jonathan Bailey I have no idea who. That is Fresh off the success of Wicked. Didn't see it, don't care. But he's next up is the Lost World no.

Speaker 1:

So this guy, ray Jean Page, or whatever, oh, so he was in Bridgerton, which I didn't watch. He was in the D&D movie. It was pretty good. I don't know, I think he's a little too young. No, we're not going to have some dumb bitch. Do it skip. Henry Golding, I think Asian, that might be too much. This guy, I think he might do pretty good, but I don't know, maybe I don't know. Tilda Swinton, really. No, we don't want some dumb cunt. Fucking James Bond God, he's stupid. Cnn, fuck faces. I'm swearing a lot, sorry, just annoying.

Speaker 1:

Let's see what's this one? This is 24. Trying to look 17 actors. Let's see. Here's another. The rap, the rap. Are they? What are they? Are they retarded? Let's find out. See, this is the guy. I do not want this.

Speaker 1:

This, what's his name? He's another black dude. He's in the next, he's in the Netflix film. It's like Rambo, something, river's Edge or something I don't know, but his eyes just are weird to me. He needs to have brown eyes. I guess. Some people think it's like oh my gosh, he's so pretty. Dark skin and the green. I mean, they're cool exotic eyes, I guess. But I think it's weird looking. I couldn't watch it. So again, idris Elba yeah, maybe 10 years ago, though.

Speaker 1:

Jacob Elorde, I don't know who the hell that is. I think you have to have somebody who's British, though you really do. This guy, aaron Pierre, king of the Pride Lands oh, rebel Ridge, that's it. So that's the movie I was trying to. He's got the athletics Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Is he British, though? I don't know. No, I don't think he so. Is he British, though? I don't know? No, I don't think he so.

Speaker 1:

This Henry Golden guy who's Asian, I think he could pull it off better than these last ones I was looking at. This is kind of stupid. I guess you can't see what the fuck I'm looking at. Damson Idris what was he in Snowfall? Oh, he's in formula one. Possibly he's black dude. See, I don't care if they're black.

Speaker 1:

Calum turner, no, don't put a fucking bitch in here. We don't care. No, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be like sexist. You know, you can make it to where bond is. Doesn't sleep with every single woman he runs into, that's fine. But don't make him a feminist and it doesn't need to be a fucking woman. That's not james bond, that's. There's so many other female characters that are badass and it works. Female characters that are badass and it works. Use them, go with them. Do not make Bond female. Sorry, really stupid, but I bet you that's what they do.

Speaker 1:

Let's see Charles Melton. I don't even know who that is. He's kind of Asian-y looking. I think he's a little too good looking Watching Bad Boys. Who's in Bad Boys? I don't know, jonathan Bailey.

Speaker 1:

So this guy again. Oh, the Riz Ahmed guy. He's a pretty good actor. He was in that movie where he loses his hearing as a drummer, which I actually liked a lot, and he was the pilot in the Rogue One. He's in other stuff too, maybe.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't think I've seen him in some kind of action-y kind of whatever, but looks-wise I think I could see him possibly, and he's British, right, pretty sure. Richard Madden, game of Thrones, yeah, he could pull it off. Is he British? I think they have to be British. That's just Joseph Quinn, no, will Walter the Maze Runner and Black Mirror, I don't know. Oh, he was in that comedy where they're trying to bring drugs over the border. And then, yeah, he was in a Marvel. Yeah, maybe he could possibly do it. I don't know, is he British, though I think I'd be British. And then here's that Regé-Jean page. Again, I just think he looks a little too young. He needs to look a little more, you know, weathered a little.

Speaker 1:

And then the Aaron Taylor-Thomas guy, I think he could do it. And then, yeah, henry Cavill, I mean Henry Cavill, but God, he's just in everything. Well, he was the Witcher, I don't know, he's just a little too much stuff. So, out of all of those, I'm thinking just by looks-wise and the fact that I think they're British. So, the Aaron Taylor Thomas guy, I think he could possibly do it. The Will Poulter, yeah, maybe. Oh, this guy, the Richard Maddenden, I think he's got the look. Riz ahmed yeah, maybe, he's, maybe a lower. None of that guys. No, not some stupid bitch. The damson interest no, the henry golden asian guy. I, I could, I could see him doing it, but definitely not the Aaron Pierre guy. His eyes just fucking creep me out.

Speaker 1:

And then Idris Elba. I mean, if they I don't know Like it could be Idris Elba or I don't know how you say it, but he'd have to do just like two films or something, because he's I'm pretty sure he's in his 50s, because I'm getting there. So so what do you think? Who could be the next bond? Do you care? Um, the fact that amazon has it, I kind of don't care, because I know they're going to ruin it. They will. And if they don't and they make they get a good guy that's not a feminist douche. Who's James Bond? You know, he could be black, he could be a little Asian, that's fine. But you know, then I'll be like, oh wow, cool, all right, then maybe I'll get excited again, but chances are they're going to fuck it up. They're going to make it a woman, or it's going to be some feminist douchebag that basically lets a woman, you know, many money, penny or whatever is going to actually be an agent and it's going to be like Mr, mrs Smith or some shit. I don't know. They're going to actually be an agent, and it's going to be like Mr and Mrs Smith or some shit, I don't know. They're going to fuck it up somehow. They will.

Speaker 1:

Nobody today knows how to write anything. They all suck. That's why Hollywood's crumbling man Nobody cares. There's a lot of people like me who do care. We're done caring. You know what I mean. I said it before.

Speaker 1:

I used to be a huge movie buff. I would watch almost anything that came out. Part of the problem is there's so much crap. Now, though, too, like I have, there's shows out there. I've never even heard of um, but yeah, most of it. I'll try watching a show and then you get so many minutes into it. It's like they're making law enforcement stupid, or all the males are dumb, or it's like it's just so much gayness and feminism thrown in there. It's just like I turn it off. I don't know how many times that's happened to me.

Speaker 1:

Start watching something like this is stupid, it's annoying me, it's taking me. Oh well, you're racist, you're, you're misogynist, you're whatever. Well, maybe, but you know what? So is most of the country. So, anyway, thanks for listening. Thanks for hanging out again twice in one day. I think I've only done this like three times recording two podcasts in one day. But oh man, I'm not even 23 minutes yet. But yeah, so, bond, you like bond? Did you like bond? Do you love bond? Did you watch the last one? Was it any good? Should I watch it? What do you think about amazon? They're gonna rings of power, it. And star wars, it. They're gonna. They're gonna fuck it up. I know know they will. I hope not. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not. Anyway, again, thanks for hanging out, appreciate you, god bless and I will see you guys next time. All right, bye.

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