Objective Jerk
Army Veteran Asshole that is learning to love Jesus. I use my MIC / Platform as a form of "Therapy", no schedule, no script, just whatever is floating my boat at the moment.
Objective Jerk
CELEBRITY DEATH AND MEDIA HYPOCRISY: Strange death of Gene Hackman and More!
Discover the multifaceted layers of relationships, personal growth, and the quirky adventures of everyday life in this captivating episode. We explore the feelings of loneliness and the value of having conversations, whether with friends or a microphone. Through personal anecdotes, we humorously reflect on the complexities of friendships, particularly when varying opinions on politics come into play.
Get ready to dive into lively stories about a DIY biking project, filled with challenges and triumphs that every novice handyman will relate to. Explore the dilemmatic relationship between a lazy cat and an adventurous mouse, showcasing the trials and tribulations of pest control—adding an entertaining sprinkle to the serious issues facing many households today.
The discussion shifts towards poignancy as we reflect on recent celebrity deaths, contemplating the impact of these losses and how they resonate with our lives. Finally, witness a candid exploration of political discourse and the significance of maintaining open minds during conversations that could easily lead to division.
Join us for this rollercoaster ride of emotions and insights, where laughter and reflection come together to inspire connection and understanding. Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review!
What's up? It's the Objective, jerk, and I'm said jerk, how's everybody doing? Everybody's doing a good job. Everybody's doing a good job, hope everybody's doing well, yeah, yeah, just want to let everybody know I appreciate the comments, good and bad. I just want to let everybody know I appreciate the comments, good and bad, but what's up? So I just got a couple things that I felt like talking about Again. Some of these things, like you know, my wife doesn't it's not her thing and my kids and stuff. So it's like that's. That's why I do this, because you know I live.
Speaker 1:Most of the people that I call friends are either no longer friends because I support Trump, or you know they're they're asleep right now, or they're doing something. It Trump, or you know they're asleep right now, or they're doing something. It's just. You know it makes it kind of difficult to just talk with people on a regular basis. You know I had my father, but sadly he passed away some years ago. So this kind of microphone fills that void, I guess. As sad as that sounds.
Speaker 1:But let's see, yesterday I ordered my parts for my bike, the drivetrain, which I'm excited about, ordered it from a seller on Facebook, which is like you know, because there's no, there's bike shops here, but they don't. You know, they're kind of limited with what they have, I mean maybe in the log and stuff. But, um, my one of my writing buddies was like, dude, go to this, go to this page, you know. So follow this page and like they're always selling stuff and this and that, and it's actually, you know, that's what people kind of do. So found the guy I talked about it already, everything seems good. So I messaged him and I'm like, hey, I'm ready. So then he FaceTimed me and he's like, showing me you know all the stuff and then he's gonna send.
Speaker 1:So you know, I mean anywhere people try and scam you, but it is kind of a little more prevalent here, you know. So cash on delivery is a big payment option or it's pretty popular, right, because you want to, you don't want to pay for it until you get it, but you can't open, like you know, if it comes in. I mean, obviously, if you order something that's like a certain size and you get this tiny box and you're like what the hell is this? You know then something's not right, but you can't open stuff. That's kind of a, you know, a policy which I understand, but I think some people might take advantage of that, which I understand, but I think some people might take advantage of that.
Speaker 1:So when the guy goes to ship it out, which is probably going to be pretty soon, he's going to FaceTime me again. He's really thorough and I guess he's really trying to ensure he wants to have a good rating and everything. But he's going to put everything in the the box, show my name and address on it and then I want him to do like a little kind of like a seal, you know, like a little signature or some little marking on there. So it's like so I will know, so I can look at it and then so when it comes in, I'll immediately recognize it and hopefully nothing was tampered. And because I'll be a little low, I mean, it's not like I'm spending thousands of dollars, I'm spending like 150, something like that. But still, you know, if I'm spending 150, I want to get what I want, um, so I got that going. I was going to kind of I had something ordering that from him Anyway. And then you know I'm going to hopefully it comes in tomorrow, because he says it'll just take a day, um, and then get it installed on my bike and Bob's your uncle and Bob's your uncle Start riding on Sunday. Hopefully, I've never installed a crankshaft or, you know, a derailleur and all that kind of stuff, so this will be my first time, but I mean, I'm not worried about that. The thing I'm worried about is the initial setting up the derailleur, to get it to work and fine tune it and everything. I have a feeling that I'm going to be messing with that for a little bit, trying to get it down, but that's what YouTube's for right, so let's see. Got that going.
Speaker 1:I have a mouse problem which is annoying. The mouse is starting to get a little more adventurous and now it's starting to get and eat certain things, or there's little nibble holes on various food items and my cat sucks apparently. You know I don't feed her at night to keep her hungry, cause in the morning she's like she acts like she's starving. Um, but I don't know I had. So I had a cat a while ago now.
Speaker 1:It was a black cat. She had a funky tail and she was a really good hunter. Like she killed everything, which was awesome, but she did not get along with the dogs at all, even though the dogs weren't you know, she just didn't have the temperament to be around dogs and if she runs the dogs are going to chase her and then they might get. You know, they might. Oh, I don't know. You know what I mean. Like it's, I don't know. It's kind of a weird Trying to and I was trying to. I remember she had some kittens Because I didn't get her fixed in time and she ended up getting pregnant and she had some kittens and I was trying to introduce the kittens with the little puppies they're full grown now dogs, you know to kind of, so they get used to them and she just kept, like you know, freaking out and going after the puppies and stuff, and I was just like, oh, so I had to find her a new home.
Speaker 1:And then I was like, you know, I don't, I don't need another cat. I like cats but I don't like they're annoying but they're useful. I don't know, but I've told the story of the cat I have now she's on the side of the road. I felt bad. So now I have her, but I think she sucks at hunting though I don't know, like she did.
Speaker 1:She's just not very. I mean, she's still young, so I can't talk too much, I guess. But um, you know, and then, of course, so I. She did catch a mouse once, but all she did is play with it and ended up escaping Um, but I had to, like throw her in front of it to see it. You know, like there was a mouse running down the hallway and she's just laying there like the get the mouse and she's just like I don't want to um. So it's like she wants to sleep with you know, in my room or with the kids at night, or at least hang out. She doesn't do much sleeping but um, but I'm like no, she's got to be out in the living room, in the kitchen area, so she can hopefully see the mouse. You know, so far it's not working. So I got to go buy some. I got to go buy some mouse traps.
Speaker 1:We have a rat trap because there's rats here too. So it's like you got mice and you got big ass rats, um, but the rat trap is the mouse will fit right through this little cage I had. We had a rat problem or they're not a problem, but we did have a rat that was climbing. It was, it was around. So that's when I got the rat trap. But then the rat trap is like a funky, like it's a I don't know. So the door opens up. It's on the spring mechanism, so when they pull on whatever kind of treat you have in there, it slams the door. But it's got like a big, like rod, like a thing that hooks onto the hook. Like rod, like a thing that hooks onto the hook. So I had put it in a place and it ended up getting caught on like the wall, so it didn't close all the way, so the rat, um, didn't get caught. But then now there's an.
Speaker 1:I haven't, it hasn't been around, so I don't know what's going on, not to say I won't be back, but but yeah, you see, you see squished rats on the road all the time. I mean, we live out in the country, in the farm. You know it's kind of expected, I guess, farmland and everything. But I can't honestly say I can't remember if I ever saw a rat in the state. I mean, I know they're there, but I don't remember seeing mice, I don't know. But anyway, so there's that, what else, what else? I think that's it. So yeah, after as soon as I'm done recording this, I got to go get some mouse traps.
Speaker 1:I had a mouse problem in Iraq. I remember the first time we had, like we stayed in I probably told this story, but it's an episode that's so old and long ago, oh well, but we stayed in a mausoleum area in right in the middle of Baghdad which was next to the monument for the Iraq-Iran war, and the mausoleum was for a cousin of Saddam's that I guess he actually had killed or something, but he still had Anyway. So you know, the tomb was in the middle of this building and it was kind of like a pentagram, pentagram, octagon or pentagon type shape, or, like you know, octagon. And then we had each squad because it was just my platoon had like an area, and then inside those areas it was like we had our little sleeping arrangements, but it's basically like cubicles, so we just had boards, that kind of separated, and you could stand up and you could look out over and see, but you know you had your own little area or whatever.
Speaker 1:So so I had a cot, a little mattress, I had a fan, I remember I had a chair and that's where I kept my stuff, and then I had, like this metal man. I wonder if you guys can hear that drumming going on. Some sort of parade, some drumming going on, some sort of parade, but anyway. So I had like a little metal shelf like a uh I don't know container, like a steel lockable you know. Uh, I can't think of the word right now, but it's just, it was like a little bookcase, but it was metal. You could close it and you could lock if you want to. I didn't need to lock it, I don't think I did. It was my squad, uh, or my platoon, but you know, I had my stuff in there, personal stuff, and then I had some snacks or whatever, right, and I started having.
Speaker 1:So you know, you get care packages when you're overseas and whatnot, and I had, uh, kit Kats and I had a mouse that was chewing on my Kit Kats and I was just like, oh, I was getting so pissed because you know they're hard, I could only get them through the, through the. You know the care packages, I couldn't buy them there. Um, I want to say they had those green ones or something, but anyway. So you know, I was getting pissed and so I was able to get a rat trap, not a mouse trap but a rat trap, which is, you know, a mouse trap but bigger, and I did see the mouse Like there was one time I opened it and I was going in there to grab something.
Speaker 1:I just saw it jump straight for like the corner of the container and it just dropped down and took off Because there was, like you know, I had like a little shelf but it was all metal, so it was like the corners. There was like an opening for it to fit through. So that's kind of the way it was traveling right and I'd already um like put I think I put a piece of Kit Kat on there, but he was able to get it without setting it off because he's a mouse and it's a rat trap. So I was like I was getting kind of frustrated and pissed off. But so when I saw him do his his little jump to the corner, I was like, okay, so that's probably his little path, the route he takes Right. So what I did was I put the rat trap with nothing on it and I just stuck it right up into the corner there. So if he came down, you know, he would just hopefully maybe hit it.
Speaker 1:I did that and it was like within an hour or something, I remember I was just sitting in there and all of a sudden I heard, you know, I heard it go off and I was like, yes, and then so I go in there and I open it and I pull it out and I see it, it's all you know. And I'm like, haha, son of a bitch, because I was like getting pissed off, you know, and I'm like ha ha, son of a bitch, cause I was like getting pissed off, you know. But then it was like it was still alive and it was like it was still kind of moving a little bit, and then it was jacked up, like your bones were sticking out because that rat trap just didn't, more than you know, break its neck. It like, freaking, smashed it. And then I felt a little bad for a little bit, but anyway, so that's a mouse story there, um.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, what else is going on? So I got like a a little message from an aunt who's a liberal um, where she's definitely anti-trump, um, a little message from an aunt who's a liberal um, where she's definitely anti-Trump, um, and it was just a post from Facebook talking about basically talking crap about RFK and like there's going to, they're going to stop some of the vaccines and this and that. So there's not going to be a flu vaccine for flu season is what it's saying basically, even though flu season just ended. And you know it talks about how he's an anti-vaxxer and all this kind of stuff. And I'm just like, oh my gosh, so I just sent her back like he's not an anti-vaxxer, he's an anti.
Speaker 1:What did I say? I think I can you know, but it's like you know, he's not an anti-vaxxer, he's just against the amount of vaccines that are basically unneeded and the poisons and the food. You know, yeah, I was like, yeah, he was hired to do, yeah, what he was hired to do. He is not an anti-vaccine or vaccine. He is anti-unchecked and unnecessary poisons being given to children, whether food or vaccines, perpetuated by companies and pharmaceutical companies in efforts to make more money, which is true. It's like how much money did big pharma make during the COVID? You know what I mean. And then you have, I mean, I don't know, but I know the amount of vaccines from when I was a kid to now is like tripled or close to it. You know and like, and I, you know, and myself and and rfk, because I've listened to him talk and I hate listening to him talk because his voice drives me nuts. But you know there are vaccines that are needed, um, but not 70 something vaccines or whatever it is.
Speaker 1:Why are like babies given hepatitis B vaccines? As babies, you know, it's like when supposedly there was like a farm, I don't know some whatever. So basically they weren't, people weren't taking hepatitis B vaccines because they didn't need it, unless, you know, they had some sexual, unless they got, because you get that transmitted through, you know, sex and blood, sort of like AIDS in a way. You know Dirty needles, things like that. Or I mean a kid could get it if their mother has it. You know what I mean. But so now they're having all kids get it, even though they're most likely never going to ever get in a situation where they're going to contract it. You know, contract it, that's the wrong word, huh, but it's just stuff like that.
Speaker 1:It's just like why is there? It's just there's too much, there's too much and all that crap does it does mess with your you know the biological makeup of your body, you know, and it's like that needs to be looked at. And the other thing is all these. There was a law passed to where pharmaceutical companies could not be sued for any kind of you know vaccines or medicines that they make that end up, you know, not working and being bad, which is a lot of them. And as soon as they passed that, that's when all of a sudden vaccines went through the roof. And now, instead of 20, we're getting like 70 vaccines, you know, as children and stuff. So it's like they're not trying to get rid of vaccines, it's just they're trying to minimize companies getting rich off of unnecessary vaccines.
Speaker 1:Like why is that so bad? I don't know, I don't get it. I love my aunt and the thing is, too is my aunt. She's a nurse and you know she's a good person and I know she has good intentions and stuff and she works in a hospital and she cares. So I think she's a little biased to the fact that there are evil doctors out there. You know what I mean and I don't know, but you know.
Speaker 1:Plus, also, if you're just hearing those gaslighting, you know, oh my God, there's not going to be, and you just hear that one side of it, then yeah, you're going to kind of like, oh, this is horrible, this is horrible. But it's like, dude, you got to listen to both lies, because both sides tell lies right, or embellishments or whatever you got to get them both. To get the truth. I always say it either watch all the news or none of it. And then, speaking of, like the news, you got, uh, freaking. What's his name? Jack Jake, jake Tapper. Jack Tapper, this dude is a piece of shit. This is why nobody trusts the media, you know, because this guy, he is, or is about to, or just released a book to, or just released a book here. I'm going to read you. Well, actually, no, first.
Speaker 1:So there, you know, biden was on the right and people have been saying for years that Biden is not 100% there. The way he moves and talks and stutters and this and that on stage and does all the shit. He's not, he's declining his mental. You know, his age is catching up with them. Like it's obvious to everyone, even the left, but they just didn't want to admit it. And yes, I guess, I guess he had a stutter as a kid, but that's not what. There's a difference between a stutter and then, you know, making up words and mumbling and doing. You know what I mean. But yeah, they would just sit there like, oh my gosh, those are fake, those are this and that Dude the left-wing media was covering for Biden. It's all BS, it's all deep fakes, it's all this, it's all that, it's all that.
Speaker 1:And attacking people for bringing it up right, all of them for years. I mean, there's videos, segments of this, what's his name? Um, well, I guess if I pull it up I'll be able to read it Jake or Jack, is it Jake Tapper? I mean, there are segments of him attacking people and like, oh my God, trying to dismiss it. Right Now the dude comes out with a book called Original Sin.
Speaker 1:President Biden's decline, its cover-up and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again. Look at that. Which way is it? It's like, really, these people are just horrendous and they wonder why nobody watches mainstream media anymore. And I get, you know, I don't know. And then, but man, so this is kind of so OK for people who are like, oh, trump admin does something bad. So here's the thing the left, no matter what Biden did, good or wrong, biden was awesome. No matter what Trump does, good or bad, he's horrible, right. But on the right and it's probably not everybody, but generally, though, on the right when we see something that if Trump does that we don't agree with, we say it. You know, hey, that's no, that's stupid. Not everything he does is stupendous, right, and I mean he's not really, I say Trump, but it's more Trump administration.
Speaker 1:But so the Epstein files, right, what's her name? Bondi, pat Bondi, or something? The female who's in charge of, she's the secretary of something. Anyway, she, she says like, oh, the lists are coming out tomorrow, right, and it's like OK, is it? I don't know, hopefully, but you, you know, we've been told this before.
Speaker 1:And then they had like a little press or they, they gave copies to like people that are on youtube, that do like their own news. You know, like the, the, the, uh, what do you call it? What's the opposite of mainstream, whatever? And they basically didn't let the mainstream media and they just kind of turned it into a little bit of a FU to mainstream, which is fine, I guess, except for what's going on. But then nothing really was kind of nothing was really released and they just kind of did this showboating because they haven't gotten everything yet, and it just was like, dude, I, you know, I can get sticking it to mainstream media, but not right now, not with this. Let's just invite, you can invite those people and do whatever, but like, made it, I don't know. They just kind of. It was a little bit.
Speaker 1:It was kind like it reminded me when Rachel Maddow was like I got Trump's taxes right here, and then she starts to read it, I'm like, oh okay, yeah, he paid taxes anyway. So you know, that's what it kind of, that's what it reminded me of sort of but anyway, of sort of but anyway. So they don't. They're not perfect. You know, I hope that list comes out, man. I hope it does, hopefully. But anyway, I mean, you saw the binder and there's like so much redaction, but the redaction was like the address and personal information of people on the flight logs which they've already had, though right, like I don't know, that's like we want. We want real evidence. We want people to go to jail anyway, dude, and if Trump is on there on video and 4k having sex with minors, then he needs to go to jail too. I'm not going to be like, oh well, you know, but anyway, all right, um.
Speaker 1:So last thing is celebrity deaths. We got, well, they always say it comes in threes, right, so we had, uh, we had, um, what's her name? Um, trachtenberg, rachel Trachtenberg, or something who, like, I've known of her but can't say I remember anything recently? I know she was in a movie that I really like, that I own, actually Euro trip, which is pretty funny. Did I already talk about this? I think I did so, that you know she was. Yeah, did I already talk about this? I think I did so, that you know she was? Yeah, I did talk about her and you know it was kind of.
Speaker 1:You know, that is kind of sad, right, she's still pretty young, so that's kind of oh, it's sad. And now you have gene hackman, who died and it's a bummer, but at the same time it's like dude who's 95. It's not, it's not bummer, but at the same time it's like dude, it was 95. It's not. It's not as sad as the other individual, cause she was so young. You know he had a full life, you know everybody dies, so it's going to happen, right, but it's still kind of. I think it's more like oh man, that's just another sign of you getting older. You know what I mean. Like I, I've known, just like you know, trump and Clint Eastwood and stuff. You know Gene Hackman's always been there and known who he is and this and that, and then now he's old and now he's gone, so that's just a sign of of that. I'm getting older, right.
Speaker 1:But I remember the first few headlines were Gene Hackman. Well, the first few headlines were Gene Hackman. Well, the first thing I saw was like rest in peace, gene Hackman. I was like, oh okay, he's 95, I get it alright.
Speaker 1:And then I saw something else Gene Hackman and his wife found dead. And I was like what, his wife found dead too. What's that about? And then another one where it talks about him and his wife and his dog and it's like what is going on? I was like, did they, did they all decide to go out together or did they get? You know, did they get, uh, carbon monoxide poisoning or something like what happened? And when they, when they were first saying it, they were like, oh, there's no, no foul play whatever. And it's like, huh, so it must have been carbon monoxide or something right.
Speaker 1:And then now they're starting to say like there is some oddities. They've been dead for a while. The wife was found like in the bathroom laying on the ground and there's like pills all over the place, and then the one dog is dead. But then I think I read something like the other dogs are outside. So if it was carbon monoxide. That's why you know they're alive.
Speaker 1:But I kind of wonder, like I think if and they're saying something about mummified. But I think when people hear that they're thinking like a mummy is like wrapped up like people had to do something but mummified, just you know their body, just that mummified, look, you know they've been dead. So they've decomposed a lot. So they were, they had been dead for a while. Um, you know, and everybody's just going crazy with like ah, and you know I first heard about this was like it was yesterday, which meant it was nighttime for everybody in the state. So I mean, if I wanted to be like, oh, I'm going to, I'm going to make a video on it or I'm going to do a thing on it right away, you know I could have been, but it's like that's just not my thing. I'm not a breaking news kind of person. I mean I talk a lot about breaking or trending news, but that's not really my goal Anyway. So I don't know, it's kind of hard to say until we get more information Like what were the pills thrown about?
Speaker 1:What was? So I don't know if I don't think like they were like murdered or anything. I'm thinking, you know they went out together at first, but then then it was like, okay, they're in separate rooms and I was like, well, that's kind of strange. And then they're like, well, she's in the bathroom on the ground. I'm like, well, that's kind of. So, based off of everything I just said, which is, you know, it's still ongoing. We don't know everything yet. They're going to do autopsies and so on and so forth. They haven't said what the pills were. I'm kind of thinking it's still like a carbon monoxide, right, I think. I'm kind of thinking this dog was inside, the other dogs were outside. There's carbon monoxide poisoning.
Speaker 1:Gene Hackman is is older, a little easier to take down right, and then when you're sleeping you don't notice it, and that's what happens. A lot of people are asleep and then they suffocate. I'm kind of wondering if, like, maybe she woke up and could tell something was not right and felt, you know, and she went to the bathroom thinking, you know, she needed some Tylenol or something, and then she just kind of passed out and fell on the ground and died. That's what I'm kind of thinking. But again, it's still kind of early, because it is pretty strange the whole thing. But we'll see.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's kind of, you know, to be 95 and go out in some kind of crazy circumstance like that is just kind of. That's kind of sad, I guess you know, and it's not like in bed surrounded by his family and stuff like that. But it's life. You, we all got to go. Anyway, that's about it. I just kind of wanted to. I had to kill some time before I go, get mousetraps and just feel like talking about those things. So let me know what you think. Send me an email. Theobjectivejerk at gmailcom. Appreciate you hanging out and God bless and I'll see you guys next time. All right, bye.