Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
DAUGHTERS AND DOUCHEBAGS: Men, Misogyny, and Modern Dilemmas
The discussion navigates the complexities of modern fatherhood, especially regarding the fears of raising daughters in today’s world. The host reflects on personal feelings and societal observations that prompt deeper contemplation on masculinity and respect.
• The emotional burdens of parenting daughters in a male-dominated culture
• Reflections on a shocking article about a woman's desperate plea for her life
• The notion of men as problematic and the acknowledgment of feminist perspectives
• Personal experiences in social settings and the fears of overprotectiveness
• Discussion on societal norms regarding dating and relationships
• Insights into personal growth and the journey toward becoming a better father and partner
Hey, what's up guys? This is the Objective Jerk and I'm said jerk I just recorded a podcast, but as I was waiting for the video to process, I was just kind of going over some I don't know if I was on Twitter or something, or X and I came across an article and I started reading it. And then I got to a point where I was like, oh my goodness, I don't know. So I felt like talking about it and you know, I only got two more days before my time is up. So finish up my allotted time for my podcast, and then it's going to. You know, beginning of the month it's going to shift. I'm going to have six hours or whatever it is, so got to use it up Right, um, real quick though I was. So I was reading, I found the article on my phone, or it was like I think it was on X, and then I clicked on a link and whatever. So then I got on the computer to find the article on the New York post, um, and as I was looking I came across an article. I just read the headline and whatever.
Speaker 1:But it just makes me feel grateful that I do not have a daughter. I mean, that sounds bad, but I don't think I could deal with having a daughter in, I don't know, in a world full of pig men, you know, and I'm one of them. To be honest with you, you know I, I mean, I don't I've been pretty, I, you know I've always been respectful towards women and everything like that. But you know I'm I'm not a misogynist, but I'm not a feminist by any means. And you know I appreciate an attractive woman and I've been in one night stands, you know, growing up, and looked at women as sex objects. Or you know I wasn't. I didn't care about trying to have a relationship, I just wanted to go to bed with them. So you know I am guilty of that. So most men are dogs, you know, we just are. But you know that doesn't make it right or normal. Just because it's maybe natural for men to just hump everything, spread their seed. You know it's that's one of the I don't know how to say it right. But you know, god, that's the thing about being. You know, marriage is a institution that was created by God and it's meant, as you know, because men are by nature horny, dirty dogs. But you get married and you, you know, respect your wife, you don't cheat on her, and that's the only person that you, even though you may have urges and whatever this, and that you know, trying to maintain that that, uh, I can't think of the right word. But you know, sink, no, what is it? I don't know, but it's, you know, long story short dogs. Men are dogs, right.
Speaker 1:So I was scrolling through oh man, what is this? I was scrolling through the New York Post looking for this article and then it went over. I don't have the thing I went over, but it showed a picture of Charlie Sheen's daughter that he had with that one actress, the one who was miscast in that James Bond movie. And the last thing I remember, obviously it was a while ago, but you know, as you get older, time flies. Um, you know, they had their, their daughters were in strollers, you know. So now I see this article and it shows an attractive woman in like a bathing suit and she says that she's made all this kind of money off of one picture on OnlyFans or something like that, you know, and I'm just like what the hell? I thought they were like kids, but I mean, I didn't think they were still in strollers, but I't, you know, realize they were that old I mean, she could be just 18, who knows but it just made me realize that I am very grateful that I don't have a daughter.
Speaker 1:I don't think, I don't think I could handle it very well. You know what I mean. I would be one of those overprotective fathers, for sure. I just, I don't know. I felt I don't know. Obviously, if I had a daughter it would be awesome. I'm sure I'd love it, me and my wife talk about adopting a girl all the time. But man, I don't know, I'm very.
Speaker 1:You know, I not too long ago went to a club here in the Philippines and I just I wasn't the oldest person, but I was, you know, I was up there where I wasn't the only older person, right, and it just that was the last time I went, it was like two years ago or something like that, and it just I don't care for it. I never really cared for it because of my introvertness, but I don't know, it's just so. I sat there and then there was like this group of young college kids kind of hanging out by our group and we started kind of talking with them and there was one of them was this girl who just and Filipinos look younger than they are, you know. But this girl just looked so young and I I remember just sitting there and I was just kind of the whole time I just kind of stood there, I was like drinking a beer or something like that, but I was just watching like guys just kind of come up and this, and that she was getting too drunk, and I was just like, oh gosh, I almost was wanting to take her phone, call her parents. You know what I mean. I was trying to tell her friends, hey, watch out, she's pretty drunk. I was concerned for her.
Speaker 1:But then I don't know it just, I just don't think I could. I don't know, I couldn't imagine having a daughter going to a club. I would, I would, okay, have a good time, and then I would go to the club and I'd be sitting there in the parking lot with binos Making sure nothing, nobody was slipping her drinks or whatever. This and that Anyway. Yeah, so I'm, I would love having a daughter, but I'm grateful that I don't, anyway.
Speaker 1:So you know, men can be douchebags, right. Women can be C-words cunts, right. I don't know if that's equivalent. I think C-word's a little worse than douchebag.
Speaker 1:But there's this article that I was reading and it just kind of made me think that you know, I'm not, I don't know, I try not to pick on the LGB alphabet, I really try not to, but it's. You know, you won't hear or see nothing like this. You know the you know that side of the aisle, you know, just proclaims how much better they are because they love everybody and they're nicer. They don't. You know, women with women because they don't want to deal with a man, and you know men can be aggressive, whatever this and that, and so like that kind of. I guess I kind of get I whatever. But I just read this and I thought this was kind of crazy. So, um, and I didn't even realize it was a lesbian married couple, I thought it was just a dude and his wife. But then as I read it, I was like, oh crap, okay, anyway. So this is the title Slain, california fire captain pleaded for her life in chilling ring video as cops hunt alleged killer wife.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to play the video, so there's a picture here of them and and yeah, when you look at, like when you first glimpse at the picture, it just looks like a dude and a woman. But then when you kind of look closer, like, okay, yeah, she's just, you know, very butch woman and she's the one that was the fire. Uh, captain, right, anyway, california fire captain who was stabbed to death inside her san diego country home, pleaded with her wife. Quote, quote. I don't want to die. Before the fatal attack.
Speaker 1:According to chilling ring camera footage, rebecca Marotti, 49, can be heard begging for her life. In the video from February 17th, so like 10 days ago, that was provided to the San Diego County Sheriff's office by the victim's mother. Man, that's gotta be rough, though. Can you imagine watching the video of your any loved one, but specifically a man, a child, and you just, you just want to reach through the video and that's's got to be rough. Anyway, victim's mother, according to an arrest warrant reviewed by Eyewitness News. So there's a picture of her. She's very, you know, butch. You know she could almost pass as a man, but you can, yeah, if you look close, you can. Okay, she's a woman.
Speaker 1:Anyway, in the footage, suspect Yolanda Olinin I can't pronounce it 53 appears to be chasing her wife on the patio, when a female voice, believed to be rebecca, is heard yelling out. Quote yolanda please, I don't want to die. End quote. The warrant from the san diego county sheriff's office reportedly states maradi quote appear reappears in the patio angle with what appears to be blood on her neck end quote, according to the report, her wife then replied quote. You should have thought about that before. End quote. The arrest warrant states olian I can't pronounce her last name. The, with apparent blood on her arms, was seen at one point standing in front of rebecca with what appeared to be a knife in her right hand. Some 10 minutes later, the woman's whose last name I can't pronounce is seen gathering pets, random items and some luggage and loading it into the silver Chevy Equinox SUV. She later sent a text to a friend about Rebecca that read we had a big fight and I hurt her. I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:The video was provided by Maradi's mother to the San Diego County Sheriff's Office, who sent deputies to the couple's home on the evening of February 17 to investigate the reports of an assault with a deadly weapon. Maradi was found with multiple stab wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene. The slain fire captain had told Yolanda that she wanted to get a divorce after two years of marriage a week before she was killed according to the arrest warrant. So this is where it kind of gets like, what the crap? Like, how do you anyway, I don't know. I mean, I guess people make mistakes, you know, forgive people, whatever. I mean I guess people make mistakes, you know, forgive people, whatever. But this seems a little crazy to me. The sheriff's office announced last Thursday that the woman's name, who I can't pronounce, is one that connects with her wife's murder.
Speaker 1:Maradi, known as Becky by her friends, was months away from retirement after serving with the California Fire for more than three years. Oh, that man, that sucks. I mean, you know, dying suck, but it's just the whole thing kind of sucks. I do. I do feel bad for, you know I'm not, oh, she's lesbian, I don't care, I'm not that kind of person. You know I don't agree necessarily with the lifestyle and but you know I'm not bashing. I don't like it when they try and just really all the crazy forcing, you know, into schools and all that kind of. I don't like that kind of crap.
Speaker 1:License plate 8 Bravo Quebec, juliet 420 was spotted crossing the border by Homeland Security. Well, yeah, that's a pretty good assessment there. I guess she is believed to be traveling with a small white dog. Well, I guess that you know. Anyway, here we go. So this is. I was a little little, I jumped ahead of myself there, but when I read this I was like, what, like why would you? Okay, all, olin jazarako.
Speaker 1:I can't say her name, I don't know, it's not, it's not hispanic or anything, I think it's like um, sounds like it's you know, russian or Ukrainian or something. Anyway, she previously served time in prison after fatally stabbing her previous partner more than two decades ago in San Bernardino County. So this woman stabbed and killed her lover before in this fire kept I don't know. So she was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 2003 for killing of James Soza guy, her husband at the time, but was released in 2013, according to a spokesperson from the blah blah blah. So it's like I don't know. So I don't know. It just seems like, okay, she had to have known right, the fire, the fire captain, you know God, rest her soul. I feel bad for her and but, like you know her history and maybe, even though she's like, oh my gosh, he was abusive and this and that I was protecting myself, she's still capable of it. You know it. Just I don't know.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's easy to sit here behind a computer and and you know, oh, I would do this, I would do that. It just seems a little crazy to me, like I was very like, I felt bad, and I still do, and I was just like, oh, it's messed up, you know. But then when I read that I'm like like what the crap, dude? Why, why did you marry like that? I don't know. I mean, people change, people make mistakes. You know there's thousands and thousands of people that you know technically manslaughter killed somebody, but they never did it again. It was an accident or it was a one-time thing. You know, it doesn't mean that they're gonna just kill everyone, but still it's like it's gotta be. It just seems kind of crazy to me. I don't know, what do you think? Like that's insane.
Speaker 1:I'm only at 15 minutes and I read it already. I feel bad for her, though man, that's always kind of I don't know, that's like execution and stuff like that when they're pleading, is always kind of like a little heart wrenching. I guess you could say I got a pretty good stomach and I can tolerate always kind of like a little heart wrenching. I guess you could say you know like I'm, I got a pretty good stomach and I can tolerate a lot of things, more than some people. I guess I've seen some stuff, um, but when you see, like when somebody is like tied up and can't fight back and they're getting executed, that always kind of I don't know Like that kind of bugs me for some reason. Let's see. Well, so got a few minutes so I guess I will see what else is on the New York Post while I'm here. Just read some headlines, I guess US News Maybe, I don't know. Should we do politics? No, I don't want to do politics.
Speaker 1:Fiery rampage Preppy Princeton murder suspect set cat on fire after killing brother with knife in golf club. What Set the cat on fire? I mean, cats can be frustrating and annoying, but geez, all right, I'm going to read this real quick, sorry. So I read the headline already. Let's see the prep theppy princeton, new jersey man who allegedly killed his younger brother in the family's upscale apartment also set the family cat on fire during the attack. A law enforcement source told the post. Well, I wonder if the attack or if the cat was close with his brother and was kind of trying to defend him and it was like jumping on him and calling him and he was like you know, know, it was gruesome, it was very, it was way overboard. He even killed the cat, setting him on fire. So the cops are sort of the scene and they got a picture of him with a cat toy. Okay, wait, was that his brother? I don't know.
Speaker 1:Police entered the Michelle Mews apartment complex where units fetched upward of $2 million oh, they cost about $2 million. Okay, after Matthew Hetergen called 911. Why can't people have, like normal, last names Called 911 to report a fire and a dead body inside the family residence. Once inside they found Joseph's bloody corpse along with the dead cat and quickly arrested Matthew. A former Westland soccer player, charged him with murder.
Speaker 1:The brutality of the homicide, and in an Ivy League town, shocked most detectives. I guess Is that a high, high rank in new jersey police source? Joseph, 26, was a superstar soccer player game, garnering numerous accolades, beginning at toms river north high school and continuing university michigan, where he was a three-time academic. All big tim, whatever. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So are these three brothers a picture? I know the brothers came from a wealthy family who moved from a 1.1 million home to tom rivers ritzy prison. It's incredibly tragic. Matthew, hurt again, came from what appeared to be a perfect all-american family, no one could have predicted that something like this would happen. To have it in such violence is shocking, and the loss of his brother, joseph, is devastating. Another high-ranking police officer said well, it's always devastating.
Speaker 1:I'm curious to find out why or what was going on with them. What was the trigger? You know? Authorities have charged matthew with first degree murder, weapons offenses and animal cruelty. If convicted, he faces 30 years in prison. Prosecutor's official cause of death will be determined.
Speaker 1:Matthew posted a bizarre facebook photo of himself with a 799 cat toy just one day before the rampage. I don't know if that's connected. I'm pretty sure burning the cat wasn't planned. That was probably just he was still angry, killed his brother the cat was. Maybe he didn't like it, it was his brother's cat or, like I said, the cat was clawing on him or something. Anyway, kind of curious what happened.
Speaker 1:It is so sad that animals are so defenseless. Animals aren't defenseless, they're just they trust people too much. I guess you either have animals that overly trust humans or don't trust us at all. Yeah, definitely lead off your sadness with the death of a cat. I could pick you out of a lineup People in the comments. I mean it's you know the cat probably trusted him and maybe you know the cat was sitting there rubbing up on his leg and he just picked it up and doused it with something and started on fire. It's messed up.
Speaker 1:Oh wait, where am I at? Let's see how much time 21. Dang, okay, I could probably read one more article, I guess. What do you guys think? Is this something I should do? I mean, I do this sometimes, but not really Usually. I just pick an article, not like hang out with my microphone in the New York Post, 113 years old. Okay, I kind of don't want to talk about politics. Let's see. Just read that. I'm probably sure Antidepressants have ruined their sex lives. Okay, yeah, this is for real. So Gen Zers say antidepressants have ruined their sex lives? Yeah, I can. Antidepressants have ruined their sex lives. Yeah, I can.
Speaker 1:Nick Alves was 19 when a psychiatrist offered him the antidepressant I don't know what the hell To treat his moderate anxiety and depression after just a few short visits. You know, I had pretty bad anxiety when I was a kid and I think most people kind of do. I would think Maybe Not everybody, but I remember I couldn't sleep because I'd be thinking about the next day and stuff I got to do or whatever. I didn't finish this or I have I don't know something. I'm going to be in a class with this person, I don't know. My brain just could not shut off sometimes. So I had kind of high anxiety too. But I'm glad I was never prescribed medication at a young age, going on a popular selective blah blah class of drug. Yeah, so it takes. So he's taken.
Speaker 1:Over the course of a couple weeks he almost entirely lost feeling in the area what of his dick? And it never returned. Nor did the high sex drive he once had. Huh, I, I don't know I'm, I have a pretty good sex drive but yeah, taking the antidepressants did affect that big time and even, um, so like the antidepressants, kind of it really lowered my sex drive.
Speaker 1:And then I take gabapentin, which really kind of affects like it's kind of hard to explain but like I will be, like I, I imagine like porn stars take gabapentin because it does make me I'm getting personal and a little dirty here so I apologize, but it does make me like last longer, like, and sometimes I can't even um what's a nice word of saying I can't climax right and which can be frustrating when it doesn't happen after a while. You know what I mean. It's like we'll sit, you know, and and and. So I was kind of having like I didn't have a sex drive and then I couldn't ever really climax. And it's like there were times where it's like, you know, after having sexual relations with my wife and I couldn't climax, you know she would go to bed. She was like I can't do anymore, I have to go like in the shower and spend like an hour trying to get myself the climax. It was just ridiculous. And so, man, this is pretty personal, but anyway.
Speaker 1:So I got off the SSRIs, I got off everything completely. But the gabapentin does help me for like the PTSD that I have, especially going into like when I'm at home, I'm OK. But if I go and I have to go do some stuff, it does really help me from being irritable and everything, and that's kind of what I got it right here Irritability and anxiety and pain, so and it's like I'm prescribed kind of a lot, but I don't take all of it. I try, you know, because if I take what I'm prescribed then it's like, yeah, it ruins my, my sex life a little bit, or doesn't it ruin it? It affects it my sex life a little bit, or doesn't it ruin it? Affects it, um. And then, yeah, so with the antidepressants it was, yeah, I can attest to what this person's saying, but I, you know, I I weaned myself and I quit taking it and I think everything's okay.
Speaker 1:So I guess everybody's a little different. That's the thing about medications and all this crap that we take that people take, man it's. It really can affect and ruin your biology and your, you know, and everybody's a little different. You know, it's just it's kind of scary and they're just they're so quick to prescribe and throw that stuff out there. Man, if, if you are thinking about it, just just be really mindful and, you know, take it slow.
Speaker 1:I don don't know, but that's about it, a little personal, little r-rated, I guess maybe I don't know, I have to put explicit on this one. I don't think so I didn't say anything right. I think I kept it g, right or pg, um, anyway. So that's that. Let me know what you think. Was this interesting? Is this something you want me to do or is it? I don't know, I kind of do it anyway. I don't get a whole lot of feedback of like oh yeah, I like this one. Nah, this one wasn't very good. It's just either you know, somebody makes a little comment, or hey, this is whatever, but, or it's a troll. Americans are stupid, whatever, but anyway. So let me know, comment like it. Email the objective jerk at Gmail dot com and thanks for hanging out. I'll see you guys next time. God bless and God bless.