Objective Jerk


Jerk Season 3 Episode 134

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This week, we dive into our relationship with social media platforms, focusing on Facebook as a central point of discussion. The episode explores the tension between connection and frustration and addresses the ongoing challenges users face in curating their feeds.

• Exploring the origins of social media and its impact on our lives 
• Discussing the shift in personal use of platforms like Facebook 
• Highlighting concerns over censorship and misinformation 
• Reflecting on how political discourse affects our online interactions 
• Sharing personal anecdotes about social media habits and experiences 
• Encouraging mindful engagement and stepping back from toxic content 

Speaker 1:

What's up everybody? This is the Objective Jerk, and I am said, jerk, how y'all doing? Hope everybody's doing well, it's been a little bit since I recorded Actually I forgot to look. I know it's been not quite a week, I guess, but just trying to stay busy. You know, same old crap, trying to keep my brain off of social media. That's one thing is. You know I watch my news things and whatever on YouTube. You know my channels that I watch for updates on stuff. But as far as you know Facebook and Twitter and all, I try to avoid it. I really do um, but man, I get sucked into Facebook so easy because, you'll see, um, I don't know, for me it's just kind of because Facebook. I don't know if it's because I'm older, but I didn't.

Speaker 1:

I didn't use Facebook until I moved here to the Philippines. I mean, I had a Facebook account but I didn't really do much with it. You know I would get on like I don't know, once a month or every couple months or something, and I would post something. I would spend, like you know, a little bit one day just catching up and liking some stuff and making some comments and then that's it. You know, people used to give me a hard time because I'm like, dude, you're never on, you're never off, but it just wasn't my thing thing and I kind of missed that. But so it wasn't until I moved here, where it's kind of like my only, it's like my only, not my only, but it's like a direct link, I guess, to you know, to the states, you know, and so, yes, I have Twitter and some other stuff, but I don't really like I, it's easy for me to turn off anything else. So, like I have x account, you know, I'll scroll through and it's like, if I don't see anything, I close it. Um same thing with all of them. I mean, I have an account.

Speaker 1:

Almost I never get on true social, I never get on threads, mainly because I think it's because it's connected to Facebook, I think I have it to where whatever I post on Facebook it'll go to threads or whatever. What's the other one? Instagram, I don't really. I mean I'll try, but I just I don't really, I don't know, but for some reason, facebook, though, like I'll, you know, I'll see an alert and I'll check, and it's like a friend liked this or posted this. Oh, okay, and, and I'll check, and it's like a friend liked this or posted this, oh okay. And then I just start scrolling and then I'm like oh man, come on. You know, it's like I just kind of it's easy for me to forget and kind of get into Facebook. I don't know what that is, I don't know if it's because I'm older or what.

Speaker 1:

One thing I noticed, though, is man, lately, all I'm doing is blocking or or or hiding pretty much everything on there. It just seems like everything is some stupid bullshit, um post that's trying to you know that trying to draw or divide people. You know, it's always the same kind of crap that trying to get people to comment or bitch or whatever. And it's not real people, it's just somebody that has an account that's trying to make money with views and all that kind of crap. You know what I mean. So it's like you know so many like fake karen movie or movies, um clips or whatever, like I'm at the point now where I don't even I, pretty much like you know people finding animals that they most likely put there oh, I found this animal and they took care of him Just all the bullshit that's on there.

Speaker 1:

I don't even I just if it's not really kind of like a news, like kind of update sort of thing or something. That's an actual friend. I just I've been like blocking and hiding, like that's all I do. Now it's like I'm just scrolling, oh, hide that block, that, hide that block. You know what I mean. Like that's just because I mean Facebook was like, remember back in the day it was like it was just your friends. The only thing you saw on your feed was your friends, your friends post. Now it's like it's all the bullshit, I guess because they're trying to.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what. It is Like what the Maybe, if they they don't want to do a pay plan, maybe they do. I don't know. Does Facebook have like a pay plan? Because, like Twitter does, or X or whatever you want to call it. And it's like man, I just I understand that you know you get a little bit wider reach and this and that, but it's like I just I understand that you know you get a little bit wider reach and this and that, but it's like I just I don't know I have a problem doing that, but I'm kind of thinking like I don't know, like I a friend of mine recently she posted um a thing just talking about, like basically just bitching about the stuff I was just saying, you know, and just tired of all that crap.

Speaker 1:

Let's go back to what Facebook was and what's something that you know trying to share thoughts and memories and stories and this and that between friends, right, and that's what it should be. Hopefully, maybe it'll go back to that and I guess, if, if you could, if you could pay like a monthly whatever, so it'd just be like your friends. I think people might do that. I mean, not a lot, but not a lot. I mean, as long as it, like the subscription, wasn't a lot, you know, but I don't know. Know, I mean, that's how it started for me.

Speaker 1:

I, you know, I got on there, I checked on some of my friends, we liked some stuff or commented this and that, but then, um, the 2020 election happened and immediately, like, at least half, more than half of the people I was friends with on Facebook was just gone, right, and and now it's like I was like you know and I'm like, well then, why? Why am I still on here, like keeping track, keeping track? If you guys don't care, if you guys are so petty that you don't want to follow me because I voted for Trump or I like Trump, then fuck you. You know then, why am I even on Facebook? So I did, I got rid of my Facebook and then, but then I started podcasting and I'm like crap, I need it again. And plus, here in the Philippines, Facebook is a lot more prevalent to everyday life here in the marketplace, and just you know, if you're trying to find a phone number or you're trying to find anything about anything around here, you got to go to Facebook. You have to.

Speaker 1:

So I started my Facebook and it was just straight up the objective, jerk. Um, you know I was noticing a lot of uh, censorship and bs. Um, oh, you know this is false information, kind of crap. You notice how that's not happening anymore. You notice that. But it's like every single thing you would post that was, you know um negative, like, if it, if it had negative towards, you know, biden or the democrats, if it had any ounce or any any way, they could construe it as like false information, even if it was like straight up truth. But they would just find something to say oh, it's false information. Because of this I think I've talked about before and it just got really and it pissed me off and I'm like you know what Fuck this.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I, between that and everybody getting mad about Trump, I was like, well then, why am I on Facebook? So I got rid of it. I didn't. I wasn't on for like two months or three months or something like that.

Speaker 1:

And then I started doing Facebook and I started seeing how, you know, like my wife like to get you know information and be like, hey, where's this or where, blah, blah, blah. And she'd be like, well, get on Facebook. You know, I'm like, well, I don't have Facebook anymore. So that's when I came to the realization that, okay, living here in the Philippines, I got to have Facebook, right, the podcast kind of helps a little. But I was like, I don't, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna do, I'm not gonna use Facebook for what it was originally intended, you know.

Speaker 1:

So my thing was I would just get on every day and I would find some anti-Biden and this was after Biden won, you know Well, sort of supposedly right but. And I would just anti-B Biden and all this kind of stuff, and I didn't care if it was false, fake, whatever. I just posted, just stuff, and that's it. I didn't, I didn't. Um, you know, I wasn't going to use Facebook for like, what. Like that was my form of uh, what do you call it Protest? I guess of a. What do you call it Protest? I guess it was like I'm just going to, you know, basically be a troll, I guess, in a sense, you know.

Speaker 1:

And then slowly but surely, like I'd have you know, I'd be in a good mood, and so then I started requesting some of my old friends and it was mainly just like my army buddies and stuff first, and here and there, and then eventually I got, I think, out of. I mean, I don't have like a lot of friends. Where's my phone? I don't remember how many I had when I canceled it. I mean, you know how many are actual friends and how many are just your friends on Facebook, right? But um, oh crap, how do I look up? I don't even know how to use. Okay, hold on. So following is different than friends. So you got following. I don't know, it's retarded, never mind If one friend of mine that I always talk about. And then, uh, my aunt, I think that's it, you know.

Speaker 1:

So they'll post some stuff here and there, but their posting of anti-Trump stuff has really slowed down because none of it really holds any water. You know it's getting to the point. You know the Democrats are losing so bad like it's. I remember thinking like, oh, dude, they're done, they're done. And that was you know a month ago or so, where I'm like they're gonna have to figure out, they're gonna have to rebrand themselves and they keep going. They're like the energizer bunny, but instead of the bunny they're just the energizer retard. I don't know like they just will not stop and I guess you got to give them credit for that. They're. They're gonna die on this hill or I'm thinking you know the people that are actually in charge or the people that are behind it, whatever you want. You know the deep state, whatever you want to call it. They're like we got to have some people go down, go down with the ship. We are going to rebrand and stuff, but we can't just take back all the stuff.

Speaker 1:

We said let them keep going with it, let them die out, and then we'll start start anew. You know what I mean? Because it's just, I got iced coffee, just. It's just, it's crazy. You know it's so bad now that I'm almost, almost feeling bad for them. You know it's like oh, my gosh, dude, how it's like it's. You know, when you were younger and you'd watch an embarrassing scene in a movie and you couldn't watch. You're like, oh my gosh, that's what. It's almost like man, it's crazy, but, um, but yeah, it's just.

Speaker 1:

You know, they keep like so you know trump's speech. Like everybody's. Just like what are you doing they? They look like complete fools and it just keeps getting worse and worse. Like they look like stupid idiots just throwing tantrums. They're, they really are mentally insane. Like what is it? Is it? Is it just? People are like you got to say this here's a bunch of money you're going to do this. It's either that or they're just insane. They're crazy, because I just don't get it. I don't know. Yeah, their little signs look like they're at an auction. It's kind of crazy. Um, but yeah, so I mean, you know.

Speaker 1:

And then, right now, what's funny, though, is like everybody's, nobody's really going after trump. Well, I mean, a little bit, there was that uh, uh, they're. Well, they're trying to be like oh, trump said he was going to do this at day one. Well, the economy still isn't good. It's like okay, so I don't know. Okay, if you guys saw this, so they did so it's, the Democrats are trying to get in with the younger crowd and TikTok or whatever. And you had Chuck Schumer who, oh my gosh, dude, I would pay money to punch him in the face. He just has that look. But they, you know him.

Speaker 1:

The Trump called Pocahontas, a couple, you know a bunch of them actually. They everybody made you know a video talking, you know just propaganda stuff into a little microphone for tiktok and they all had the exact same script and it's like they don't understand, like, just like how that you know that's, it's not, it's not genuine and that's what's hurting them is they're not genuine, like it's not. Trump is he says you know it's, he is who he is, there's no bullshit about it. But then it's like on on the Democrats, like it's all just so fake and disingenuous and people see it, you know, and it's like, and you know that, because people with the brain. So in this video they talked about you know, oh, trump, he said on, you know all the stuff he promised he's not coming through with. He said on day one he was going to do this and that and that, what's the economy or the price of eggs and all that stuff. And it's like, dude, he did do what he was going to do. He made the changes necessary on day one. It's not like turning on a light switch. It doesn't fix the problem right away. Democrats and Biden ruined everything so bad it's going to take a minute to get back on track. So it will happen. But then, two months in are we even two months now? When did it go in February? Yeah, it's not even two months, right, you know.

Speaker 1:

So them saying crap like that either is two things Either they're fucking stupid and they shouldn't be a politician because they don't understand how economics works, or they're being disingenuous and they're just trying to, you know, say stuff to get this, the retarded sheep family, sheep family, the retarded sheeps of america, to be like oh yeah, oh yeah. But you know what? The flock is shrinking, okay, the flock there's like, there's like two fields, right, I mean, people are always going to be sheep, right, I guess. But they're, they're leaving the democrat pasture and they're making their way over to the republican side, and a lot of them are doing it, you know, quietly, but they're doing it and it's just, it's just crazy. But I mean, I get you know.

Speaker 1:

So Doge, or or Musk, they're like oh, we found this, we got this going for this and and and this much money was being wasted. We saved, you know, this and this and this. So I mean, yeah, they can just say it, just like the democrats just say a lot of bullshit, but then okay, so where's the proof? So I mean, I think I mean I know they can't just be like here this is what we found, like they have. They have to. You know there's a process to it, and, but they do need to come with something. Doge needs to come. I mean, they have some numbers and this and that, but I mean, like I don't know, they got to have something a little more tangible, for, you know, and if they don't, then they're going to start losing people.

Speaker 1:

I think, like I kind of think they should just like how ICE is video recording. You know illegal aliens getting caught and deported. They need to follow Doge a little bit and some of the stuff they're finding. You know what I mean? Just to kind of shut up the leftists. But they wouldn't shut them up, they would just figure out something else. They'd find something else to go after. But that's the biggest threat to the Democratic Party, though, is Doge and canceling all this slush money and all this. You know that's why they're going so hard after Doge and Elon Musk, because it's messing with their livelihood. You know, that's like someone coming after my paycheck but theirs is slush funds and the illegal whatever and all this bullshit.

Speaker 1:

So, like case in point, they found what was the build, the non-profit organization. I didn't write down the dang thing. I think it was in texas, but it's a building, that's. It's a non-profit, which, right there is like bullshit. So it's like they were prepping for, um, migrants, some kind of like a building and it's like a non-profit to help migrants with something, this huge building, right, that the left or whoever want to say is like okay, well, we, you know it was prepped and ready for just in case, or for when something happens, or kind of whatever. But then it's been done. It's been prepped, but $18 million a month goes to the organization that runs this building and it's completely empty. Nobody's doing anything. It's completely empty for over a year. $18 million a month when do you think that money goes? You know it gets divvied out. It's all the people that made that happen.

Speaker 1:

The thing I'm finding out is you know, it's funny because over here in the Philippines there's little things of corruption everywhere, like, for example, my kids went to a tennis this was like man, almost two years ago now Like a tennis camp thing, right, and so they went to a different city, they stayed at another school and they got like a per diem from the school which was like so much money for them to, um, you know, have food and whatever while they're there, right, but what the tennis group or whatever did, the tennis club or the I don't know whatever they were they basically took, instead of giving the kids that money, they took the money like we will feed you, we'll use that money and then we'll, we'll provide food and all that kind of stuff, which is fine. But then when they get there and they're giving them like food that I feed my dogs, you know what I mean just like cold rice, little fit, like just like what. So all this money is to this. So you know that people are taking that money, they're buying this cheap-ass little bit of food and then they're pocketing the rest, and it happens all the time through all kinds of stuff. Like it's pretty, like everybody around here kind of does that they, you know, and it's kind of annoying, but it's like.

Speaker 1:

But when you look at America, american government, like they're doing the same thing, or they're like, look at here, we're going to do this, we're going to put all this money to help the kids, and you know, oh okay, they're helping the kids, okay, cool. And then they just everybody gets a little piece of the action. That's why they're all so rich. It's not just trading in stocks, it's all this slush funds and embezzlement and all this kind of crap. That's why they're rich. This is why they need to have term limits. They need to, they have to. And you know what, though? I think if they did do term limits for senators, no one would want to do it. Nobody would want to do it, because nobody gives a shit about their country, at least the people that want to do that, I mean, I'm sure there are some people. I guess, over time, they would weed them out.

Speaker 1:

But it's like the democrats do not care about america. They don't. They don't, without a doubt, 100. They do not care about america. They care about themselves and the money that they're getting through the taxpayer dollars. That's all they care about. You know, when you that they're getting through the taxpayer dollars. That's all they care about. You know, when you look at all the bullshit they do and the like, like Pelosi man, this is when. This is when I just was like I don't know, like I just lost it not lost it, but I just totally was disgusted. And it was by Pelosi, like I've always heard people talk about Pelosi, nasty Pelosi, and this, and that you know Back when I didn't really pay attention to politics, that much you know.

Speaker 1:

But you know, when I saw her at the very beginning of covid or right before you know, when trump was stopping flights from china, and then she goes to chinatown oh my gosh, he's so racist. I'm in chinatown, look at me, right. And then, and then they just started attacking him for not closing the country down sooner. And it's like, well, what? What did you just say last week? Hmm, and then the bitch you know goes. So everything closes down in her district, right, and nobody can go anywhere. But she can go get her hair done and she can go do all this kind of stuff. You got homeless all over the place. She takes all the tax money, does whatever she wants with it. Everybody's like hurting, struggling.

Speaker 1:

And then she's on the news showing like her lockdown at home and she's showing her fancy ice cream and her massive fridge and all this stuff and like, oh, look at me. And I'm like, wow, wow, how fucking clueless are you like you are so self-involved, narcissistic, evil person like she is straight up evil, like she is. It's not like trying to be hyperbole and funny oh, she's the devil she is. And she's not like trying to be hyperbole and funny oh, she's the devil she is. And she's not the only one. You know. Like she is just a horrible, horrible person and I don't wish bad things on anybody, but whatever bad things happen to her, she deserves it.

Speaker 1:

But it's individuals like that why they need term limits, man. And then you got you got so many of them. It's like you can go down the list, but it's just when that's. I was just like, wow, these people are just horrible. You know what I mean. And that's when I kind of started.

Speaker 1:

It was just like I started to distrust the government a little bit more and then now I'm at the point. You know, I used to always think why is it always like military, ex-military people are just so untrustworthy of the government? You know it's because we worked and lived and saw the retardness that the government can be. You know what I mean. It's like the spending I've seen, the most ridiculous spending in my life working for the federal government, and it's just like this makes no sense. So if it's happening at that low of a level because I'm a nobody, I didn't do anything. I worked for the government. But if I saw just how stupid and mismanaged and waste of money it was at that level, what the hell? What do you think it is at the top with all these retards? It's only going to get worse and it's just like well, I don't know. So then you know.

Speaker 1:

And then some people would be like like some people are still. Just, if you think the Democrats are like this good entity that wants to help, you are just completely idiotic and you're stupid and I don't feel sorry for you. But then some people are like OK, well, so then OK, if they're bad. So what is? What does that make the Republicans and Trump? And it's like, well, right now, it makes them the good guys right now. Does that make the Republicans and Trump? And it's like well, right now, it makes them the good guys right now. And the thing, man, I feel like I say this every episode. Let me know if I do, but the whole reason.

Speaker 1:

I voted for Trump? Because he wasn't a politician at the beginning. That's why I voted for him. Because he wasn't a politician At the beginning. That's why I voted for him. Because he wasn't a politician, you know he was already rich. He can't be bought. Money does not matter to him. What are you going to do? So it's not about money. If anything, it's about him going down in history. Because even just being president isn't anything. Because look at Biden, so what You've had some dumbass presidents. Because even just being president isn't anything. Because look at Biden, so what you've had some dumbass presidents.

Speaker 1:

Trump doesn't want to just be a president. He's not like. You know, hillary and all them want to be the first female president. I want to be the first female. So you know, being president is not good enough for Trump. He wants to go down with his face carved in the Mount Rushmore. That's what he wants.

Speaker 1:

Now, that may sound like narcissistic and whatever, and it probably is a little. Is it going to happen? No, they're not going to do that, but that's what he wants. But the thing is, he knows, in order to get that, he actually has to do something like good to make America great again, to actually do the right thing and get rid of the garbage that is the American government. That's the only way and that's what he's doing, because he wants to go down as the greatest president within the last 100 years, 50 years or whatever. You know what I mean. It would be If all this stuff that's going on, that they're claiming Doge and all this kind of stuff, if it's even like I don't know, half right, if half of it is legit and half of it isn't, just that alone makes him the greatest president, you know, forever.

Speaker 1:

Because, like I don't know, I don't know, I just I don't get. Obviously I think about this a lot because I seem to talk about it a lot. Like I just don't understand how people you know I get that you don't like Trump as a person, or like his face and his attitude and the way he says things. Like I get it. Like I, you know, like I don't like RFK's voice. I can't stand to listen to him. Talk, it drives me nuts. But he wants to fix the health problems in America and be like, look, trump is a douche. I don't like him, but he's doing the right thing, so I'm going to support him. I'm probably not going to vote for him next time, you know, whatever.

Speaker 1:

But it's like when they just keep voting in the same retarded people that just keep making the problem worse. It's never fixed. The Democrats never fix anything. They always say they're gonna, oh, we're doing this, they don't do anything. They don't, they don't do anything. They get nothing done. And I think they, when you look at that map of all the counties I'm not saying the states of all the counties that voted red or blue, and the whole country is red except for you know, I believe that most everybody does vote for Trump and Republican and the Democrats scheme their way into winning. I mean because, look, you have like Nancy Pelosi, she's been whatever in San Francisco for how long. And it's trash. Do you think people still I mean people can't be that retarded to keep voting for it. It's not working. So I retarded to keep voting for it. It's not working. So I think they're not voting for it. You know people are like, oh, they get what they vote for. I don't think that's who they're voting for. I think it's. They're scamming and staying to. You know what's the word Every time, right, every episode.

Speaker 1:

It's easier to make an election happen illegally. I can't think of the word right now. Man, what is it Like, dude? What it's easier to manipulate an election on the lower level than it is. You know, the presidential level. Although I believe they did it with Biden. Would you had like 20 million people that voted for Biden? And then here in 2024, it's like, where did those 20 million people go? They didn't want to vote. You know what I mean. Like, but anyway, so this stuff happens.

Speaker 1:

I think this is how Pelosi and all of them stay in power. They manipulate the system, they cheat and they continue to win because they know if they actually do it legitimately, they will lose, because people are going to be tired of it and they're going to want to give someone else a chance and they're going to see like, oh crap, they're actually getting stuff done. And then it's just, I think people are waking up to it, they're seeing just how corrupt Democrats are and I think I still think they're done, you know, but then there's always going to be some corruption. So it's going to make you wonder Again. I said it before 10, 15 years from now, it's going to be the Republicans and there's going to be like a new party. It's not going to be Democrats, they're going to be, I don't know, whatever stupid name they give themselves, and you know, then they're going to be in power for a while and I don't know. But hopefully this does change. People see the spending and the mismanagement of the government. I hope this, you know. I just hope it's not the vicious cycle that everything always is. I hope it, kind of, you know, gets better. Who knows, we'll see.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I have been talking for almost 40 minutes, all right. Well, that's about it, let me know. Send me an email, theobjectivejerk at gmailcom. Let me know what you think. I didn't really talk about anything. I had planned. I mean a little bit, but anyway, thanks for hanging out. Appreciate you. God bless, like I was going to talk about, I had my Ash Wednesday for the first time yesterday. I was going to talk about some stuff there and I completely. Anyway, happy Lent, it's 40 days. Right, I'm not going to talk. Okay, it's been 40 minutes. Maybe next podcast I'll talk about it. Anyway, god bless, take it easy. Thanks for hanging out. Love you guys, even the trolls, just not the libs. All right, bye.

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